View Full Version : HHH's Reaction to Punk Not Wanting to Wrestle Him

03-23-2014, 11:11 PM
There's a feeling within WWE that while Triple H probably won't admit it publicly, he's probably offended that CM Punk didn't want to work with him at WrestleMania XXX. WWE officials, including Triple H himself, see being able to work with him as a big deal.

On a related note, the attitude within WWE in regards to Punk has changed from "Vince is going to take care of this, everything will be fine" to a very negative response when asking around. The feeling now is that WWE made Punk a lot of money and then he left.

03-24-2014, 12:29 AM
sad they couldn't just agree to something but it seems like what they replaced it with is going to be way better.

03-24-2014, 12:31 AM
I said it months ago. Wrestling HHH isn't as big a deal as Paul wants it to be. He thinks he's on the same level as Undertaker but he's not.

03-24-2014, 09:43 PM
I said it months ago. Wrestling HHH isn't as big a deal as Paul wants it to be. He thinks he's on the same level as Undertaker but he's not.

That's true but having a feud with HHH as The Authority member is big enough...losing to Undertaker isn't quite that much of a great success (although being in the match of the night at WM and working with THE greatest SS of them all is priceless!) when being rushed into a feud like last year