View Full Version : Road Dogg & WrestleMania, WWE Releasing Combo Packs

Role Model
03-13-2014, 08:47 PM
- WWE Studios will be releasing several of their movies in combo packs this June. There will be a Triple H set (Inside Out, The Chaperone), a John Cena set (Legendary, The Reunion), a Family set (Legendary, Knucklehead, The Chaperone), a Drama set (That’s What I Am, Legendary), a Comedy set (Bending the Rules, Knucklehead, Chaperone) and an Action set (Inside Out, The Reunion, Bending the Rules, No Holds Barred).

- Cesaro was in The Netherlands last week doing promotional work for WWE. He did many TV and radio interviews, including a gym session with the WTF.nl website.

- "Road Dogg" BG James is legitimately suffering from a back injury. There was more talk this past week of doing The New Age Outlaws vs. The Usos for the WWE Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania XXX.