View Full Version : WWE SmackDown Spoiler Results - 3/21/14

Role Model
03-20-2014, 07:17 PM
WWE taped this week's episode of WWE SmackDown tonight. Here are the results for Friday's show:

* Dark match: Alexander Rusev defeat Xavier Woods.

* The arena filled up to close to a sell-out by the start of the taping.

* Kane kicks off tonight's Smackdown. They showed footage from the attack on Daniel Bryan by Triple H and The Authority from Monday's Raw. Kane talks about what Triple H and Daniel Bryan did this past Monday on RAW. Kane said it was best for business. Kane then reads off a letter from Triple H. In the letter, Triple H apologized for his actions this past Monday. "You Sold Out" chant breaks out. Kane then left the ring.

* Fernando defeated Fandango.

* Dolph Ziggler defeated Damien Sandow with the Fameasser.

* On the video screen, The Wyatt Family cut a promo on John Cena.

* Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns vs. 3MB vs. RybAxel vs. The Real Americans in a #1 contender's match. The match ended in no contest when Kane attacked Roman Reigns. Rybaxel, The New Age Outlaws, The Real Americans, and Kane attacked and destroyed The Shield.

* Footage is shown of Kane and Outlaws tooking out The Shield.

* In-ring segment with The Miz: Miz announces that he is in the Andre The Giant Battle Royal at WrestleMania XXX. Miz the brings out the favorite to win the Battle Royal, The Big Show. Miz and Show shared a ShowMiz moment. Miz then takes a jab at Show before welcoming out other competitors in the match, Titus, Kofi, Del Rio, Big E., Cody, Goldust, Henry, and Sheamus. This setups an impromptu Battle Royal.

* Big Show eliminates Sheamus and The Miz in an impromptu Battle Royal.

* Alberto Del Rio defeated IC Champion Big E in a non-title match.

* Backstage comedy bit with Santino and Emma.

* The Bella Twins defeated Natalya and Summer Rae.

* Replay is shown of The Undertaker on WWE Main Event.

* Kane granted Rybaxel and The Real Americans a WWE Tag Team title shot. 3MB were entered into the Andre The Giant Battle Royal.

* Lana and Rusev comes out. Rusev spoke in his native language.

* Video package for John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt is shown.

* John Cena defeated Luke Harper with the AA. Following the match, Cena darted out of the ring fast before Bray Wyatt can into the ring. Cena then high-tailed it to the stage to stand tall as the Wyatts sat angrily in the ring. This concluding Friday's tapings.