View Full Version : WWE Facing Competition, WWE Creative Departure

09-12-2013, 04:39 PM
- WWE's October 18th show in Mexico City at the 21,000 seat Arena Ciudad goes head-to-head with the traditional weekly CMLL show at Arena Mexico and AAA's Heroes Immortales show just 45 minutes away. It will be WWE’s debut in Mexico City’s newest and most modern arena.

- Here are recent WWE attendance figures:

* September 6th in Montreal drew 6,000 fans for $300,000
* September 7th in East Rutherford, NJ drew 7,700 fans for $360,000
* September 7th in Windsor drew 3,300 fans for $130,000
* September 8th in Brooklyn drew 7,000 fans for $380,000
* September 8th in Hamilton drew 3,600 fans for $130,000

- Dave Kriezman, who had been head of WWE's writing team but quit in the summer only to be talked into staying until the end of summer to get through SummerSlam, is officially no longer with the company.
