View Full Version : Austin, JR & Others Comment on Taker's Streak Ending

04-07-2014, 12:12 PM
Below are some comments from current and former WWE stars on The Undertaker's Streak being stopped by Brock Lesnar at tonight's WrestleMania XXX:

Jillian Hall, who was watching at Lisa Marie Varon's restaurant: "Everyone was speechless for 5 minutes!!! OMG!!!! #WrestleMania30 and I never get shocked! #WOW"

Sean Waltman: "With all due respect, that should have been saved for a Roman Reigns or someone else to build towards the future."

Mick Foley: "I was there. The end of an era."

Xavier Woods: "My childhood, it hurts. I can't deal with this right now..."

Steve Austin: "Holy shit...Lesnar has ended the streak! Jesus Christ. 21-1. #neveragain #streakvsthebeast #WWE"

Jim Ross: "I feel now like how I did when that bastard Bruce Dern killed John Wayne in 'The Cowboys.' The Streak is over. #WrestleMania Just my saucy prediction but BrockLesnar will likely be the wwe champion going into next year's #WrestleMania."

the madscotsman
04-07-2014, 01:51 PM
I love Jom Ross's analogy.

04-07-2014, 05:59 PM
That booking of Lesnar ending Taker's streak is completely senseless..I really feel bumped and being letdown

IMO WWE did not get a strong reation out nof that ending as they wanted...the other thing is, if Lesnar pushed him §being the one" in his contract negotiations

04-07-2014, 07:16 PM
^ I disagree, I think that was the exact reaction they were expecting. Pure shock and silence is what they wanted and I think that is what they got.

Xavier Woods: "My childhood, it hurts..."

Is exactly how I felt to a tee

Big Evil
04-07-2014, 09:21 PM
You feel numb, you really do. Growing up as a huge Undertaker fan I never thought they could end the streak. At least from a wrestling standpoint, I could see someone who needs a push winning. But no, Lesnar wins and something epic that can not be repeated is lost forever.
I respect Undertakers' decision for Lesnar to beat him but I feel coming from a man who has been the 'conscience' of the WWE for a long time now he should have been eying the new generation for a guy to go over him. Question now is how they will make up for such a huge draw at 'Mania now that the legacy has met its end.

04-08-2014, 08:35 PM
Besides all the emotional thing, I really think it's a misbooking although nobody else but Taker decided that Lesnar is the guy to break it.
What is the benefit from that win for Lensar?
Hell this guy lost to HHH twice and Cena also...and he only shows up to WWE 4 times a year

04-08-2014, 10:23 PM
Like I said before, why give the honor of ending the streak to someone who isn't even a full time wrestler? I doubt Lesnar even appreciates it.

04-08-2014, 11:32 PM
I have a sauce who used to work with WWE and (love how everyone always say sources) he tells me that Taker wanted Brock to end it because it would feel legit cause of the MMA thing and it was originally supposed to happen at Mania 27 but Dana White wouldn't allow Brock to wrestle.