View Full Version : WWE Reports Two Injuries at Tonight's Raw

09-24-2013, 05:31 AM
WWE has reported that both CM Punk and The Miz were injured at tonight's Raw event. Here is an excerpt from their article.

"Despite being injured before suffering the KO Punch that left him unconscious, it was surprisingly Miz who fared the better of the two wounded warriors, as WWE medical official Dr. Chris Amann basically gave The Awesome One what amounted to a clean bill of health.

“We did evaluate [Miz] in the training room and everything appeared to look OK,” said Amann. “He had some bruising around the jawbone; I expect him to be pretty sore, but it doesn’t appear as though there’s any major damage.”

As for Punk, however, Amann tells a much more uncertain tale.

"Punk, as you saw, went through a table and landed on the concrete. He suffered multiple bruises and scrapes on his back,” said Amann. “We advised him to get additional treatment, including some X-rays, but he refused, so we’re going to follow up with him tomorrow, see how he feels and re-evaluate him then.”

Whether the grisly trip through the table will lead to more tests for the former WWE Champion remains to be seen. “It’s certainly possible,” said Amann. “Based on how he’s feeling and what his symptoms are will determine whether we do any additional testing or not.”"