View Full Version : Updates On John Cena & Daniel Bryan, They’re Back, What You Won’t See On Smackdown

04-23-2014, 05:40 PM
Updates On John Cena & Daniel Bryan, They’re Back, What You Won’t See On Smackdown

WWE TV Taping Notes from Hershey…

- Neither John Cena nor WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan worked this week’s tapings. The storyline is Bryan was at home resting when he was given time off due to the death of his father. Bryan is scheduled to work Raw next week in St. Louis.

- Someone that was supposedly gone was back. We have taping results at this link.

- Bo Dallas worked a dark match prior to the start of the show, going over a local worker. Sami Zayn was also at the taping and went over Heath Slater in a dark match.

- After this week’s Smackdown was taped, The Shield brawled off-camera with The Wyatt Family. The babyfaces won out to send the crowd home happy.

We noted that Bo Dallas went over a local worker in a dark match prior to this week’s Smackdown taping in Hershey, PA. The worker was actually former WWE worker Mike Mondo. He Tweeted the following after the bout:

Man it felt great to perform in a WWE ring tonight. A long time coming…Thank you for everyone's love & support! #BOOM #NoFear

— Mike Mondo (@MikeMondo83) April 23, 2014