View Full Version : Update on "Bad Street, USA" - WWE Lawsuit

08-06-2013, 07:54 PM
James D. Papa, the songwriter and musician who filed a lawsuit against WWE, Michael "Hayes" Seitz and others for allegedly using "Badstreet, USA" and other 1990s WCW Slamjam-era theme songs without permission or compensation as well as allegedly receiving royalties for the aforementioned songs, filed a motion on 7/31 to appeal decisions made against him in the lawsuit after having his current attorneys replaced.
In the motion, Papa claims that he had very little communication with his former attorneys, even when legal rulings were made against his case, receiving "little of substance" from them.

Papa noted that he was not informed that several of the defendants, including Seitz, had been dismissed from the lawsuit or that WWE has tried to get the case remanded from the State of Texas to another jurisdiction.

Papa reiterated his claims as to why the case should be heard in Texas - the songs were written and recorded in the State, WWE used the songs and the videogame that featured a song "derivative" of the initial "Badstreet U.S.A" single was sold in Texas.

Papa also claims that from December 2012 through July 2013, numerous phone calls he made to his attorneys went unanswered. He claimed that he learned his attorneys failed to file an amended pleading for the case in May, as he requested they do and began seeking out alternative legal representation.

Papa's new representation was officially added to the case on 7/29, leading to the new motion being filed. It has not yet been ruled upon.