View Full Version : More Backstage News on The Shield Breaking Up

Role Model
03-23-2014, 12:30 AM
We noted before that there is still a plan in place for The Shield to split up. The plan is for Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose to play the heel tag team while Roman Reigns will be booked as a top singles babyface.

The apparent babyface turn by The Shield on RAW was done to accomplish two things - allow The New Age Outlaws to work a program with them, which they requested, and to better set up Reigns' big singles run.

The idea behind better setting up Reigns' singles run is that it's better for Ambrose and Rollins to turn on Reigns than it is for Reigns to turn on them.

03-24-2014, 09:45 PM
The Shield have to feud with New Age Outlaws and the fans have to buy that NAO can hang with The Shield?
Damn creative once again..