View Full Version : Dallas TX Results - 28th September, 2013

09-29-2013, 03:06 PM
Really well attended house show. 10,000 might be a tad high, but if I heard that was the attendance, I wouldn't be surprised one bit. Wyatts & Punk dominated the Merch stand & Daniel Bryan has an awesome new shirt with a cartoon goat & a beard.

Fandango vs Santino: Santino was unbelievably over for this match. His comedy really never gets old. Fun opener with the Cobra getting Santino the win.

Natalya vs Brie Bella: I was very proud of Dallas for voting a match instead of a dance contest. However Brie would have none of that & danced anyways. Natalya was attacked from behind when she tried to dance. Nothing special, Natalya wins with Sharpshooter

US Title Match- Zack Ryder vs Dean Ambrose: Outstanding match with a lot of false finishes. Would love to see a rivalry translated to tv. Ryder got in good offense, but was caught in a powerbomb when attempting the Rough Ryder & Ambrose hits his finisher for the win.

Big Show vs Antonio Cesaro: Even though Cesaro got some offense in, I still just can't help but feeling disappointed that he's folly for Show instead of something bigger. Show wins with a chokeslam. Brad Maddox comes out & says he's working double duty & now facing Jack Swagger. Swagger works the legs but ends up getting KO'ed. Show moved well, I'll give him that.

Tag Team Title Triple Threat Match- The Shield vs Kofi & Miz vs Tons of Funk. I was right by where Reigns & Rollins walked out & its awesome to be close to that entrance. This was possibly match of the night. Would LOVE to see it on TV even though Miz & Kofi aren't a true tag team. Rollins steals the victory after Miz had hit Tensai with Skull Crushing Finale. Awesome Match.

No DQ Handicap Match- CM Punk vs Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman: Far longer match than I expected with Punk hurt as he is. Chairs & Kendo Sticks used. Heyman never involved, just ran from Punk. He took 1 Kendo shot & then Axel ran into a GTS. Punk got a MASSIVE ovation.

Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan: The YES Chant goes to a whole another level when you witness it live. So incredible how over Bryan is. Very good match, went at least 20. Show was ringside but couldn't interfere. Bryan wins just how he did at NOC. Shield come out for a beatdown after, Miz & Kofi come out for a save until Show clears house himself. Then Show holds up Reigns for a flying knee. Bryan hugs it out with Show & we go home happy.

I just want to say this was a tremendous house show. I've been to 2 lousy ones in the past 12 months but this was fantastic work by EVERYONE, top to bottom. My hat's off to their work ethic tonight. Raw will be back in Dallas December 16, which should be the night after TLC.