View Full Version : New WWE Logo Planned, Heat on Punk for Twitter

12-19-2013, 07:11 AM
- WWE is planning to release a new company logo. Apparently they have around 15 different looks they will pick from and all are very different from the one they have now.

- During the middle of the coverage of AJ Lee's incident with Michelle Beadle and TLC on Sunday, CM Punk tweeted about hockey and there were reportedly people within WWE upset at him for tweeting about hockey on the day of a pay-per-view.

- The final segment on the December 9th RAW from Seattle went nowhere close to how it was scripted. The final moments were exactly as planned but the Triple H interview changed slightly and was delayed because of the Daniel Bryan crowd chants. WWE officials weren't surprised Bryan got a big reaction in Seattle but did not expect it to come at the level it did in the final segment. Regarding John Cena's promo in the segment, people have had nothing but praise for how quick and smart he was under the circumstances to take a crowd which was protesting against him and link with them with the idea that he’s on the same page as they are, and then bringing them back to him and putting the focus on his promo against Randy Orton.

12-19-2013, 06:11 PM
CM Punk is going to tweet about hockey no matter what, that's one of the few things he tweets about.

12-20-2013, 06:03 PM
He's from Chicago, and the black-hawks were playing, get over yourselves WWE. Believe it or not there is more than one source of entertainment in the world