View Full Version : Cena vs Hogan at Wrestlemania 31?

04-12-2014, 11:24 AM
Possible opponents in next Wrestlemania? John Cena and Hulk Hogan
WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan has hinted that he might come back for his one last match at Wrestlemania 31.

The former WWE World Heavyweight champion who served as the guest host for the eventful Wrestlemania 30 at the SUPERdome is looking forward to a confrontation with John Cena at the next year’s event in Bay Arena.

While speaking to the KPIX San Francisco, the Hulkster was asked about his thoughts on having a last in ring moment in the WWE.

“I do have one more match in me,” Hogan said. “With the right guy, never say never in the WWE Universe brother, I’ve learned that.”

Hogan also talked about his possible opponent for the next Wrestlemania who he feels will be the right choice among the current WWE superstars.

“On the current roster if I had to call one guy out and I love this guy to death because he’s the flagship, he’s the horse power of this company…if there’s one guy I had to call out it’s John Cena. He’s polarized. He represents all aspects of sports entertainment.”

He also added,”If this thing was to go down with me and Cena, that Levi’s Stadium they better start widening the stadium a little bit brother,” he told the site. “I know they’re in the middle of construction. They better build it a little bit bigger if that was to go down.”

With Undertaker’s streak coming to an end, Hogan explained how he too was taken by surprise when the deadman fell at the hands of Brock Lesnar.

“That one shocked me brother. I was sitting in the back with my son Nick…When he lost it was like the wind was taken out of my sails and I looked at the crowd and everyone had their mouths open. No one could believe it, it was the shock of the night…Everybody was shocked.”

The Hulkamania flag bearer seemed happy with WWE’s crowd entertaining tactics stating that how the company could change the atmosphere instantly with contrasting outcomes.

“The whole night was crazy. The gut-punch with the Undertaker and me being torn up about Andre the Giant…and then…the WWE has a way to turn that volume back up when Daniel Bryan won.”

The possibility of Hulk Hogan facing John Cena ? We don’t know that yet. But we do know that the Hulkster seemed to be relishing the prospect of returning at the Levy stadium next year.

04-12-2014, 02:50 PM
Finally Hogan can shut Cena up

04-12-2014, 08:30 PM
Hogan's looking for a HUGE paycheque..why not working with Bryan, Wyatt or The Shield? Hogan wants THE Nr. 1 of the company

04-15-2014, 05:50 PM
^ because like it or not, Cena is by far the biggest draw in WWE by a substantial margin. The gap maybe closing, but at the end of the day he's number one.

04-15-2014, 06:57 PM
Doubt this will happen.. It'd be a waste of Cena, and Hogan would look absolutely awful. I'd like to see Cena v Taker instead, though.

Big Evil
04-15-2014, 10:06 PM


Hogan can't even pass a physical, and he is well beyond the point where he could put on a passable match.
Even the best guys the WWE has in terms of carrying opponents to a good match wouldn't be able to save Hogan.
On top of that, there is nothing in it for anyone aside from Hogan getting a paycheck.
Nobody wants to see Hogan versus Cena or anyone for that matter.
Ten years ago, maybe. Not now.
WWE needs to focus on the new stars, moving ahead into the future with the developing talent and stop focusing so much on ancient relics that can't hang up the boots.

04-17-2014, 08:00 PM
Will not buy a Cena vs Hogan feud simply because Hogan's not a credible opponent