View Full Version : TNA News: Gunner Speaks

Shootkick Man
05-07-2014, 12:57 AM
TNA wrestler Gunner said in a new interview that one of the main reasons why he re-signed with TNA is "because I'm happy where I am."

Gunner explained to the Huffington Post U.K. edition that the TNA locker room is "like a big family" that he wants to continue being part of.

Gunner also explained a rumored fiery pep-talk from Samoa Joe at the end of TNA's European Tour earlier this year. "That was blown way out of proportion," Gunner said. "It was the end of the tour and we'd all busted our tail for a week, filming various TV shows including an international PPV. Everybody was tired having hardly slept and worked long days but nobody had complained.

"The 'pep talk' was Joe being a locker-room leader and telling us we'd done a hell of a job which showed on the TV product. Next thing we read that he gave us a pep talk! Joe doesn't speak up often but when he does, you listen and it means something."

Gunner also talked about what TNA has told him and the rest of the locker room about a new talent/brand development deal with UTA announced two weeks ago.

"We haven't heard a lot about it, just a few emails. For those of us that want to push the boundaries, get into acting, etc., it's good," Gunner said. "I think it's also good to branch out from the wrestling world. Other companies have been doing it for years and that's a positive thing. Wrestling is my number one love but acting is something I'd love to do. Acting's a hard business to break into. I've been going to a lot of auditions and trying to get my foot in the door and I've been doing some work with an anti-bullying campaign."