View Full Version : Smackdown Results / Report - 16th May, 2014

05-18-2014, 01:19 PM
Smackdown Results
16th May, 2014
Announcers: Michael Cole and JBL

We start off with the comments from Daniel Bryan about his neck surgery and the subsequent attack by Kane.

We will get an update on Daniel’s condition later tonight.

We are in Greensboro, North Carolina and your announcers are Michael ‘Jordan’ Cole and John ‘Take My Hat . . . Lose a Vital Organ’ Layfield.

John Cena makes his way to the ring to respond to what Bray Wyatt said on Raw.

We see the comments from Bray.

John says that before he talks about Bray Wyatt, he wants to talk about something else real quick. One of the worst things is when you see something bad happen to a good person. He says that he is speaking for everyone when he says that he hopes that Daniel Bryan recovers fully and gets back into the ring soon.

John says that he is here to answer a challenge, but he does not know what the challenge is. Bray talked with charisma and passion but he did not really say anything. He said a few words over and over. He said ‘Last Man Standing’. John says that he knows that Bray is not challenging him to a Last Man Standing match because there are no rules and no mercy.

You cannot win by pinfall, submission, count out, or quit. The only way to win is to beat your opponent so much that they cannot answer the count of ten. John says that this was one of the toughest matches of his career. He had one with JBL. It takes a tough individual to have a Last Man Standing Match so John knows that Bray is not challenging him.

It takes a tough individual. Bray is a dangerous man, but he manipulates people into doing his dirty work for him. He says that Bray is missing one thing. Marbles . . . cajones. . . juevos . . . rocks. . . pebbles . . . raisins.

Bray should be singing something else. He should be singing ‘He’s got no pearls in my pants’. It is obvious you don’t have a brain in your head. If you are challenging him to a Last Man Standing Match, then John accepts. He will be the last man standing at Payback.

What about tonight? He asks if everyone wants to have some fun. John says that he wants to fight and he wants to prove a point. John says that he is making an open challenge to any member of the Wyatt Family. He will let Bray choose the opponent. John says that Bray won’t choose himself, but he will send out one of those Duck Dynasty rejects to do his dirty work.

The Wyatts appear on the TitanTron and Bray says hello to John and he says that John thinks that he knows him very well, but he does not. His name is Bray Wyatt and John knows that. He walks inside monsters and he sings with spirits. He could be the most dangerous man in the world. Thankfully for all of y’all, your world came begging to me for mercy. That will be the end of their story.

Now that John has accepted, the Last Man Standing will conquer all. The loser will be trapped in a prison of their own thoughts, thinking of what could have been. He tells John to make his jokes. Bray says that he pities John. He wants to thank John. He wants to thank John for finding something inside himself that he did not know existed. He found the cure to John’s plague. It exists behind his eye. Bray says that his cure will take the air from John’s lungs.

Bray says that they will not allow John to medicate us any more. Tonight, one of us will be left standing there to lead the world into tomorrow. John, you will be left waiting there in the muck of your own ignorance. He tells John to listen and then Bray starts to sing.

He tells John to burn and we go to commercial.

Match Number One: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso versus Cody Rhodes and Goldust

Goldust and Jey start things off. They lock up and Goldust with a side head lock and shoulder tackle followed by a reverse atomic drop and arm drag. Jey with an arm drag of his own. Goldust pushes Jey and Jey pushes back. Goldust wants a test of strength but it is a way to distract Jey to punch him. Cody with a springboard drop kick for a near fall. Cody with a hammer lock.

Jey backs Cody into the corner and Jimmy tags in and he hits a running forearm into the corner. Jimmy gets a near fall. Jimmy with a wrist lock and chop. Jey tags in and they hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop for a near fall.

Jimmy tags in and he hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Jimmy with a chop. Cody floats over on an Irish whip and he gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Cody with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Jey with a punch to Cody and he tags in Jimmy. Jimmy with a head butt to the midsection. Jimmy with a wrist lock but Cody with an arm drag. Goldust tags in and he punches Jimmy followed by a few forearms for a near fall.

Cody hits Jimmy from the apron and Jimmy hits Cody. Goldust with a kick and drop down uppercut that sends Jimmy to the apron. Cody kicks Jimmy to the floor. Goldust follows after Jimmy and sends him back into the ring. Goldust gets a near fall. Cody tags in and we go to commercial.

We are back and Cody with a hard Irish whip to Jey. Cody gets a near fall. Goldust tags in and he sends Jey shoulder first into the ring post. Goldust with a punch from the floor and he gets a near fall. Goldust with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Jey with an arm drag but Goldust with a spinebuster and he gets a near fall.

Cody tags back in and he goes up top with a double sledge to the arm. Jey with a punch to Cody but Cody with a knee. Jey with another punch and Cody with a series of knees and kicks to Jey. Cody with a snap mare and a short arm scissors. Jey with an uppercut to Cody but Cody with a kick and he shows Jey how to connect with a drop down uppercut. Jey with a dragon whip and both men are down.

Goldust tags in and he keeps Jey from making the tag. Jey with a kick and then Jey drops down when Goldust charges at him. Cody sends Goldust back into the ring so Cody can make the tag but Jimmy tags in as well. Jimmy with clotheslines followed by a back heel kick and Samoan drop.

Jimmy with a running butt splash into the corner and he gets a near fall. Jimmy with a front face lock but Cody blocks a punch and he tries for Cross Rhodes. Jimmy with a snap mare to counter. Jimmy with an uppercut and a corkscrew senton for a near fall. Goldust sends Jey to the floor and Jimmy super kicks Goldust off the apron.

Cody with Beautiful Disaster but Jey pulls Cody to the floor. Jimmy with a super kick and he goes up top for the superfly splash and the three count.

Winners: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

We see comments made by Dolph Ziggler on Twitter about Batista. As a result, Ziggler will get to wrestle Batista tonight.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: El Torito (with Fernando and Diego) versus Heath Slater (with Hornswoggle, Jinder Mahal, and Drew McIntyre)

Diego throws his cape to Slater and Torito gores Slater from behind. Torito goes after Slater but he misses when Slater moves the cape. Slater chases Torito around the ring and then Torito goes to the apron. Slater grabs Torito by the horns, but Torito kicks Slater and slaps him. Slater slams Torito and then Slater poses over Torito.

Slater with some air guitar and then he stands on Torito. Slater misses a splash into the corner and then Slater holds Torito at arm’s length. Hornswoggle charges at Torito but Torito moves and Hornswoggle hits Slater in the groin. Torito gores Hornswoggle out of the ring and then Torito hits a springboard moonsault for the three count.

Winner: El Torito

We see a video package for the Shield and Evolution since they will be wrestling at Payback.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Paige video package.

Match Number Three: Nikki Bella versus Natalya with Guest Referee Eva Marie

Eva has to hold Natalya back before ringing the bell. Natalya with a rollup for a near fall. Natalya with a leg submission but Nikki with a kick and then she hits a Thesz Press and she slams Natalya’s head into the mat. Natalya punches Nikki and then she spanks Nikki. Natalya with a side head lock take down.

Nikki with a double leg take down into a jackknife cover but Natalya with a bridge and she uses her rear end. Natalya with a discus clothesline for a near fall. Nikki with a forearm and Natalya with a forearm of her own. They go back and forth with forerms. Nikki with a facebuster and she gets a near fall.

Nikki with an Irish whip but Nikki misses a splash into the corner. Natalya sends Nikki head first into the mat and Natalya sets for the surfboard. Natalya turns it into a bridge and then Nikki counters and gets the three count.

Winner: Nikki Bella

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dolph Ziggler is with Renee Young in the interview area. Renee asks Dolph why he got involved in the situation with the Shield and Evolution. He says that he wasn’t saying anything that others were not saying. Batista has been a disappointment. He thought he was going to come back as the Superstar he once was, but he did not evolve. Batista is the weak link in Evolution. He tells Batista not to underestimate him because the Show Off will show him up.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Dolph Ziggler versus Batista

Ziggler avoids Batista when he is backed into the corner. Ziggler goes to the floor and Batista follows. Ziggler returns to the ring and he kicks Batista when he gets back in. Batista goes to the floor. Batista pulls Ziggler to the floor and he sends Ziggler into the ringside barrier. Batista with a spinebuster into the apron.

Batista Irish whips Ziggler into the ring steps. Batista brings Ziggler back into the ring and Batista tosses Ziggler across the ring by the hair. Batista pulls Ziggler’s head by the hair to stretch him. Batista with a hard Irish whip. Batista with a suplex for a near fall. Batista with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with punches and a kick but Batista catches Ziggler when Dolph tries for the DDT and Batista with a spinebuster.

Batista shakes the ropes and he gives the thumbs down for the Batista Bomb but Dolph with punches to escape the hold and he hits a DDT. Both men are down. Batista charges into the corner and Ziggler moves. Batista’s shoulder hits the ring post. Ziggler with a splash in the corner and he punches Batista but Batista with a low blow and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler (by disqualification)

After the match, Batista gives Ziggler a Batista Bomb. Batista leaves the ring and then he comes back in and he sends Ziggler to the floor. Batista Irish whips Ziggler into the ringside barrier. Batista with a power bomb onto the ringside barrier.

Sheamus walks in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus is in the O’Goldman Box. He says that he likes Titus. He is a little rough around the edges, hits hard, and has a bit of a chip on his shoulders. He is the type of guy looking to get kicked in the face. He isn’t rough, he hits harder, and he doesn’t have a chip on his shoulders. He has gold.

Titus O’Neil has something to say to Sheamus. Titus mocks Sheamus and then he says that Sheamus has made a name for himself. He didn’t pin anyone. He wants to know how Sheamus can be the United States Champion and not be from the United States. He is a tough guy. Titus says that he will give the United States Champion not from the United States one chance to get out of his ring. Titus tells the referee to ring the bell.

Match Number Five: Sheamus versus Titus O’Neil in a Non Title Match

Titus turns around and is given a Brogue Kick. Sheamus gets the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

Byron Saxton is outside the arena and is standing by the Exotic Express tour bus. He is looking for Adam Rose and asks some of the members of the group. Adam comes out of the bus and Byron asks him about his first night on Smackdown. Adam cleans up the bunny and then he mentions a guy in a shirt with a cheeseburger on it. He says that he is delicious. Byron asks Adam what his issue is with Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter. Adam says that he wants them to have some fun and stop being lemons. Adam has the lemon come out of the bus. Adam asks Byron if he is a lemon or a rosebud. Byron takes a lollipop and rainbow wig and joins the party on the bus.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Damien Sandow versus Santino Marella (with Emma)

Sandow with kicks to Santino and then hits an elbow drop and knee drop to Santino. Sandow with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post. Santino pulls out the Cobra and he connects and gets the three count.

Winner: Santino Marella

After the match, Sandow gets on the mic and he says that he is a great soldier. He wants to know if that is what you like? The smart guy keeps losing. Sandow has his mic turned off.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Paul Heyman makes his way to the stage.

Paul introduces himself and he says that his client’s opponent claims to be an advocate for the truth. He says that he cannot handle the truth. The truth is that being a Paul Heyman guy is the most prestigious position in sports entertainment.

It was his client, BROCK LESNAR, who ended the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at Wrestlemania.

Since Truth wants to know what’s up, it was his other client won the first ever Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at Wrestlemania. There can only be one ‘first’. His client also won the Triple Threat Elimination Match at Extreme Rules. That same one is also known around the world as the Swiss Superman. That one could bill himself as the King of Swing and the King of RVD.

Match Number Seven: R Truth versus Cesaro (with Paul Heyman)

Cesaro with a kick and punch to Truth. Truth with a victory roll for a near fall. Cesaro has a kick blocked and Truth with punches. Cesaro with an Irish whip but Truth floats over and hits a leg lariat for a near fall. Truth with a splash into the corner and then goes for the scissors kick but Truth misses.

Cesaro with an elevated European uppercut followed by the Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.

Winner: Cesaro

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Raw Rebound of what happened to Daniel Bryan.

We see photos from Pittsburgh of Daniel Bryan after his surgery. On Monday night, we will get an update on Daniel and the title situation.

The Wyatts make their way to the ring and they assume their position by the Wyatt rocking chair. They circle the ring and before any of them enter the ring, Jimmy and Jey Uso come to help Cena and even the odds.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Wyatt pulls Rowan and Harper away from the ring. Wyatt talks to Harper and Rowan and he has made his decision on Cena’s opponent.

Match Number Eight: John Cena (with Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso) versus Erick Rowan (with Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper)

Rowan with a kick and forearm followed by a punch and more forearms. Rowan with a side head lock and he runs Cena’s head into the turnbuckles. Rowan with a punch to Cena and a head butt. Cena with punches but Rowan with a back elbow. Rowan with a slam and forearm to the back. Rowan throws Cena to the floor in front of Bray and Luke.

Wyatt tells Harper to stay back while the Usos make sure things stay one on one. Rowan with an Irish whip into the ring steps. Rowan sends Cena back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Rowan with the Double Atomic Noogie on Cena. Cena powers out of the hold and he hits a drop kick. Rowan with a boot to Cena.

Rowan punches Cena in the head while Wyatt laughs from his chair. Rowan with a pump handle back breaker. Cena rolls to the floor and Rowan brings Cena onto the apron. Cena drops Rowan on the top rope but Rowan with a clothesline. Rowan gets a near fall. Rowan with a head butt. Cena with punches but Rowan with a body block that sends Cena to the mat. Rowan misses a splash when Cena rolls out of the way. Cena with a flying shoulder tackle and Rowan stays on his feet. Cena tries for another flying shoulder tackle but Rowan catches him and applies a bear hug. Rowan with a side slam for a near fall.

Rowan runs into an elbow from Cena and Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and he connects. Cena gets Rowan on his shoulders but Rowan escapes. Cena goes for a cross body and Rowan catches him and hits a Fallaway Slam. Rowan with a splash into the corner. Cena goes for an STF and he locks it in.

Harper comes into the ring and Cena avoids him. Jey Uso with a cross body and then Jimmy with a super kick. The Usos hit a stereo suicide dive onto Harper. Rowan with a claw and he sends Cena to the mat but Cena kicks out at two. Rowan gets Cena up for a pump handle slam but Cena escapes and he hits the Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

Winner: John Cena

We go to credits.