View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results - 3/18/14

Role Model
03-20-2014, 07:16 PM
The announcers welcome us to WWE Main Event.

Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. The Real Americans
The Rhodes brothers took an early advantage and kept Swagger in their corner, but Swagger managed to tag in Cesaro. Cody held his own, but Cesaro caused a distraction long enough for Swagger to attack Rhodes from behind.

The heels settled into control of the match and worked a series of quick tags and double-team assaults to wear Rhodes down.

Goldust got the hot tag and took the fight to Cesaro. The Rhodes brothers hit stereo dives on The Real Americans. Goldust brought Cesaro back into the ring, but he was met with a powerslam.

Back from the break, the Real Americans maintained control and took turns assaulting Goldust. Goldust attempted to get a tag to Rhodes, but Cesaro kicked Cody off the apron and trapped Goldust in the Cesaro Swing.

Goldust battled out of his opponents' corner and got the hot tag to Rhodes. Cody hit a quick flurry of offense and hit a moonsault on Swagger for a near fall. Swagger reversed a Beautiful Disaster into the Patriot Lock. Rhodes writhed in pain, but Goldust made the save.

Moments later, Rhodes hit Cross Rhodes on Swagger for the 1-2-3… [C]

The Rhodes Brothers defeated The Real Americans.

Layla and Alicia Fox vs. The Funkadactyls
Naomi and Fox started the match. Naomi went for an early rollup victory, but Fox kicked out. Cameron checked in and Fox quickly tagged in Layla. Layla did a little dance and Cameron kicked her in the gut. Layla responded with a side thrust kick and the heels took their turn on offense. Naomi tagged back in and hit Fox with the Rear View and a split-leg moonsault for the pinfall victory…

The Funkadactyls defeated Alicia Fox and Layla.

The Funkadactyls celebrated with a post-victory dance.

The Raw Rebound focused on Triple H's brutal attack on Daniel Bryan.

Big Show vs. Titus O'Neill
O'Neill shoved Big Show and barked to start. Show responded with a slap to the chest. O'Neill went after Show's legs and kicked him down to the mat. O'Neill locked in a rest hold. Show stood up and slammed O'Neill with a side suplex. O'Neill responded with a Clash of the Titus that Show kicked out of at two. O'Neill showboated for a bit, but when he went back to attending to Show, he ate a KO Punch. Show covered O'Neill for the pinfall victory.

A hype video for the Steak aired…

The show returned to Paul Heyman hurriedly taking a mic from Lilian Garcia. Heyman introduced himself and apologized for taking some of Undertaker's time. Heyman said Lesnar asked him to deliver a message, and Heyman bemoaned having to travel to Texas.

Heyman put over The Streak as equal if not greater value than the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Heyman said The Streak had no equal in sports.

Heyman declared that The Streak would come to an end at WrestleMania and it would be conquered by Brock Lesnar. Heyman moved to leave, but the gong sounded to herald Undertaker's arrival.

Undertaker's music played, but he appeared behind Heyman in full ring gear.

Undertaker choked Heyman, who begged and said he was just an advocate. Undertaker told Heyman to tell Lesnar that when Undertaker gets to New Orleans, he will slay the Beast and throw his corpse into the fiery pits of Hell.

Undertaker said that if Lesnar does not understand the message, he will be in Brooklyn to say it to his face. Undertaker instructed Heyman to leave while he is still able, and he shoved him from the ring. Heyman slowly made his exit while looking like he's seen a ghost.