View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results - 3/11/14

Role Model
03-12-2014, 02:00 AM
WWE will tape this week's WWE Main Event from the Verizon Arena in Little Rock, Arkansas. Here are the results:

- Tonight's WWE Main Event opens up live from North Little Rock, Arkansas as Tom Phillips welcomes us.

Los Matadores vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel

We go to the ring and out first comes Los Matadores with El Torito. Ryback and Curtis Axel are out next. Ryback starts things off with Diego and they lock up. Ryback tosses him across the ring. Diego with a dropkick and a headlock. Back and forth now. Fernando tags in for some double teaming and a 1 count. Ryback counters but misses a big splash. Fernando with a roll up for 2. Fernando with a back elbow from the second rope. Ryback turns it around and takes Fernando into the corner. Axel tags in and they double team Fernando.

Fernando gets the upperhand but Axel turns it back around with a big shot to the back of the head. Axel taunts Fernando and puts a boot to his throat. Ryback tags in and continues the assault on Fernando. Ryback with knee drops now. Ryback with a takedown and a boot to the face for another 2 count. Axel comes back in and they keep Fernando grounded. Axel nails a huge kick to the face for another 2 count. Ryback comes back in and hits a long vertical suplex. Fernando finally fights back but Ryback drops him with a shoulder. Ryback misses a big splash. Axel comes in and stops a tag. Axel misses and Diego finally tags in. Diego unloads on Axel and dropkicks Ryback off the apron. Diego with a crossbody. Diego with a head scissors out of the corner. Diego with more offense. Diego goes to the top for a senton but Ryback breaks the pin. Fernando dumps Ryback to the floor. Fernando leaps out and takes Ryback down again. El Torito gets kicked by Axel, flying out to Ryback. Diego rolls Axel up for the win.

Winners: Los Matadores

- We see AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka backstage before going to promos.

- We go to the ring and out comes WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka. AJ says she is so bored. She says she will beat Natalya tonight and prove that she has no competition and prove why she's the longest reigning Divas champion of all-time.

WWE Divas Title Match: Natalya vs. AJ Lee

Natalya's music hits and out she comes. ony Chimel does official ring introductions since this is a title match. Natalya strikes first and takes AJ to the mat. Natalya keeps AJ grounded as Tamina looks on. AJ fights out and they trade holds. Natalya takes AJ back to the mat. AJ breaks it by getting to the bottom rope. AJ stalls on the apron now. AJ takes her time coming in and Natalya goes for a pin attempt. Natalya with a slam and an abdominal stretch now. AJ counters but Natalya kicks her out of the ring. AJ lands on the floor and we cut to more WWE commercials.

Tamina ends up distracting Natalya and AJ takes back control. AJ with a 2 count. Natalya goes for a big slam but AJ turns it into a standing submission. Natalya breaks free and we get another pin attempt but AJ runs over her with a flying clothesline. Natalya with a roll up for 2. AJ with another clothesline and 2 count. More back and forth. Natalya with a dropkick to the face. They trade shots in the corner now. AJ unloads with kicks until the referee backs her off. AJ with a boot to the throat now.

Role Model
03-13-2014, 06:42 AM
Anyone else watch Main Event between AJ and Nattie and think it was great for a Divas match? If I hadn't seen Arrival, I'd say best divas match in quite some time.