View Full Version : RAW Results - 12th May, 2014

Role Model
03-12-2014, 01:51 AM
- Tonight's WWE RAW Pre-show kicks off with Josh Mathews welcoming us as fans file into the FedExForum in Memphis, TN. Mathews is joined by Booker T, Alex Riley and Jimmy Hart. Jimmy says it's good to be in his hometown and good to be with WWE. Big Show and Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton and Batista is announced for tonight.

- The panel hypes Hulk Hogan's announcement. We go outside to Renee Young. She's waiting on Hogan to arrive to the building. We go back to the panel to talk about The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar. We get a video package. The panel talks more about Lesnar and The Streak as Sin Cara makes his way out for a Superstars match. Alberto Del Rio is out next. The panel talks about the Sheamus vs. Christian rivalry next.

- More hype from the panel for tonight's show and WrestleMania. We go back to Renee. She already spoke to Hogan, she says, but he didn't have much to say about the announcement. Renee stops Sheamus and asks him about the stipulation for his match against Christian. Sheamus says it doesn't matter because the match will end the same. We go back to more promos. The panel hypes tonight's main event as Superstars finishes up in the ring. Michael Cole makes his way out to mostly boos. JBL comes out to a big pop and of course, Jerry Lawler comes out to a big hometown pop as the panel wraps up the pre-show. Lawler is wearing a tuxedo t-shirt tonight. The panel gives him a standing ovation. We see Hulk Hogan watching backstage as the pre-show ends.

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with Michael Cole welcoming us. We go to the ring and Justin Roberts introduces WrestleMania XXX host Hulk Hogan and out he comes to a big pop.

Hogan talks about some of his WrestleMania matches against Randy Savage, Andre the Giant and The Ultimate Warrior. Hogan says every time he watches the match with Andre, he gets amped up and when he slams Andre, it gets crazier and the goosebumps go up and down the pythons. Hogan says he has a historic idea. An idea that was so intense, he couldn't wait to come to RAW to tell all the Hulkamaniacs. Hogan announces an "Over The Top 30-Man Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal." The winner will receive an Andre the Giant Memorial Trophy and Hogan shows us a video on the big screen of the trophy. Hogan has one question... whatcha gonna do at WrestleMania XXX when Hulkamania and the memory of Andre the Giant runs wild Cena says it's damn good to have Hogan back in WWE. He talks about WrestleMania 3 and how he knew Hulkamania would live forever. Cena does a "whatcha gonna do..." and the fans boo. Cena says he's going to be the first one to enter his name in the battle royal. The lights go out, the lantern lights up and out comes The Wyatt Family.

Bray Wyatt takes a seat in his rocking chair at ringside. He says pride has always been his favorite sin - it has the power to blind even the strongest men, those who claim to be immortal. Bray mocks Cena and Hogan's catchphrases. Bray says they are both liars and their foolish pride allows them to prey upon the weak and fill them with hope. Bray says hope is dead, as will be Cena's legacy. Bray says if Cena looks down at him, he will see an enemy, if he looks up at him, he will see a friend. If he looks straight at him, he will see a God. Bray holds his arms out. Cena says Bray talks some weird stuff. Cena says he sees a homeless man when he looks at Bray, not a God. Cena says he has 2 other bums with him and a rocking chair from Cracker Barrell. Cena tells Bray to prove that he is somebody. Cena tells Hogan he might not be able to make that battle royal. Cena challenges Bray for WrestleMania XXX and says he will get the ass whooping of a lifetime. Bray says it's all fun and games with Cena until it's Cena caught in the spider web. Bray drops the mic and The Wyatt Family approaches the ring. Cena and Hogan get ready for a fight with Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. We go to commercial.

Erick Rowan vs. John Cena

Back from the break and Rowan is in control of Cena. Hogan watches from ringside as Harper and Bray watch from the ramp. Rowan keeps Cena on the mat.Rowan with a big pumphandle backbreaker for a 2 count.

Cena fights back and leaps but Rowan catches him in mid-air. Rowan with a big fallaway slam as Hogan looks on. Rowan with a splash in the corner. Rowan with another 2 count. Rowan catches Cena again and ragdolls him in a big bear hug. Cena fights out but Rowan clubs him to the mat. Rowan with a big slam. Cena counters a move and rolls Rowan up for the quick win out of nowhere.

Winner: John Cena

- After the bell, Bray gets up from his chair and is very upset. Hogan celebrates with Cena and raises his arm in the ring. Bray sends Harper and Rowan to the ring. Hogan and Cena get ready for a fight. Bray calls Rowan and Harper back off the apron. Hogan talks junk to Bray about Cena's WrestleMania challenge. The Wyatts leave as Hogan and Cena celebrate to Hogan's music.

- Cole plugs the WWE App and tells us to apply the new update so we can vote for the Sheamus vs. Christian stipulation - 2 of 3 Falls, Falls Count Anywhere or a Memphis Street Fight. Also still to come, Batista and Randy Orton vs. Big Show and Daniel Bryan plus an appearance by The Undertaker. We see The Authority heading to the ring as we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes Triple H and Stephanie McMahon to the stage. Stephanie says Daniel Bryan attacked her husband last week and then suffered the consequences - a Pedigree. She says his actions are grounds for immediate termination but they've decided to lead by example. Stephanie apologizes, because that's what is best for business. She says they recognize there is value in Bryan's brand, not like Randy Orton or Batista or Triple H's brand but value nonetheless. Stephanie says Bryan has a niche following. She says Bryan must return the favor and apologize to them. She says it's time Bryan admitted that he's wrong and not man enough to be in the ring with Triple H... not now and certainly not at WrestleMania XXX. She says Triple H is above Bryan - professionally, figuratively and literally. Stephanie says as long as Bryan can apologize tonight, they can move forward. If not, there will be severe consequences. She hopes we enjoy the rest of the show.

- The New Age Outlaws come out and hug The Authority on their way to the ring, in street clothes. They jump on commentary as we go back to commercial.

The Usos vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel

Back from the break and Ryback is in the ring with Curtis Axel. Ryback and Axel are in the battle royal at WrestleMania XXX. Out next come WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos for a non-title match.

Ryback starts off with Jimmy and they go at it. Jimmy with a big arm drag takedown. Axel tags in but Uso drops him with a big right hand. Uso with a big shoulder but Axel throws him face first into the middle rope. Ryback works Uso over and rolls him back in after tagging. Ryback with a splash and a 2 count. Ryback with a suplex and some stomps before tagging Axel back in. Axel with a headlock. Jey tags in and takes out Axel. Jey kicks out Axel's leg and knocks Ryback off the apron. Jey with a big Samoan Drop on Axel. Ryback misses a clothesline and eats a superkick from Jey. Jey with a superkick to Axel also. Jey runs the ropes and leaps out onto Ryback, tagging in Jimmy at the same time. Jimmy nails a Superfly Splash on Axel for the win.

Winners: The Usos

- Kane is backstage with The Shield. He brings up their second loss to The Wyatt Family from last week. He says they aired their dirty laundry unprofessionally on SmackDown. Dean Ambrose asks if there's a point. Kane says they have proven to be a valuable asset in the past but he's taken it upon himself to light a fire under them to see if they are still an asset. He says their first cracks appeared when they lost the tag titles to Cody Rhodes and Goldust. It will be Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns vs. Rhodes and Goldust tonight. Rollins brings up Kane getting pinned by Bryan and knocked out by Big Show. Kane says he's giving them the chance to step up and tells them to go do it. Reigns makes a reference to taking out any demons that get in their way. We go to commercial.

Jack Swagger vs. Big E

Back from the break and Jack Swagger waits in the ring as WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E makes his way out. We see Cesaro and Zeb Colter at ringside. Swagger tells them, "I got this." Swagger takes Big E to the corner with knees. Big E with a big shoulder thrust, and another. Big E mounts Swagger with right hands in the corner.

Swagger with a big slam out of the corner and a clothesline for a 2 count. Big E is revealed for the Andre battle royal at WrestleMania. Swagger keeps up the attack and goes for another pin attempt. Big E comes back with a clothesline and a belly-to-belly suplex. Big E runs the ropes but Swagger takes out his knee. Zeb calls for the Patriot Lock but Swagger chokes Big E on the ropes. Zeb wants Cesaro to hit a cheap shot on Big E but Cesaro won't. Swagger is distracted, allowing Big E to roll him up for the win.

Winner: Big E

- After the match, Cesaro laughs at Swagger as he gets to his feet. Swagger goes to the floor and gets in Cesaro's face. They have words and Zeb gets in between them. They put blame on each other. Zeb gets upset and says it's both of their faults. Zeb says this has gone far enough, he's sick and tired. Zeb takes off his vest and slams it. He tells them to shake hands but they won't. They finally shake and Cesaro squeezes Swagger's hand. Swagger tells him to let go and finally yanks his hand away.

- Up next, The Undertaker. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes The Undertaker. Taker makes his grand entrance and the fans cheer as he takes the mic. There's a purple light over the ring. Fans chant for Taker but before he can speak, Paul Heyman appears on the stage. Heyman apologizes if his presence has updated Taker's train of thought. Heyman introduces himself to Taker but at least calls him sir. Heyman praises The Streak. Heyman points out that Mr. WrestleMania Shawn Michaels himself could never win 2 WrestleMania victories in a row. Heyman say similar facts about Triple H, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and John Cena. Austin's name got a big pop. Heyman praises The Streak some more. Heyman asks Taker not to step in the ring with Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania XXX because the WWE fans need to worship The Streak. Heyman says even he worships Taker and The Streak after last year. Heyman says Lesnar will end The Streak, even though he's stepping into the unknown at WrestleMania. Heyman says it's an unknown that Taker needs to fear, not Lesnar. Heyman says if Taker steps in the ring with Lesnar, The Streak will be conquered. Taker tells Heyman to take a message to Lesnar about the fear of the unknown being the greatest fear of them all. Taker tells Heyman to tell Lesnar that if he shows up at WrestleMania, he will rest... in... peace. Taker's music hits and Heyman makes his exit.

- Still to come, Batista and Orton vs. Show and Bryan. Up next, The Brotherhood vs. The Shield. Back to commercial.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns

Back from the break and out comes Cody Rhodes and Goldust. The Shield comes out next through the crowd. Back and forth to start but The Brotherhood takes control of Rollins and works him over. Rollins drops Cody in the corner and tags in Reigns. Reigns drops Cody and covers for a 2 count. Reigns takes Cody back to the corner and beats him down. Reigns with more offense on the ropes. Rollins tags in for a big right hand off the top. Rollins with a takedown and a knee to the face for a 2 count. Reigns comes back in but misses a big right hand in the corner. Goldust tags in and unloads with clotheslines on Reigns. Goldust with the big right hand and a shot to Rollins. Goldust nails a spinebuster for a 2 count. Goldust with a crossbody on both men. Cody and Goldust send Rollins and Reigns to the floor. They both then leap out and clean house as Ambrose looks on and approaches. We go to commercial with Ambrose threatening to get involved.

Back from the break and Reigns slams Goldust for another 2 count. During the break, Reigns hit a big Samoan Drop on Goldust. Reigns drops Goldust with a big right hand. Rollins tags in and keeps Goldust grounded. Rollins with a jumping forearm in the corner. Reigns runs around and hits his trademark dropkick to the head. Reigns drags Goldust to their corner and Goldust finally moves. He gets up and fights back but Reigns drops him with an elbow for another 2 count. Rollins comes back in and Goldust goes at it with him. Rollins with a kick to the back of the head. Reigns tags back in.

Reigns with kicks in the corner and a running clothesline. Goldust catches Reigns in a big powerslam out of nowhere. Rollins tags and stops Cody from coming in. Goldust kicks him away and tags in Cody. Cody unloads on Rollins and rolls him up for 2. Cody drops down with the right hand. Cody blocks a move and hits a Disaster Kick on Reigns. Rollins runs into a boot. Cody nails a moonsault on Rollins for a 2 count. Cody blocks a kick and nails a right hand. Cody with a Musclebuster for a close 2 count as Reigns breaks the pin. Goldust dropkicks Reigns to the floor. Rollins sends Goldust out. Cody and Rollins collide. Reigns and Goldust come back in. Reigns spears Goldust. Cody dumps Reigns to the floor. Rollins blocks CrossRhodes and blocks a Disaster Kick. Rollins powerbombs Cody back into the corner and stomps on the back of his head for the win.

Winners: Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns

- After the match, Ambrose comes in to celebrate. The Shield stand united as we go to replays.

- Still to come, Sheamus vs. Christian and voting is now open on the WWE App for their stimulation.

The Bella Twins vs. AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka

Back from the break and The Bella Twins wait in the ring as Tamina Snuka and Divas Champion AJ Lee make their way out. Natalya is on commentary. Nikki starts off with Tamina and they lock up. Nikki takes it to the ropes and they break. Tamina shoves Nikki twice. Nikki comes back swinging and ducks a clothesline. They trade shots and Nikki tags in Brie for some double teaming. Brie with a running knee to the face. AJ distracts Brie. Brie turns around to a big kick to the face from Tamina. The kick knocks Brie out of the ring and the referee counts. Tamina comes out and throws her back in. Tamina drops Brie and covers for 2.

Tamina keeps control of Brie and tags in AJ for some double teaming. AJ drops Brie with a kick and covers for a 2 count. Brie blocks a DDT attempt but AJ turns it into a chokehold. Brie inches towards Nikki but they break the hold and Brie dropkicks AJ in the face. Nikki tags in and clotheslines AJ. Dropkick by Nikki. Nikki with a flying clothesline in the corner. Nikki runs into a bot in the corner. Nikki with a facebuster for a 2 count as Tamina breaks the pin. Brie leaps out and takes down Tamina on the floor. AJ kicks Brie in the face. AJ with the Black Widow on Nikki but she counters it. Nikki with the Rack Attack for the win.

Winners: The Bella Twins

- After the match, The Bellas stand over AJ and Nikki has the title over her shoulder. Natalya gets up and stands on the apron. She stares Nikki down as Nikki poses with the title.

- Cole shows us a preview for USA Network's NCIS:LA. Renee Young is in the crowd with LL Cool J and Chris O'Donnell. They talk about being at RAW. She asks if they could recruit one star to join the cast, who would it be and O'Donnell says Cena, LL Cool J says Undertaker or The Bella Twins. They plug the show some more and we go back to commercial.

- We go to the ring and out comes Daniel Bryan. Bryan says the Yes Movement is alive right here in Memphis. He talks about Stephanie apologizing earlier and the crowd boos. Nobody believed it was sincere. Bryan says The Authority wants to scare him into falling in line. He says he should have kicked Triple H in the face a long time ago. Bryan says he will not back down and will fight. Bryan says if they want him to apologize for standing up for himself, he's got one word for them... no! A "no!" chant starts up. Bryan says it ends tonight. He says everyone is tired of Triple H. He says Triple H doesn't listen to anyone but tonight, they're going to make it so Triple H has to listen. Bryan says the Yes Movement is going to occupy RAW tonight. A "yes!" chant breaks out. Bryan says he's not leaving the ring until he gets what he wants - the WrestleMania match with Triple H. Bryan says says he's not alone, he's got the Yes Movement. Bryan says it's unlawful, dangerous and subject to prosecution but he doesn't care. Bryan says he talked to members of the Yes Movement earlier today and wants them to come down. A bunch of fans in Bryan t-shirts start coming over the barrier and into the ring. We go to commercial.

Damien Sandow's music hits and he immediately comes out but the fans are chanting "no" and blocking the ring. Bryan tells Sandow to come on and join the Yes Movement. Sandow turns around and out comes Triple H. Triple H yells at Sandow to go to the ring. Stephanie comes out and tells Sandow not to disrespect her husband. She tells Bryan not to disrespect her family name. She says this became hers when she was born and she does own Bryan. Stephanie yells for them to get out. She loses it and screams at them. Bryan says no, we are not leaving until we get what we want - a match with Triple H at WrestleMania. Fans chant "yes" now. Bryan says they won't get the show back until he agrees. Triple H says the truth is, he actually likes Bryan. Triple H says he tried to protect Bryan from everything that would happen when he was successful. Triple H says he's protected Bryan since SummerSlam and now this happens. Triple H says he's not fighting Bryan at WrestleMania for his own good because he will end Bryan. Triple H tells Bryan to be careful for what he wishes for and accepts the challenge. Triple H tells Bryan to shut up and get out of his ring and walks off. Bryan stops him. Bryan says he misspoke. That's not all he wants. Bryan says the people really want to see him compete for the title. He proposes that if he beats Triple H, he gets added to the Batista vs. Orton main event. Triple H charges the ring but security holds him back. He agrees to Bryan's demands.

- Still to come, Sheamus vs. Christian. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see what just happened with Daniel Bryan, his fans and The Authority.

- Jerry Lawler is in the ring to a big pop. He announces the stipulation for Sheamus vs. Christian and fans on the WWE App voted for a Memphis Street Fight.

Memphis Street Fight: Sheamus vs. Christian

Sheamus is out first followed by Christian. The WWE crew sets up a set of drums and other instruments at ringside. Christian strikes first but Sheamus takes him to the corner. Sheamus ends up sending Christian over the top. Sheamus follows and sends him into the barrier. Sheamus slams Christian's face into the announce table and sends him into the ring post. Sheamus grabs a guitar but Christian ducks and it smashes on the ring post. Christian with right hands. Christian grabs a guitar and jabs it at Sheamus. Christian gets sent over the steel steps. Sheamus continues and chases Christian up the ramp. Christian shoves Sheamus off the ramp down to the floor. Christian goes to the stage and hits a big tornado DDT on the concrete. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and they're in the ring now. Christian with kendo stick shots. Christian with a 2 count and more kendo stick shots. Sheamus finally fights back but Christian hits a knee to the gut and takes him down. Christian comes off the second rope with a kendo stick but Sheamus knocks him out of mid-air. Sheamus with a big clothesline and another, and a third. Sheamus with a thrust in the corner and a high knee. Sheamus keeps up the attack and grabs a kendo stick. Christian blocks it and comes off the top. Sheamus catches him and drops him for 2. Christian turns it around on the apron. They struggle for a kendo stick. Sheamus takes it and unloads on Christian with it. Sheamus nails White Noise for a 2 count. Sheamus with forearms to the chest on the apron now. Sheamus brings Christian back in with a powerslam and readies for a Brogue Kick. Christian rolls out of the ring and pulls Sheamus but gets yanked into the ring post. Sheamus with an Irish Curse backbreaker off the steel steps. Sheamus rolls Christian in the ring and tosses some steel chairs in. Sheamus grabs a bass drum from the set and brings it in. He puts that in the corner and tries to throw Christian into it but he's blocked. Christian grabs a chair and hits Sheamus with it. Christian stacks a few chairs on Sheamus and hits a frogsplash. Christian with a 2 count. Christian grabs the bass drum but Sheamus nails a Brogue through it for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

- Cole talks more about the WWE App and the WWE Network.

- Brad Maddox is talking with Batista backstage when Randy Orton walks up. The Authority has left the building but they instructed Batista and Orton to put aside their differences for tonight. Orton says he's willing if Batista is. Batista smirks and walks off. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes Lana to the stage. She speaks in Russian and introduces Alexander Rusev. Rusev comes out and stands on his podium to cut a promo in Bulgarian.

- We see footage from Hulk Hogan's WrestleMania announcement earlier.

- We get a promo from The Wyatt Family on John Cena. Luke Harper speaks first and then Bray Wyatt.

Big Show and Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton and Batista

We go to the ring and out comes Big Show. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Daniel Bryan. Batista is out next followed by the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton. The bell rings and here we go. Bryan takes out Orton early on the floor and we go to commercial with fans chanting for Bryan.

Back from the break and Bryan is in control. Orton turns it around and tags in Batista. Batista and Orton keep tagging other to keep Bryan down. Batista nails a suplex and hits Bryan on the apron. Batista slams Bryan into the apron and rolls him back in. Batista runs into a boot but clotheslines Bryan for 2. Orton tags back in and hits Bryan with headbutts and more stomps.

Show finally tags in and unloads on Batista. Show with a sideslam. Show climbs in the corner but Orton cuts him off. Batista hits Show from behind and takes his leg out. Batista and Orton are working together now. Orton tags back in and stomps away on Show. Orton with a boot to the face for a 2 count. Batista comes back in with more shots to Show. Batista with a big spear. Orton and Bryan tag back in. Bryan with the upperhand and a clothesline. Bryan knocks Batista off the apron. Bryan with kicks to Orton's chest now. Bryan nails the roundhouse for a 2 count. Bryan climbs to the top and kicks Batista to the floor. Bryan misses the headbutt on Orton. Orton rolls Bryan up for 2. Bryan applies the Yes Lock but Batista makes the save. Show comes in and hits Batista but catches a RKO. Orton goes to RKO Bryan but Bryan moves and Batista accidentally spears Orton. Batista goes back down and Orton sidesteps Bryan in the corner. Orton with the draping DDT on Bryan. Bryan blocks a RKO and rolls Orton up for 2. Bryan nails the flying knee for the win.

Winners: Daniel Bryan and Big Show

- After the match, Bryan chants with the fans and poses in the turnbuckles to point up at the WrestleMania sign. RAW goes off the air with Bryan celebrating.

- The Backstage Pass post-show opens with Bryan celebrating with the fans. The panel talks about Bryan getting his match and we see him slapping hands with fans on the way out. The panel talks about the Yes Movement now. Jimmy Hart says he's never seen anything like it. We get a look back at how Bryan got Triple H to give him the match.

- Tom Phillips interviews some of the fans involved in the Yes Movement segment. The panel talks more about what happened. Renee Young is backstage with Bryan. He says the people have power and this is his dream. He talks about beating Triple H and then getting a title shot. Bryan says he's going to make the most out of the opportunity that he can.

- We go back to the panel to talk about RAW. We see a Renee Young interview from earlier where she caught up with Hulk Hogan and John Cena. Cena said he felt like a kid again. Hogan and Cena were both excited about being in the ring with each other. Hogan says he gets to live through Cena now and has his back, jack. Hogan feels sorry for Bray when Cena is done with him. Hogan says if The Wyatt Family stumbles towards him as the host, they may get something in return. The panel talks about Bray Wyatt and we see his promo from RAW.

- The panel talks more about The Wyatt Family and plugs tomorrow night's live Main Event and Friday's SmackDown. Mathews plugs SmackDown's pre-show and Backstage Pass post-show and that's it.