View Full Version : Sheamus Ready to Tear Through WWE's Top Superstars

12-11-2013, 08:50 PM
WWE.com recently spoke with Sheamus as he prepares to return to action. Here are some highlights:

WWE.COM: How’s the shoulder?

SHEAMUS: It’s feeling pretty solid. I’m still a little while away from coming back, but it’s a whole lot better than what it was when I first had the surgery, trust me. When I woke up after surgery, I don’t think I ever experienced any kind of discomfort or pain like I did then. And, even though I’ve come a long way from that, I’m still going to rehab every day.

WWE.COM: Is there a timetable for your return?

SHEAMUS: There’s not, no. I just have to keep going. Some days are better than others with my shoulder. I do have six anchors put in my labrum; I tore it in half, so it was pretty major surgery. I also tore my right shoulder as well, and even though I didn’t have surgery on it, I’ve been rehabbing both shoulders to strengthen the muscles around the labrum.

My main concern is that I don’t want to come back too early, and then something happens and I’m set back. That would be the worst possible scenario, so patience is the key.

WWE.COM: When you do return to the ring, what can the WWE Universe expect from Sheamus?

SHEAMUS: At this stage of the game, I’m just tired of sitting at home. I’ve been frustrated and impatient. I want to come back the way that brought me to the dance —come back aggressive, no-nonsense. I’m fired up and ready to go; I’m ready to take no prisoners. I have to go back out there and remind people who I am, and I have to show the new members of the WWE Universe what they’ve been missing.

Before I got injured, I was kind of spinning my wheels. Now, I’m ready to take back what’s mine. I don’t believe there’s anyone in WWE who is tougher, more determined than me. Sure, I got a little sidetracked, but I’ve had plenty of time to think and reevaluate the situation.

Now, I’m ready to just tear through anybody who stands in my way — I don’t care if it’s Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Randy Orton or Big Show. I don’t care who it is — The Wyatt Family, The Shield, I don’t give a damn who they are. I’m taking no prisoners, and if I go down, I’m dragging everyone with me because I want to be WWE Champion again. Ain’t nobody gonna stop me.

12-12-2013, 04:57 PM
Heel turn coming, maybe?

12-13-2013, 02:44 PM
he was a good heel