View Full Version : Impact Results - 20th Oct, 2013

10-21-2013, 05:38 PM
Jeremy Borash welcomed us to the pre-game show on SpikeTV and spotted Dixie Carter. He told her that AJ Styles claims he's going to win the belt and shove everything Dixie said down her throat. She noted that he could have left but now it's a No DQ match and the only person who's going to play is Styles.

Mike Tenay and Taz welcomed everyone to the show and they voiced over clips of all the big stars entering the Arena.

Backstage, Jeremy Borash was with all four teams competing to face James Storm and Gunner on the PPV. They announced the Bro-Mans would be last in the Gauntlet. They had Joseph Park and Eric Young grab out of a bucket and they pulled #3 so they would be third out. So, it will start with Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez vs. Bad Influence.

After a commercial, they aired a video where Ethan Carter III was taking photos and told the camera filming that he was going to make "Aunt D" proud tonight at BFG when he debuts.

Jesse Godderz and Robbie E. palled around with Mr. Olympia backstage.

They aired a video feature on the Ultimate X match, which will open the show.

They debuted a new interviewer, Gil, who interviewed Bad Influece. It was their usual awesome talking. You couldn't get a feel for the new guy.

They aired a video on Kurt Angle's TNA Hall of Fame induction with clips of Samoa Joe, Magnus and Sting discussing Angle. Angle looked to be having the time of his life and was sitting with Jeff Jarrett. They showed him giving brief comments about being inducted.

Backstage, Samoa Joe was with the Main Event Mafia. He said tonight he would bring home the X-Division title and hopefully Magnus and Sting will work out their issues. Angle walked in and they welcomed him home and told him he will get a chance to beat some respect into Bobby Roode.

Gauntlet for TNA Tag Title Shot

Bad Influence started with Hernandez and Chavo Guerrero.

Bad Influence worked over Chavo but Hernandez used his power to overwhelm them. Hernandez did a deal where he nailed double backbreakers on them at once. He charged down the ramp and hit a dive into the ring as Chavo hit a dive off the top.

Bad Influence eliminated Guerrero and Hernandez after shoving Guerrero off the top. Daniels rolled him up and scored the pin. This brought out Joseph Park and Eric Young. So of COURSE, my cable takes this exact moment to die on me and not allow me to order the PPV, so coverage will pause while I resolve this. Stay tuned.

I am told Robbie E and Jesse Godderz won the Gauntlet.

I had to run to a friend's house.

When I finally got to watch to a PPV, Chris Sabin was rolling Velvet Sky into the ring. Samoa Joe was nailed by Jeff Hardy. There was a ladder in the ring, so Sabin tried to scramble up the ladder. Jeff Hardy, who was being distracted by Sky, attempted to stop him but Sabin grabbed the ladder first. The story was that Sky didn't want to help Sabin but was tossed into the ring.

Your winner and new X-Division champion, Chris Sabin!
I have no idea whether the match was any good. I apologize for the lack of detailed coverage but I literally had to track down another place to run and watch the show with no advance warning and then get there. We'll be good to go going further.

They are showing classic TNA moments. They showed AJ Styles' first X-Division championship win.

They showed Styles arriving earlier today.

Bad Influence came out for a promo, complaining that they aren't in the TNA Tag title match. Daniels and Kazarian were just awesome here. Daniels said that based on the amount of swerves TNA throws on their shows, they were demanding Bad Influence be added to the match. This brought Eric Young. Young came to the ring and said he wasn't here to be a troublemaker. He said that he was here because he's a scientist. He said that earlier, they created a monster. He told them that they are the only two who don't realize that they should run. They apparently busted open Joseph Park during the pre-game. They attacked Young.

Out came Abyss, who hit the ring and destroyed them and hit a Black Hole Slam. He turned to Young, who backed away but Abyss offered him his hand. They embraced.

Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed TNA Tag Team champions Gunner and James Storm. Gunner said that they were going to take out Jesse Godderz and Robbie E. Storm said, "Sorry about your damn luck."

TNA Tag Team champions James Storm & Gunner vs. Robbie E & Jesse Godderz (with Mr. Olympia)

They started brawling at the bell. The challengers went to the floor and Gunner backdropped Storm over the top onto them. Back in the ring, Gunner clubbed Godderz. He scored several two counts on Godderz but E and Godderz cut him off.

They worked Gunner over in the corner. Godderz nailed him with several elbows. Gunner rebounded off the ropes and ducked a clothesline, then attempted a backslide. Godderz nailed a dropkick on Gunner, allowing E to continue working him. Gunner tried to fight back and make a tag but Storm was nailed by Godderz before he could make the tag.

Godderz drilled Storm into the turnbuckles. Mr. Olympia seemed to be having the time of his life at ringside. Godderz worked over Gunner on the top but was caught and nailed with a Fall Away Slam. Storm made the hot tag and worked over E with a nice neckbreaker for a two count.

Everyone battled in the ring. E drilled Gunner with a knee to the mid-section, sending him up and over. Godderz and E put Storm on the top rope for a double suplex. Gunner pulled E down and slammed him. Storm used an inverted suplex down and dropped him atop of Jesse. Storm came off the ropes but E kicked up.

Storm went for the Whirly Bird but E landed on his feet and nailed a DDT for a two count. Storm was bleeding from the right thigh, which he cut when he was knocked off the apron. Gunner grabbed E and nailed a backbreaker and then put him in the Human Torture Rack. Jesse broke it up but was nailed. Gunner powerbombed E and Storm dropped an elbow. He covered him but Godderz broke it up.

They went back and forth until Gunner was knocked out of the ring. They nailed the Hart Attack on Storm and scored the pin.

Your winners and new TNA Tag Team champions, Jesse Godderz & Robbie E!

Yes, really. This was far more competitive then you would expect. Solid match but obviously, a strange result. It felt like they switched the belt because Mr. Olympia showed up to appear.

They brought out Sting to induct Kurt Angle into the TNA Hall of Fame. The idea here was that the first member is inducting the new member. Sting gave a really nice speech putting over Angle's Olympic and professional wrestling accomplishments as well as Angle being a family man.

Angle was introduced. The crowd chanted his name. Angle thanked the fans and said the Hall of Fame means more to him than anyone will ever know. The fans chanted, "Thank you Angle." He said that the love and support he's gotten from the TNA fans, wrestlers and managers wouldn't do justice. Sting said he would love it if Angle would join him in the TNA Hall of Fame and said they were making it official. He handed Angle a box, which had a watch. Angle didn't look thrilled actually. The crowd chanted, "You deserve it."

Angle said that hearing what Sting just said and the response from the crowd made him realize how important the HOF really is as well as the responsibility that goes with it. He said that the truth is that he's let himself, his family and his peers down by not living up to his real potential and the standard that Sting set for the Hall of Fame, so he's going to decline the induction. Angle said that nothing that he accomplished in the past is nothing compared to what he's going to achieve. He said he's going to set a new standard and when he does, he will be happy to join Sting.

They showed a clip of Styles winning the TNA title at No Surrender 2009.

Backstage, Dixie Carter was told she had a phone call. She told whoever who was on the phone that since tonight was AJ Styles' last night, they need to get rid of his merchandise and she doesn't want to see any of it at the warehouse. Ethan Carter III showed up and she kissed him and said she hand-picked his opponent for tonight. She told him to remember, "We're the Carters. People need us."

TNA Knockouts champion ODB vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke
ODB controlled her challengers early. Kim slipped out of the ring to avoid a charge but was shoulderblocked off by ODB. Brooke and ODB went back and forth. Kim tried to roll up ODB after she rolled up Brooke. Brooke came back with a spear that sent Kim to the floor. They were working really hard early.

Brooke worked over ODB and nailed a spinning neckbreaker for a two count. Kim pulled Brooke out to the corner and locked on the ringpost figure four leglock. ODB took Kim out. She and Brooke battled back and forth. Brooke slipped out of a Fireman's Carry and rolled up ODB. ODB turned it into a single leg Boston Crab.

Kim returned to the ring and attacked Brooke, then kicked ODB in the back. Kim went to the top but Brooke met her there and they battled back and forth. ODB joined them and clunked their heads together. ODB went for a double superplex into the ring. They fought her off. Kim nailed a missile dropkick on ODB but before she could capitalize, Brooke came off the top with a flying elbowsmash.

Everyone was down and the referee counted them down. They returned to their feet. ODB controlled them both. She held Kim for a lon vertical delayed suplex but Brooke broke up the pinfall attempt. ODB whipped her into the corner but when she charged, referee Brian Stiffler was caught and nailed in the corner. Kim went after ODB with a dropkick but nailed the ref when ODB moved.

With the ref down, ODB grabbed both challengers on her shoulders for a move. Brooke escaped but was kicked down. ODB nailed a DVDR onto Brooke and covered them but no referee. Lei'd Tapa came out on the stage with ring music. ODB took a swig of her flask and charged Tapa but was kicked down with a pair of boots.

Tapa came down to the ring. Brooke dove on her on the ramp but was caught and powerbombed into the ring. Kim covered her and scored the pin.

Your winner and new TNA Knockouts champion, Gail Kim!

Tapa grabbed the belt and presented it to Kim, so they are in cahoots. Kim hugged her. Yes they are. So TNA now has their own AJ and Tamina I guess?

The match itself was really good with all three busting their asses. It was far better than most WWE Divas bouts.

Jeremy Borash interviewed Bobby Roode. He said it was a shocker that Angle declined his HOF induction and that he hasn't lived up to being a true Hall of Famer. Roode said that was true and everything that Roode said on Impact was true. Roode said he was more worthy than Angle and he's in Angle's head because he made Kurt Angle do something that no one else has ever done - he made Angle tap out. He said that tonight he's going to do that again and prove to the world that he's a better man and a better wrestler.

Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode

They played up the idea that Angle may have ring rust. They started slowly. Angle was pulled to the outside but Angle blocked a suplex attempt on the floor and reversed it. Angle drilled Roode with a shoulderblock into the ring. He attempted a suplex out of the ring to the floor but Roode blocked it and nailed Angle, who fell to the apron outside. Roode worked over Angle and brought him back in the ring, where he locked in a side chinlock.

Angle finally fought his way out and nailed a series of German suplexes. Roode came back and locked in the Crossface. He placed Angle on the top but Angle fought him off and went for the moonsault Angle missed and Roode went back to the Crossface. Angle teased he was going to tap out but grabbed Roode's ankle and turned it into an anklelock submission. They reversed submissions and went back and forth.

Roode blocked a clothesline and locked back on the Crossface. Angle powered out and nailed a suplex for a two count. They battled back and forth on their knees with punches and strikes. Angle began nailing German suplexes and they had some nice near falls.

Roode went for a Fireman's Carry but Angle slipped down and grabbed the anklelock. Angle scissored his leg. Roode teased tapping but reached for the ropes. Roode was able to touch the rope when the referee picked his arm up and it fell onto the ropes when it was dropped. But, Roode was out and the idea was that Angle had him beat. Angle set him up on the top rope and drilled him with several right hands. Angle nailed a superplex but both men were laid out. Roode recovered first and covered Angle.

Your winner, Bobby Roode!

Good match but it was the usual Angle match and nothing above and beyond the norm for him and Roode. Athletically, it was the best thing on the show.

The idea was that Roode had shocked the world by pinning Angle and I guess, that Angle has hit rock bottom.

Angle wasn't able to get up, so they did a stretcher deal. The story was that Roode worked on Angle's neck and after the superplex, Angle hurt himself and wasn't able to recover and was pinned. They spent a lot of time taking him out but he refused and finally walked out under his own power.

They showed at AJ Styles getting ready.

Bully Ray was talking to someone off camera, playing the idea that Aces & Eights had played everyone and had fooled them, but tonight is about the crew. He teased Devon was there by making the Team 3D sign. We'll see.

Ethan Carter III vs. Norm Fernum

Fernum was Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's Peter Avalon. He played a skinny guy billed from San Diego. The idea was that gave Carter a scab.

They gave Carter a big time entrance to put him over. Carter locked up with him and nailed a hiptoss. Carter controlled Fernum and showed a lot of swagger and arrogance.

Carter pretty much wiped the mat with Fernum and locked in a chinlock. Fernum tried to fire back but was small and ineffective against Carter. He then nailed a pair of dropkicks and a flying bodypress on Carter for a two count.

Carter cut him off and nailed a drilling DDT similar to Dean Ambrose's and scored the pin.

Your winner, Ethan Carter III!

A solid debut. Carter showed a lot of poise and arrogant aura in comparison to how he was presented in WWE when he was Derrick Bateman.

Jeremy Borash interviewed Magnus, saying tonight was the biggest match of his career. Magnus said they have arrived at the biggest night of his life. He said before tonight, the biggest night was joining the Main Event Mafia. He said that Sting is a legend and they are in his backyard but Magnus has nothing to lose. He said that he has a date with destiny and she's getting impatient.

Jeremy Borash interviewed Magnus, saying tonight was the biggest match of his career. Magnus said they have arrived at the biggest night of his life. He said before tonight, the biggest night was joining the Main Event Mafia. He said that Sting is a legend and they are in his backyard but Magnus has nothing to lose. He said that he has a date with destiny and she's getting impatient.

Magnus vs. Sting

They spent time early on testing each other. Sting got the better of an exchange, leading Magnus to go to the floor to regroup. They went back and forth and this time Sting was on the outside. Magnus held the ropes for him and no quicker than you could say Larry Zbyszko, he grabbed Sting as soon as he was through the ropes for a short arm clothesline.

Magnus worked over Sting and scissored his body. Magnus worked over Sting with a series of shots to the back and then peppered him with punches in the corner. Sting made a comeback and locked in a Scorpion Deathlock.

Sting worked over Magnus, who no sold it like Sting used to back in the day. Magnus nailed a Stinger splash and slammed Sting down for a two count. Sting made a comeback and used the Stinger Splash himself, then locked in the Scorpion Deathlock.

Magnus tried to get to the ropes but was pulled back. He finally fought back to the ropes and grabbed them. Magnus took out Sting and covered him for a two count, then ascended to the top rope. Magnus missed a flying elbow. Sting went for the Scorpion Death Drop but Magnus held onto the ropes.

Magnus nailed a series of back elbows to Sting and drilled him down. Sting was dazed but told Magnus to bring it. Think Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels. Sting went after Magnus but Magnus caught him and locked in a Texas Cloverleaf. He pulled Sting to the center of the ring.

Sting tapped out clean.

Your winner, Magnus!

They had an OK match with the story being the veteran vs. the upstart. The idea here was to make Magnus by having Sting lose clean in a back and forth contest. On paper, it made sense but the match didn't feel like it had the spark needed for that sort of moment. But, it was big career moment for Magnus, who has a ton of potential and has continuously improved since his debut three years ago.

After the match, Sting offered Magnus his hand. Magnus took it and left, leaving Sting in the ring. The idea was that Magnus wasn't being humble about the win.

Funny note - At one point, there was a dueling "We want Hogan" chant, followed by "No we don't."

TNA champion Bully Ray was interviewed by Jeremy Borash. He said that he could kill AJ but he wants him to live so he goes home and his wife and children look at him with that sad disappointment and ask him why he failed. It was the usual excellent promo from Ray.

TNA champ Bully Ray (with Brooke) vs. AJ Styles - No DQ, No Countout.

Ray muscled Styles into the corner, then jawed at him that he's afraid and he knows it. Styles tried to work over Ray's arm but was drilled with a stiff clothesline. Ray ripped on Styles and told him that when he was done with Styles, he would take care of Styles' wife and kids. That motivated Styles, who exploded with offense. He went for the calf-killer.

Garrett Bischoff ran down but stopped when the referee saw him. Styles went to the ramp to approach Garett. Meanwhile, Ray pulled out a hammer. AJ returned to the ring but kicked Ray's arms when Ray went to nail him. Styles went to use the hammer but Ray caught him with a hard chop that sent him down. Ray began beating Styles with stiff shots.

Ray began mocking Hulk Hogan's mannerisms and he worked over Styles. Styles, despite deep bruising on his chest, dared Ray to keep fighting him. He got in Ray's face and began shoving and slapping him. Ray exploded out of the corner with a clothesline but Styles got back up and told Ray to bring it.

Styles took some hard shots from Ray and fired back with kicks of his own. Styles went to the top but Knux entered the ring. Styles leapt off the ropes but Knux caught him and chokeslammed him. Ray covered him but Styles kicked out at two. Ray got in Earl Hebner's face but Hebner fired back at Ray. Ray tried to drill Styles with a clothesline but Styles ducked and Knux ate it instead.

Ray charged Styles, who was in the ropes and kicked him hard out of the ring to the floor. He followed and slammed Styles' head into the announcers' table. Ray went to do more damage but Styles leapt up with a kick to the head. Styles grabbed the hammer and teased using it, then threw it down. He slammed Ray on the table and left him laying face-first on it.

Styles went to the top rope and went for a 450 splash but Ray moved and Styles DEMOLISHED the table. That was an insane, nasty looking bump. Taz handed Ray a knife and Ray cut open the canvas to expose the ring beams beneath. He then did the old Cactus Jack spit in the air and catch it deal. Bang Bang!

The crowd chanted "ECW" after Ray had removed the apron. In a market ECW never ran. In 2013.

Ray worked over Styles and called for the troops. Instead, out came TNA President Dixie Carter. She demanded a chair from one of the member of Atlas Security. Ray took it but Styles had recovered and nailed a springboard forearm into the chair, KOing Ray. Styles nailed a springboard 450 splash but Carter demanded the referee stop counting. He argued with her and decided to keep counting but by the time he went for three, Ray kicked up.

Styles pulled Ray to his feet and went for the Styles Clash but was backdropped on the exposed boards. Ray went to the ropes for the back senton splash and nailed it. Ray blew Carter a kiss and covered Styles but he got his shoulder up at the last second.

Ray drilled Styles across the back with a chair. He nailed Styles again. He went for a powerbomb but Styles slipped out, ducked around and nailed the Pele Kick. Styles drilled Ray with a chair to the head. He set up Ray on the boards and went to the top rope. He pointed at Carter, then hit the Spiral Tap and pinned Ray.

Your winner and new TNA champion, AJ Styles!

Really good, hard hitting, well told story here. Easily the best thing on the show and a really good main event.

Carter was beside herself knowing that Styles, who isn't under contract, now had the title.