View Full Version : Jim Ross Talks About Working Under Vince McMahon

12-17-2013, 05:57 PM
Total Wrestling Magazine (http://twmag.co.uk/) out of the UK has released some quotes from their new interview with Jim Ross. Ross talked about working with Vince McMahon:

"I had good days and bad days being produced by Vince. No one likes to be yelled at but after working for Bill Watts there was nothing that could be yelled at me by McMahon that I hadn't heard before."

"Vince is aggressive and a perfectionist and is set in his ways, by and large. Working as a broadcaster isn't easy and being overproduced can detract from a broadcast in my view. I survived aggressive producing better than some because I tried to not take it personally."

"Good producers should motivate and lead... not rant and rave."