View Full Version : Slammy Awards, Punk & Bryan's Team

11-26-2013, 05:32 PM
- WWE's website has a new poll asking fans what's the better name for CM Punk and Daniel Bryan's tag team - The GOATs (Greatest of All Teams) or The Beard & The Best. They're also allowing fans to enter their own names in the comments section. With over 13,000 votes cast, The Beard & The Best is leading with 63% of the vote.

- As noted, fans will be able to vote for each winner of the 2013 Slammy Awards via voting on the WWE App on December 9th. WWE is asking fans to share who they think should be nominated for a Slammy by using the hashtag #Slammy on Facebook and Twitter. Besides the Slammys that air on TV, there will also be a special WWE.com Slammy Awards.