View Full Version : Superstars Results - 1st August, 2013

08-02-2013, 01:08 AM
We are in Corpus Christi, Texas and your announcers are Tony ‘Smacking Down Superstars’ Dawson and Alex ‘Can I wrestle tonight’ Riley.
Match Number One: R Truth versus Drew McIntyre

Truth wants to know what’s up and they lock up. Truth with a clean break but Drew pushes him. They lock up again and Drew backs Truth into the corner and Drew misses a punch and Truth does not miss. Truth dances around in the ring and he wants to know what’s up. Drew with a kick and forearm followed by a head butt.

Drew with punches and a side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle. Truth misses an elbow and then Truth shimmies and he hits a hip toss. Truth does a split and then he dances around before hitting a leaping leg drop to the back of the neck and he gets a near fall. Truth with a front face lock but Drew with knees and he sends Truth the mat by the hair but Truth with an arm drag into an arm bar.

Drew with a slam but Truth holds on to the arm bar as he rolls through. We go to commercial.

We are back and Drew with an Irish whip but Drew is sent to the apron by Truth. Drew with a punch and Drew goes up top. Truth is able to press slam Drew and he connects with a punch. Drew with an Irish whip and Truth tries for a float over but Drew knew what was coming and he kicks Truth in the midsection and he gets a near fall.

Drew chokes Truth and he kicks him in the corner. Drew with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Truth goes into the ropes and Drew chokes him and then he goes to the floor and he punches Truth in the head. Truth with kicks and then he goes for a crucifix driver but Drew stays on his feet. Truth with a sunset flip for a near fall. Drew with a gutbuster from the shoulders and he gets a near fall.

Drew and Truth exchange punches. Truth with a kick but Drew with a flying Yakuza kick and he gets a near fall. Drew with a quarter nelson and chin lock and then he turns it into an arm bar. Drew with a forearm to the back of the head and then he connects with clotheslines in the corner.

Drew misses a short arm clothesline and Truth with a rollup for a near fall. Truth with a leg lariat and both men are down. Drew runs into a boot from Truth and he follows with two clotheslines. Truth with a head scissors and then he hits the sit out gourdbuster for a near fall.

Drew goes into the ropes and he uses that to get Truth to lose focus. Drew with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Drew shows some frustration and then he signals that it is over. Drew goes for the double underhook DDT but Truth counters with the Lie Detector for the three count.

Winner: R Truth

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what Daniel Bryan had to say to Vince McMahon.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Kane versus Daniel Bryan and The Wyatt Family’s return to television.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Sin Cara versus Curt Hawkins

The lights go down and they lock up. Hawkins works on the arm and he takes Cara to the mat. Hawkins with a wrist lock but Cara with a kick and arm drag to escape. Cara with kicks and chops. Hawkins with an Irish whip and Cara with a triple jump arm drag and Hawkins goes to the floor.

Cara teases a dive to the floor and Hawkins ducks. Cara with a pescado onto Hawkins and then he kicks Hawkins. Cara misses a round kick from the apron and Hawkins trips Cara and he falls onto the floor. Hawkins sends Cara back into the ring and he kicks Cara in the chest. Hawkins with a belly-to-back suplex followed by a kick to the back and he gets a near fall.

Hawkins with a knee to the back and then he applies a rear chin lock. Cara with punches but Hawkins with a back elbow and then he suplexes Cara and gets a near fall. Hawkins with another knee to the back and he returns to the rear chin lock. Hawkins with a knee to Cara and he tries for another belly-to-back suplex but Cara escapes and he connects with a super kick and a rana.

Cara with a handspring back elbow and then he charges into the corner but Hawkins sends him to the apron. Cara with an enzuigiri and then he hits a cross body for a near fall. Cara is caught by Hawkins on a cross body attempt and Hawkins with a slam for a near fall. Cara with an inside cradle for a near fall and then he hits a drop kick to the knees.

Cara with a head scissors driver for the three count.

Winner: Sin Cara

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Tables Match from Raw.

We go to credits.