View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 29th November 2013

11-30-2013, 05:34 PM
We are in Uncasville, Connecticut and your announcers are Michael ‘Black Friday’ Cole and John ‘We make deals on Friday Nights’ Layfield.
Renee Young is in the ring and she brings out the WWE Champion Randy Orton.

Renee asks Randy about the controversy when Big Show knocked him out during Survivor Series, but by some measure of luck, The Authority came out and that allowed Orton to recover and win the match on Sunday.

Randy says that he begs to differ with Renee on a number of issues. Randy says that he was not knocked out, he has an iron jaw. Randy says that he was playing possum and that is strategy. He did not need Hunter and Stephanie for help. It may have tainted his victory.

Renee asks Randy about John Cena’s comments on Monday about the Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match at TLC. She asks Randy how he felt after that. Did he feel betrayed, abandoned, or challenged? Did he feel threatened?

Randy does not say anything and he leaves the ring.

We go to the back with the Vickie Guerrero Annual Excuse Me Thanksgiving Party. She wants to make sure that everyone is having a fun time. This will not break down into mayhem. They will have competition. There will be a food eating contest. The participants are Titus O’Neil and Great Khali.

While the eating continues in the back, Mark Henry makes his way to the ring with Big E Langston and we go to commercial.

Match Number One: Curtis Axel (with Ryback) versus Mark Henry (with Big E Langston)

Axel with a kick and punch but Henry backs Axel into the corner and connects with a shoulder. Henry with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Axel tries to take advantage of Langston talking to Henry on the apron but he runs into an elbow from Henry. Ryback pulls Langston off the apron and Langston goes after Ryback.

The referee calms down Langston . Axel with a kick to the knee and then he hits a DDT for a near fall. Henry throws Axel to the floor and Axel returns and goes after the back of the leg. Axel with elbow drops to the leg and then he rubs his forearm across Henry’s face. Axel with a reverse chin lock.

Henry with a head butt and big boot. Henry with head butts and then he drops to the knees for some JYD head butts and Axel rolls to the floor. Henry goes after Axel and Axel tries to get away but he turns around and sees Langston. Ryback tries to attack Langston from behind but Langston takes care of Ryback.

Henry and Axel return to the ring and Henry with a body block and then he hits the World’s Strongest Slam for the three count.

Winner: Mark Henry

We are in the back and R Truth is talking to Xavier Woods about his entrance with Cameron and Naomi. Brodus Clay enters the locker room and Clay is not smiling. Clay says that he gave Woods permission to borrow his music and the girls, but not steal them. Woods and Truth say that they are having fun.

Clay says that we don’t need rookies around his feeding off the main event players like him.

Truth tries to calm Clay down but Clay tells Woods to keep his mouth shut and speak only when spoken to.

Clay pushes Woods and Tensai enters as Truth and Tensai separate them.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to go to the food eating contest and Hornswoggle is helping Khali while Darren helps Titus.

AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka enter and Vickie says that she does not want this to be a food fight, but if they do, it will be the two of them against everyone. AJ and Tamina leave.

Khali has passed out and Titus is declared the winner.

Vickie tells Titus that he has won the opportunity to face Antonio Cesaro tonight.

Vickie cackles while everyone else laughs at Titus.

Match Number Two: Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, and Drew McIntyre (as Plymouth Rockers) versus Fernando, Diego, and El Torito

Slater wants to start off with Torito and it is on. Torito avoids Slater in the corner. Mahal and McIntyre come from behind but Diego and Fernando with a double drop kick. Torito with a tope con hilo onto Slater while Fernando and Diego hit suicide dives onto Mahal and McIntyre. Fernando tags in and Slater drops him on the top rope.

Mahal tags in and kicks Fernando. Drew tags in and they drop Fernando on the top rope. Drew with forearms to the back and then he sends Fernando to the mat. Drew punches Diego off the apron but Fernando with a kick and DDT to Drew.

Torito tags in and hits a head scissors from the top. Torito knocks Mahal and Slater off the turnbuckles. Torito with a head scissors that sends Drew into the ropes. Torito with a satellite arm drag and he tags in Diego who connects with a forearm. Fernando tags in and they hit the double Samoan drop for the three count.

Winners: Diego, Fernando, and El Torito

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Brodus Clay and Tensai (with Cameron and Naomi) versus Xavier Woods and R Truth

Truth and Tensai start things off and they shake hands. They lock up and Tensai backs Truth into the corner and he gives a clean break. Truth with a side head lock but Tensai sends him to the mat and both men start dancing.

Truth with a punch to Tensai but Tensai with a shoulder tackle. Tensai with a splash into the corner and Truth is down. Tensai runs into a boot from Truth and Truth with a split followed by a leg lariat. Woods tags in and he goes after Clay before focusing on Tensai.

Woods with punches and then he goes for a drop kick to the knees and a kick to the head. Woods with another boot to the head but Tensai grabs Woods by the throat. Woods tries for a kick but Tensai blocks it. Woods with an enzuigiri and Clay makes the blind tag. Clay with a forearm to Woods’ back before he enters the ring.

Clay knocks Truth off the apron and Clay with a splash in the corner and then he goes to the turnbuckles for a splash and he gets the three count.

Winners: Tensai and Brodus Clay

After the match, Clay wants to dance but Cameron, Naomi, and Tensai are not really in the dancing mood.

Renee Young is in the interview area with CM Punk. Renee asks Punk about what happened to him and Daniel Bryan on Raw.

Punk says he does not know where to start. He has not heard from Daniel Bryan since he was carted off. He can talk about his bruised ribs due to the spear from Roman Reigns. He can talk about why would the Shield attack him in the first place. Is it because they want to be close to the best in the world? Do they not like his tattoos?

Maybe they were acting out orders from someone with ‘Authority’. When he gets to the bottom of this, it will be The Shield who needs protection.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bray Wyatt says that when his visions come to him when he dreams, he sees mannequins posing as people. They are living in a world where they are intoxicated with their own vanity. We all symmetry in beauty. He has felt the sharp teeth of society. He knows what it feels like to be thrown in a groveling pit with people laughing, but look at him down. He is getting stronger by the day. He tells ‘daddy’ that he got his wings back.

They could never know him like he does. Daniel Bryan will be safe with them. He will enter the lion’s den as a man, but he will emerge as a monster.

Match Number Four: Titus O’Neil (with Darren Young) versus Antonio Cesaro (with Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter)

Titus is a little slower than usual but he puts Cesaro in a side head lock. Titus with a shoulder tackle and Titus is not moving too well. Titus with another side head lock. Cesaro with a drop kick followed by a European uppercut and head butt. Cesaro with a punch and Irish whip but Titus floats over and he connects with a boot.

Titus barks but he did not get the full dog effect going. Cesaro with punches to the midsection and Darren gives Titus some words of encouragement. Cesaro with a dead lift side salto and then he signals for the Giant Swing. Cesaro gets Titus up for the Giant Swing and Young hits Cesaro and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro (by disqualification)

After the match, Titus picks up John’s hat and he decides to put some of his dinner into the hat. Titus continues to make a deposit into the hat. Titus puts the hat on Michael Cole. Titus continues to move around ringside while Cole tries to get rid of the smell.

Cole tries to get to the back and Layfield stops him. Titus goes to the back but he sees Zeb and Titus decides to spread some Thanksgiving cheer on Zeb.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dean Ambrose has joined John and Michael at the announce table.

Match Number Five: Cody Rhodes and Goldust versus Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns for the Tag Team Titles

Cody and Rollins start things off and Rhodes with a side head lock and he holds on. Cody with a side head lock take down. Rollins pulls the hair but Rhodes holds on to the side ehad lock. Rollins with a waist lock but Cody with a single leg take down. Rollins has a kick blocked and Cody tries for a hip toss and Rollins blocks it. Rollins tries for a hip toss and Cody blocks it. Cody with a slam to Rollins.

Goldust tags in and he goes to the turnbuckles with a punch to the chest. Goldust with a punch and snap mare followed by a forearm to the head for a near fall. Cody tags in and he goes upt op for an elbow to the arm. Cody with a gourdbuster for a near fall. Goldust tags in and they mise a double clothesline. Reigns is tagged in.

Goldust gasps in Reigns face and then he blocks a punch from Roman. Goldust with punches but Reigns with a knee and forearm to the back. Reigns with a running shoulder tackle and Goldust goes to the floor. Cody checks on Goldust and Goldust returns to the ring.

Reigns with a kick and uppercut. Reigns with a head butt and Goldust with a drop kick. Rollins tries to interfere but Cody with a drop kick. Cody and Goldust clothesline Reigns over the top rope to the floor and then they do the same to Rollins.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cody with an arm bar on Rollins. Rhodes with a back elbow to Rollins followed by an elbow to the top of the head. Rollins with an Irish whip and Rhodes catches Rollins and he tries for the Alabama Slam but Rollins counters with a sunset flip for a near fall. Rollins with an enzuigiri and both men are down.

Seth gets a near fall. Reigns tags in and he kicks Cody. Reigns with a hard Irish whip to the sternum and Reigns gets a near fall. Reigns sends Cody into the turnbuckles and then he tags in Rollins who goes up top for a punch. Rollins works on Cody’s face in the ropes. Rhodes with an elbow to Reigns on the apron followed by one to Rollins. Rollins with kicks to Rhodes and then he chokes him.

Reigns tags in and he goes to the floor after Cody and he connects with a punch off the apron. Reigns returns Rhodes into the ring for a front face lock. Cody with punches but Reigns with an elbow.

Reigns with a near fall. Rollins tags in and he punches Cody in the ribs. Rollins with forearms across the chest. Rollins with kicks in the corner and when the referee deals with Rollins, Cody with elbows to Reigns and then he connects with an elbow to Rollins. Cody back drops Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Rollins tags in Reigns and Goldust tags in.

Goldust with a clothesline followed by a drop down uppercut and reverse atomic drop and boot to the head. Goldust punches Reigns in the corner and he takes care of Rollins on the apron as well. Goldust with a cross body for a near fall.

Reigns with an Irish whip but Reigns runs into a power slam for a near fall. Goldust tries to go up top but he sees Reigns move so he punches Reigns. Rollins comes off the turnbuckles to try to interfere but he is met with a reverse atomic drop and then Goldust clotheslines Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Reigns sends Goldust over the top rope to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back Rollins chops Goldust while Reigns holds Goldust. Rollins with another chop as he continues to wear down Goldust. Rollins with kicks to Goldust. Rollins chokes Goldust and the referee warns him. Rollins taunts Goldust but Goldust with punches. Rollins with a forearm and then he hits a back senton for a near fall.

Rollins with a reverse chin lock. Goldust with punches and then he holds on to the ropes when Rollins tries for a drop kick. Goldust with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Goldust with a kick and DDT and both men are down. Reigns tags in and he knocks Rhodes off the apron.

Reigns with a clothesline for a near fall but Rhodes breaks up the cover. The referee sends Cody back to the apron and Reigns with punches as he pulls Goldust away from his corner. Reigns gets another near fall. Reigns with a side head lock. Reigns with a forearm to the back of the head and then Rollins tags in.

Goldust with a double back elbow from the turnbuckles and everyone is down. Cody tags in and he hits a springboard drop kick followed by a leaping knee. Rhodes with a float over into a sunset flip for a near fall. Cody with a kick and drop down uppercut. Cody goes up top for the moonsault but Rollins stops him and Rollins has Cody on his shoulders. Cody is able to escape and he sends Rollins into the turnbuckles.

Rollins with a flatline into the turnbuckles. Rollins goes to the turnbuckles but Cody with a punch and he hits the musclebuster and he gets a near fall because Reigns breaks up the cover. Goldust sends Reigns to the floor and Reigns pulls Goldust to the floor and they brawl.

Reigns sends Goldust into the ringside barrier and Reigns helps pick up Rollins. Cody with a double jump cross body onto Reigns and Rollins and everyone is down on the floor. Rhodes rolls Rollins back in and Cody goes up top for the moonsault but Rollins moves and Cody hits the mat. Rollins pulls himself up and he goes for a springboard Black Out but Cody moves and Rhodes hits Cross Rhodes but Ambrose gets up from the announce table and he attacks Rhodes. The referee calls for the bell.

Winners: Goldust and Cody Rhodes (by disqualification)

After the match, Ambrose attacks Rhodes, but CM Punk’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring with a chair. Punk hits Reigns with the chair in the midsection and back. Punk gets in the ring and Ambrose gets to the floor.

Vickie Guerrero Excuse Mes her way to the stage. She says that if Punk wants to get a shot at the Shield and wants to be in action so much, we are going to have a six man tag match.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, and Goldust versus Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns

The match is joined in progress and Punk with a hard Irish whip to Ambrose and he kicks Ambrose. Punk climbs the turnbuckles and he punches Ambrose. Punk with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Punk sends Ambrose into the corner and he tags in Goldust. Goldust with a clothesline for a near fall. Rhodes tags in and he punches Ambrose. Rhodes with punches and kicks. Ambrose with punches of his own.

Rhodes with an Irish whip and back body drop followed by a punch to the head. Punk tags in and he goes up top for a punch to Ambrose. Punk with another punch and chop. Punk with an Irish whip but he misses the running knee into the corner.

Rollins tags in and Punk with a drop toe hold followed by a step over toe hold and then he falls back to the mat. Goldust tags in and he drops a knee to the let. Rhodes tags in and he punches Rollins. Cody with more punches and then he sends Rollins through the ropes to the floor. Cody goes to the floor and he Irish whips Rollins into the ringside barrier.

Rollins is sent back into the ring and Cody tags in Goldust. They make a wish and Goldust gets a near fall. Rhodes tags in and he kicks Rollins. Punk tags in and he kicks Rollins and then he connects with a back breaker for a near fall. Punk with a step over toe hold and he turns it into a Muta Lock. Cody tags in and he adds a single leg crab.

Cody with kicks to Rollins. Rollins sends Rhodes into the turnbuckles and Ambrose aggressively kicks Rhodes as we go to commercial.

We are back and Ambrose stomps on Cody’s hand. Ambrose with more kicks. Ambrose with a hard Irish whip and then he stomps on the hand again. Ambrose goes for a belly-to-back suplex and Rhodes lands on his feet. Rhodes with a drop down uppercut. Ambrose charges into the corner but Rhodes with a boot to the face.

Punk tags in and he hits a running double sledge followed by a clothesline and leg lariat. Punk with a running knee into the corner followed by the short arm clothesline. Punk with a swinging neck breaker and he says that it is time for someone to go to sleep.

Punk gets Ambrose on his shoulders and we get the Wyatt Blipvert and the lights go out.

The lights come back on and Punk is alone in the ring while Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan are at ringside.

Ambrose with a back elbow and he pulls Punk into the corner and Reigns tags in and he kicks and punches Punk. Ambrose with kicks to Punk and Rollins tags in and he kicks Punk and drops an elbow to the leg. Rollins with kicks to Punk followed by an elbow drop for a near fall.

Ambrose tags back in and Punk with a kick to Ambrose followed by a neck breaker to Rollins while hitting a DDT on Ambrose at the same time. All three men are down in the ring and Wyatt, Harper, and Rowan pull Goldust and Rhodes off the apron before Punk can make the tag and the referee calls for the bell.

Winners: CM Punk, Goldust, and Cody Rhodes (by disqualification)

While the Wyatt Family attacks Goldust and Rhodes, The Shield go after Punk. Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso make their way to the ring to go after the Wyatts.

Rey Mysterio’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring and he drops down and Reigns goes over the top rope to the floor. Rey with a head scissors or two to Rollins but Rollins with a kick. Rey with another head scissors and Rollins dives into the ropes. Rey sets for the 619 but Ambrose trips him.

The Emergency Excuse Me Alert goes off and Vickie makes her way back out to the stage. She says that this chaos will not happen on her show. It will not happen on Smackdown. The match will now be a 12 man tag match.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Seven: Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan versus Rey Mysterio, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, Goldust, Cody Rhodes, and CM Punk

We are back and the match is joined in progress. Jimmy gets a near fall on Ambrose but Ambrose with a punch and he tags in Harper. Harper runs Jimmy into the turnbuckles with a head lock. Harper with punches and then he rakes the face. Harper with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot and Jimmy with a rollup for a near fall. Harper with a back elbow.

Rollins tags in and Bray yells at Harper. Rollins brings Jimmy back into the corner while the referee tried to control things. Wyatt tags in and he kicks Jimmy. Wyatt follows with an elbow drop and he tags in Harper. Harper with a boot to Jimmy. Harper with a Gator Roll into a side head lock. Harper with a European uppercut to Jimmy followed by an Irish whip. Jimmy with an uppercut and he is able to get through Harper’s legs to make the tag to Mysterio.

Rey with a DDT to Harper for a near fall. Rey with a kick to the leg but Rey is pushed into the corner. Rey with a kick but Harper goes for a splash and Rey moves. Rey with a seated splash from the top but Harper with a boot to Rey and Harper gets a near fall. Harper tags in Wyatt while Harper blocks Rey’s access to his corner. Wyatt with a hard Irish whip and a splash in the corner for a near fall.

Rowan makes the tag and he slams Rey. Rowan with a bear hug to Rey and he swings Rey around like a doll. Rey with an elbow to try to escape. Rowan with a side slam for a near fall. Rowan picks up Rey and he puts him on the turnbuckles. Ambrose tags in and Rowan with forearms to Rey. Rey tries to get through Ambrose’s legs but Ambrose grabs the leg and he floats over into a front face lock.

Rey with punches but Ambrose with a knee and he gets a near fall. Rollins tags in and they pick up Rey and Irish whip him. Rey holds on to the ropes and Ambrose goes over the top rope to the floor when Rey ducks down. Rey with an enzuigiri to Rollins and he is down. Rey tags in Punk and Punk with a springboard clothesline to Rowan. Punk with clotheslines to Rowan but Erick stays on his feet. Punk with a kick and round kick that sends Rowan to the floor but Rowan lands on his feet. Punk with a suicide dive and Rowan is down.

Punk sends Rowan back into the ring and Punk with a knee in the corner followed by a second knee. Punk goes for a third and he connects. Punk with a swinging neck breaker on Rowan and Punk goes up top for the elbow drop and he connects but can only get a near fall because Rollins and Ambrose break it up.

Goldust and Cody send Rollins and Ambrose to the floor. Reigns with a spear to GOldust but The Usos with a double super kick to Reigns and Harper. The Usos with stereo planchas onto Rollins and Harper.

Punk says that it is time to go to sleep for Rowan and Punk gets him up but Wyatt with a kick. Wyatt sets for Sister Abigail, but after he kissing Punk on the forehead, Rey connects with a drop kick that sends Wyatt to the mat. Rey with a rana to Rowan and Rowan cannot get out of the ropes. Rey with a 619 and then Punk gets Rowan up again for the Go To Sleep and the three count.

Winners: CM Punk, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, and Rey Mysterio

We go to credits.