View Full Version : Santino Comments on MMA Stars to Pro Wrestling

10-24-2013, 09:52 PM
Santino Marella spoke (http://www.wrestling101.com/home/2013/10/santino-marella-interview/) with Joshua Modaberi of Wrestling 101 about MMA stars like Rampage Jackson and Tito Ortiz crossing over to the professional wrestling world.

"That's interesting, I don't know if it's something for the pay day but when Rampage Jackson came to Raw he told me he had often thought about becoming a pro wrestler as a kid so maybe he's just living out his dream."

Santion also commented on Triple H calling Daniel Bryan too small to be a WWE Champion.

"I'm interested to see where it's going to go, it's obviously making for some good television and they are making the fans want to see something happen. I'm very curious to see what the payoff is going to be."