View Full Version : Chris Masters Talks Performance Enhancers In WWE

02-10-2014, 09:39 PM
- Former WWE star Chris Masters recently did an "Ask Me Anything" chat on Reddit. Here are some highlights:

* He said the most underutilized talent in WWE is Drew McIntyre.

* Masters said "most but not all" WWE talents took performance enhancers when he was there.

* Regarding WWE's current product, Masters said if he was a fan now like he was growing up, he thinks he would be bored with today's product.

* His favorite opponent was Shawn Michaels. He also praised working with Carlito and Dolph Ziggler. His least favorite opponent was Jack Swagger.

* He said Triple H is accessible backstage but Vince McMahon is "barely" accessible.

* He said John Cena is "stern and full of energy" backstage.

* Masters confirmed that there was a backstage fight between Big Show and The Great Khali at one point. The story goes that Show was upset that Khali was using a certain move, Show went after him but slipped and fell, and Khali got the upperhand.

* He said he was frustrated with the way WWE creative handled him and probably won't be returning to WWE.