View Full Version : Rumor Killer On Shawn Michaels’ Return To The Ring

10-09-2013, 07:10 PM
With Shawn Michaels making a WWE return to serve as the special referee at the Hell in a Cell PPV, there are rumors circulating the ‘net that this will lead to an in ring return.

Some websites are reporting that the feeling is that the Hell in a Cell appearance may lead to an in ring return at WrestleMania 30 for Michaels.

This is absolutely not the case and there are no plans for Shawn Michaels to return to the ring. He’s said numerous times that he’s not returning for another match and nothing has changed on that front. He’s retired from in-ring competition – plain and simple

10-10-2013, 01:09 AM
As much as we would all love to see him in the ring it is good that he isnt going to make a in-ring return. It would ruin the moment of his last match if he did.

10-16-2013, 04:42 PM
As much as we would all love to see him in the ring it is good that he isnt going to make a in-ring return. It would ruin the moment of his last match if he did.


But a match HBK vs. Triple H at WM 30 in a "We both lost the last 2 WM matches against the same man, so the question 'Who's the better man?' always stood between us and was never solved...so let's do it Hunter!" angle would simply be AWESOME