View Full Version : ECW Results - 19th Sep 2006

09-21-2006, 01:21 PM

ECW Results - 19th Sep 2006
Taped From: New York City, NY (Madison Square Garden)
Commentators: Joey Styles & Tazz

The show opens with a limo arriving backstage. Paul Heyman and his security guards walk up. Heyman orders a red carpet to be rolled out. World Heavyweight Champion King Booker and Sharmell then come out of the limo. Heyman welcomed Booker to ECW.

The ECW opening airs. We then go to Worcester, MA where Sabu's music is playing to kick off the first match of the night.

The Sandman, Sabu & Tommy Dreamer defeated Test, Matt Striker & Mike Knox w/ Kelly Kelly via DQ.
Halfway through the match, Striker threw Sandman off the ring apron to the padded guard railing. The referee attended to Sandman and called for help as more ECW referees and staff came out to bring Sandman to the back. Striker smiled at what he did. The finish saw Sabu apply the Camel Clutch to Striker until Test hit the ring to take him out with a big clothesline. Sabu quickly jumped up to the top rope, but Test shoved the referee into the ropes and Sabu crotched himself on the top rope. The referee then called for the bell due to Test's actions. After the match, Test and Knox took out Sabu and Dreamer when Sandman returned to the ring. Sandman hit Test and Knox with cane shots. Sandman cornered Striker, but Knox distracted Sandman allowing Striker to bail out. Sandman checked on Sabu and Dreamer as Striker looked on smiling from the entrance area.

Paul Heyman was walking King Booker and Sharmell through the arena. Heyman introduced Christopher W. Anderson and Stevie Richards to Booker and Sharmell. They all shook hands. Booker then looked over and asked who that was. Paul Heyman said it was Balls Mahoney. Booker replied with, "Balls?" Mahoney stood up and confired his name saying he liked to go balls to the wall. Heyman, Booker and Sharmell then all walked off.

Kevin Thorn w/ Ariel defeated Balls Mahoney w/ Francine.
Before the match started, Ariel tried to go after Francine who was wearing quite the dress barely covering her breasts. Thorn went after Balls right away. Balls hit a great spot with his right hands, the big punch and then Thorn bounced off the ropes right into a big sitting spinebuster. The finish saw Francine go after Ariel on the outside after Ariel tripped up Balls. Styles let out his famous "CAT FIGHT!" line on the mic. In the ring, Thorn put Balls up on the top rope and hit a huge Modified Crucifix Powerbomb for the pinfall.

Paul Heyman introduced King Booker and Sharmell to The FBI. Trinity was with The FBI and she seemed excited to meet Booker when they moved on quickly. Heyman then introduced them to CM Punk. Booker added, "You're a punk?" He corrected Booker saying he was CM Punk and is straight edge. Punk then added that some day, he might be wrestling Booker for the World Title. Booker became mad at hearing this and Heyman quickly pushed them further backstage. Heyman yelled "thanks" to Punk as he walked off.

CM Punk defeated "The Reject" Shannon Moore.
Early on in the match, a shot was shown of Kelly Kelly watching from the entrance area cheering on Punk. Knox eventually came out and pulled her to the back. In the ring, Punk hit his series of slaps to the face followed by a big kick to the head. The finish saw Punk hit his modified Rock Bottom into an Anaconda Vice to get another submission victory over Moore.

Paul Heyman came upon another ECW star. King Booker stopped Heyman saying he know who he was. Rob Van Dam appeared and did the "ROB...VAN...DAM" deal with the fans chanting in the arena. RVD said "Hey there, Book" and he was quickly corrected with Booker adding, "It's King Booker." RVD asked Booker if he was looking for competition and asked if he was man enough to compete in an extreme environment like ECW. Sharmell said Booker was more of a man than RVD ever was. RVD challenged Booker to an Extreme Rules Match. Sharmell told Booker to take the match. RVD walked off and Booker stared at Heyman. Heyman said the stipulation would work to his advantage.

Rene Dupree was shown backstage bragging about his victory over Balls Mahoney last week. He added that he is out to prove he is the most extreme athlete in ECW.

Clips from "The Marine" with John Cena was shown. Joey Styles and Tazz put over the movie in what looked to be the most forced script reading I've ever seen the two do.

World Heavyweight Champion King Booker defeated Rob Van Dam in a Non-Title Extreme Rules Match.
Early on in the match, the action spilled to the outside with Booker throwing RVD head first off the announce table and then into the steel steps. They both got back in the ring with a steel chair involved. One spot saw Booker hit a Book End on RVD right on top of a steel chair. RVD then came back kicking the chair face first into Booker followed by hitting a Rolling Thunder on Booker with a chair on Booker's chest. The finish saw Booker miss a top rope flip leg drop which saw Rob Van Dam go up to the top and connect with a Five Star Frog Splash. Hardcore Holly then ran out and smacked a steel chair over the head of RVD. Holly then gave RVD an Alabama Slam and left. Booker then waited for RVD to get to his knees. When he did, Booker hit an Axe Kick on RVD right over the steel chair and then got the pinfall. After the match, Booker was shown holding the World Heavyweight Title in hand as Sharmell placed his crown on his head.