View Full Version : Main Event Results - 14th August, 2013

08-15-2013, 09:21 AM
We are in San Jose, California and your announcers are Josh ‘I know the way’ Mathews and Miz
Match Number One: Alberto Del Rio versus Cody Rhodes in a Non Title Match

They lock up momentarily. Del Rio with a waist lock and Rhodes with a leg sweep. Del Rio with kicks to Rhodes and then he tries for the float over but Rhodes is able to escape. Del Rio tries for a kick but Rhodes avoids it. Del Rio with forearms and a side head lock. Rhodes with forearms to the ribs but Del Rio holds on to the side head lock. Del Rio continues to hold on to the side head lock.

Rhodes with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets out of the hold and he follows with a drop kick and forearms. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Del Rio with a kick to the back and he chokes Rhodes in the ropes.

Del Rio with a belly-to-back set up into a uranage for a near fall and he goes to the reverse chin lock. Rhodes with punches but Del Rio sends Rhodes to the mat. Cody goes to the apron and Cody avoids Del Rio and Cody with a springboard drop kick.

Rhodes with punches to Del Rio and then he hits the drop down uppercut. Del Rio falls into the ropes and Rhodes with a kick to the abdomen. Rhodes with a snap mare. Rhodes lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex and Rhodes with Beautiful Disaster but Del Rio rolls to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio with punches. Rhodes with a kick but Del Rio sends Rhodes to the apron and Del Rio drops Rhodes on the top rope. Del Rio drops Rhodes’ arm on the top rope to get Rhodes ready for the cross arm breaker. Del Rio with a kick to the arm and then he sends Cody into the ringside barrier.

Del Rio sends Rhodes into the apron and ringside barrier again as he focuses on the left arm. Del Rio with a kick to the arm. Del Rio with a kick to the midsection. Rhodes with a kick and punch but Del Rio with shoulders in the corner. Del Rio puts Rhodes in the Tree of Woe and then he connects with a running kick to the injured arm.

Del Rio with forearms to the back and he sets for an inverted superplex but Rhodes with elbows and Del Rio goes to the mat. Rhodes with a moonsault and both men are down. Rhodes with elbows followed by a snap mare and running knee to the head and he gets a near fall. Del Rio sends Rhodes into the turnbuckles and Rhodes tries for Cross Rhodes but Del Rio sends Rhodes into the turnbuckles and he hits an enzuigiri and Del Rio gets a near fall.

Del Rio chokes Rhodes and then he kicks the injured arm Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles but Rhodes with forearms to stop Del Rio. Del Rio with a cross arm breaker in the ropes and he releases the hold before the referee gets to five.

Rhodes with Beautiful Disaster and he gets a near fall. Rhodes gets to his feet first and Del Rio with a single arm breaker and a super kick but it does not hit the target fully. Del Rio signals for the cross arm breaker but Rhodes avoids it. Del Rio with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Del Rio with kicks to Rhodes.

Del Rio pulls down the knee pad and the knee brace for a super kick but Del Rio misses. Rhodes with Cross Rhodes and both men are down and Rhodes cannot capitalize on the situation. Del Rio sends Rhodes into the turnbuckles and then Del Rio floats over into the cross arm breaker and Rhodes tries to keep Del Rio from locking it in. Del Rio is able to stop Rhodes’ attempts to block it and Del Rio forces Rhodes to tap out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the CM Punk versus Brock Lesnar match at SummerSlam.

Match Number Two: Jimmy and Jey Uso versus Drew McIntyre and Heath Slater (with Jinder Mahal)

Jimmy and Slater start things off and Slater avoids Jimmy. They lock up and Slater with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Slater blocks a hip toss but Jimmy blocks one as well and he hits a short arm clothesline and gets a near fall. Jey tags in and he connects with a double sledge from the turnbuckles.

Slater with a boot to Jey and he connects with forearms to the back and he tags in Drew. Drew with a kick and punch to Jey. Drew with a kick and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex and Jey lands on his feet and he tags in Jimmy. Jimmy with a sunset flip and he hits a clothesline and flying back elbow.

Jimmy with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Drew charges at Jimmy and Jimmy sends Drew onto Slater and Mahal. We go to commercial.

We are back and Slater kicks Jimmy and he plays some air guitar. Slater with a punch followed by a snap mare and knee to the back. Drew tags in and he kicks Jimmy and connects with a forearm to the back. Jimmy with a chop and he sends Drew into the turnbuckles. Jimmy with a punch and Jey with a back elbow and he gets a near fall after being tagged in.

Jey with an arm bar. Jimmy tags in and he punches Drew. Jimmy with a chop. Drew with an Irish whip but Jimmy goes to the apron and he takes care of Mahal and Slater, but Drew with a boot that knocks Jimmy to the floor. Drew runs Jimmy into the apron and then he tags in Slater.

Heath with a forearm to the back of the head and then he sends Jimmy into the ringside barrier. Slater rolls Jimmy back in and gets a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Jimmy with a jawbreaker but Slater with a side kick and he gets a near fall. Drew tags in and he kicks Jimmy in the midsection.

Drew sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles and he sends him across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle and he punches Jimmy. Mahal with a punch to Jimmy when the referee deals with Drew and Drew gets a near fall.

Slater tags in and he chops Jimmy. Jimmy fights back but Slater with a kick and he gets a near fall. Drew tags back in and they kick Jimmy to wear him down and he keeps Jimmy from getting close to his corner. Jimmy with a Samoan Drop and both men are down. Slater and Jey tag in and Jey with forearms and a kick followed by an uppercut. Jey with a flying forearm.

Jey with the running butt splash and he connects. Jey gets a near fall but Drew breaks up the cover. Jimmy sends Drew to the floor and then Jimmy tags in and Jey with a savate kick and Jimmy hits the Superfly splash while Jey hits a plancha onto Drew and Jinder. Jimmy gets the three count.

Winners: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

We go to commercial.

We are back with a reminder of the SummerSlam Kickoff Show featuring the United States Title Match between Dean Ambrose and Rob Van Dam.

We take a look back at John Cena and Daniel Bryan from Raw.

Match Number Three: Big E Langston (with AJ Lee) versus Justin Gabriel

They lock up and Langston with a forearm and then he backs Gabriel into the corner and he applies a front face lock and he takes Gabriel to the mat. Langston backs Gabriel into the corner and the referee pull Langston out of the corner. Gabriel with a chop and forearms but Langston pushes Gabriel away.

Gabriel with a drop kick but Langston with an uranage when Gabriel goes at him in the corner. Langston hits a running splash but gets a near fall. Langston with a punch to the midsection followed by an abdominal stretch. Langston with a stomach claw and forearms to the abdomen before releasing the hold.

Gabriel with punches to Langston but Langston blocks one kick but Gabriel with another kick that connects. Langston with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Langston with a rear chin lock with his knee in Gabriel’s back.

Langston hangs Gabriel over the apron and connects with a forearm. Langston with a punch to the midsection followed by a back breaker and he holds on to Gabriel for a second back breaker. Langston with a third back breaker and then he pulls Gabriel into the center of the ring. Langston goes for the splash again but Gabriel moves out of the way.

Gabriel avoids a charge into the corner and Gabriel with an enzugiri and rollup for a near fall. Gabriel with a series of kicks and a forearm and spinning back heel kick. Gabriel with a cross body into the corner and he goes to the apron for a springboard cross body. Langston catches Gabriel and tries for the Big Ending but Gabriel counters with an elbow drop and then he hits a quebrada for a near fall.

Gabriel with forearms and a front face lock but Langston pushes Gabriel to the mat and hits a body block. The straps are down and Langston gets Gabriel up for the Big Ending and he gets the three count.

Winner: Big E Langston

We go to credits.