View Full Version : More On The Miz’s Recent WWE Heel Turn Inside Here

11-11-2013, 01:36 PM
– The Miz reportedly continued with some heel antics at WWE’s recent European tour. He started matches against Kofi Kingston as a babyface, shaking hands, and doing his usual spots. Miz then quickly changed his style, taking some cheap shots and playing up his heel character until the finish, when Kingston won with the Trouble in Paradise.

As noted yesterday here on the website, the reason Miz has been working as a heel during the overseas tour is because the company feels they are short on heel performers.

– As previously reported, WWE Superstar Daniel Bryan did not appear at the WWE live event in Birmingham, England on Saturday. As noted in our complete live report from the event, WWE Superstar Randy Orton jumped on the microphone during the main event and told the fans who were boo’ing and chanting Bryan’s name that he was not in attendance, and to basically get over it.

Apparently WWE Superstar Big Show, who was Orton’s opponent at the show, got on the microphone after the match to thank the fans and apologize to them for the absence of Bryan.