View Full Version : Drew McIntyre Talks Undertaker's Streak Ending

05-02-2014, 01:56 AM
Digital Spy published an interview with Drew McIntyre. Here are some highlights:

Going from being "The Chosen One" to being in 3MB: "It was obviously night and day, the difference. I went from a Terminator-style character to being in a band, having a good time. For myself, at the time it was pretty good. I did suffer a hand injury and have to get surgery. I wore a cast for about the first seven months of 3MB, I had to get a screw put in my wrist. It gave me a chance to show a different side of my personality, rather than be serious all the time.

"That's what it's all about. You can't just be the same character forever, you've got to add some layers, show some personality. That's what we're all about - we're about entertainment, and I'm having a great time right now. One day I'll maybe get a little serious again and start heading for those titles."

The Undertaker's streak ending: "I was completely in shock. Nobody saw it coming. If anybody happened to miss the finish they would have had unlimited oxygen to breathe because everybody held their breath at the same time! It was just unbelievable. The reaction - just silence. I don't even know how to describe it. I did not see it coming.

"My dad was at the event, he was frantically calling me! That's how big it was I guess, my dad's trying to phone me saying, 'What's going on, what's going on? The Undertaker lost!' He couldn't comprehend it, I don't think anybody could. I know it's a moment that'll be remembered. Lesnar is going to go down in history as the man who did it."

Rumors of Sting debuting in WWE: "He's somebody who's never been in the company, if that was to happen it would obviously be a very big thing, but as I always say - don't believe everything you read on the internet until it actually happens!"

05-02-2014, 05:23 AM
Wasted talent.

Big Evil
05-02-2014, 07:01 PM
I always worry that the WWE will let guys stew on the backburner for so long that they will eventually lose hope on being a big name in the company. Then, when the WWE realizes that Trips and Orton and Boo-tista and Cena cannot carry the whole company anymore, they look in the back for guys to step and up... and they're all gone.
I don't understand how they think they can shit on guys like Drew for so long and expect them to be around in ten more years waiting for the call. I would rather wrestle in TNA with a chance at being the top guy than wrestle in WWE in dark matches and on secondary shows for years with no chance at being a top guy.

05-03-2014, 10:56 AM
I always worry that the WWE will let guys stew on the backburner for so long that they will eventually lose hope on being a big name in the company. Then, when the WWE realizes that Trips and Orton and Boo-tista and Cena cannot carry the whole company anymore, they look in the back for guys to step and up... and they're all gone.
I don't understand how they think they can shit on guys like Drew for so long and expect them to be around in ten more years waiting for the call. I would rather wrestle in TNA with a chance at being the top guy than wrestle in WWE in dark matches and on secondary shows for years with no chance at being a top guy.

The thing is, as long as talents like Daniel Bryan, Bray Wyatt, The Shield Members and Cesaro show up and guys like Dolph Ziggler, Damian Sandow and Cody Rhoads stay with WWE although being kept down for years, there's no really need for talents like Drew McIntyre, Heath Slater and the others...

As long as good material is there, other good material can be wasted...