View Full Version : NXT Results / Report - 16th May, 2014

05-18-2014, 02:34 PM
NXT Results
16th May, 2014
Location: Winter Park, Florida
Announcers: William Regal, Byron Saxton, and Tom Phillip

Last week, there was a battle royal to determine who would face Adrian Neville at NXT Takeover for the NXT Title. Three men made it to the end and then they were all eliminated at the same time. Tonight, there will be a Triple Threat Match to find out the one person who will face Adrian Neville in two weeks. Who will be that man? Will it be Tyler Breeze, Tyson Kidd, or Sami Zayn?

We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are William ‘My Voice may be here, but my heart is in Europe’ Regal, Byron ‘You can hear me for two hours’ Saxton, and Tom ‘Stanley Cup’ Phillips.

Match Number One: Konor and Viktor versus Buddy Murphy and Elias Sampson in a Non Title Match

Murphy start off with Viktor and Viktor with chops. Konor tags in and they hit a double clothesline. Konor with kicks to Murphy in the corner and then he hits a running kick into the corner. Konor with more kicks to Murphy. Konor with another kick to Murphy.

Viktor tags in and he knocks Sampson off the apron and they hit the Fall of Man on Murphy for the three count.

Winners: Konor and Viktor

After the match, Konor takes the mic and he says that they have laid waste to every team in the WWE Universe. Viktor says that they want to be brought something new to destroy.

Kalisto and El Local make their way to the stage. Local says that there is something they don’t quite like. They say that they have beaten every tag team, but they will make a challenge to the Ascension. El Local tells the Ascension to catch them if they can while Kalisto says ‘Lucha’.

Sami Zayn is in the back with Veronica Lane and she asks him about becoming the number one contender. Sami says that people who know him know that he obsesses over things. He was obsessed with getting respect from Cesaro. He obsessed over taking the title from Bo Dallas. Tonight, he moves one step closer to the title if he can win. Tyson is at the top of his game and Tyler is better than ever. He will take that step tonight.

We are back and we are told that Tyler Breeze has entered the building.

Match Number Two:Alexa Bliss versus Charlotte (with Sasha Banks) in a Semifinal Match in the NXT Women’s Title Tournament

Alexa with a waist lock and chin lock but Charlotte backs her into the turnbuckles. Charlotte runs into an elbow and boot. Alexa flips over Charlotte and she gets a near fall with an inside cradle. Charlotte with a knee to the midsection and she gets a near fall. Charlotte gets another near fall. Charlotte chokes Alexa in the ropes. Charlotte with an abdominal stretch. Alexa with a rollup for a near fall.

Charlotte with a clothesline and she puts Alexa in the tree of woe. Charlotte sends Alexa to the mat and Charlotte gets a near fall. Charlotte slams Alexa’s face into the mat and then she returns to the abdominal stretch.

Alexa with forearms and a kickbut Charlotte tries to send Alexa into the turnbuckles but Alexa with a sunset flip for a near fall. Charlotte catches Alexa on a cross body and hits a back breaker for a near fall. Charlotte with another back breaker and she keeps Alexa over her knee and she stretches Alexa.

Alexa with a punch to get free from Charlotte’s grasp. Charlotte with a knee. Charlotte chokes Alexa in the ropes. Alexa tries for another cross body but Charlotte catches her again and hits another back breaker and then she hits the flip cutter for the three count.

Winner: Charlotte (Advances to finals to face winner of Sasha Banks versus Natalya at NXT Takeover)

We go to comments from Tyler Breeze. He says hello to the NXT Universe. He says that he will be the number one contender for the NXT Championship. To be a champion, you need to be determined and willing to do anything it takes to win. You also need to be gorgeous. He laughs at the thought of Tyson Kidd or Sami Zayn. They are both Canadians and they lack the genetic make up to be gorgeous.

When you have respect, you will draw the line at how far you will go to win. Tyler says that he will do whatever it takes. All is fair in love and triple threats.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Mojo Rawley versus Aiden English

Rawley runs English into the corner and he connects with a shoulder. English with a kick and a forearm to the back. Rawley with a cross body for a near fall. Rawley keeps English in the corner but English goes to the apron. English with a neck breaker for a near fall. English with forearms to Rawley and he gets a near fall. English with a forearm to the back.

English with a kick to Rawley and punches. Rawley with a punch but English with a knee. English climbs the turnbuckles and he punches Rawley. Rawley with a kick and Irish whip. English with an elbow and clothesline for a near fall. English with a DDT for a near fall. English with a reverse chin lock. Rawley with a slam and he kicks English. Rawley with a shoulder tackle and clothesline. Rawley with a Stinger Splash or two. Rawley with a running butt bump followed by Hyperdrive for the three count.

Winner: Mojo Rawley

Tyson Kidd is asked about the Triple Threat Match. He says that he believes in hard work and second chances. The people who are making an impact on the main roster came from NXT. He will be the leader of this group and he will be the champion.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Angelo Dawkins versus Colin Cassady

They lock up and Cassady with knees to Dawkins as he lifts him off the mat. Cassady with a forearm to the back. Cassady runs Dawkins into the corner and then he chops Dawins. Cassady with a forearm to the chest. Cassady with a slam and elbow drop while CJ Parker protests in the crowd.

Cassady with a near fall. Cassady kicks Dawkins and sends him into the turnbuckles. Cassady with punches to the midsection. Cassady with a back elbow for a near fall. Cassady with a slam and elbow drop for a near fall. Cassady with an Irish whip but Dawkins with an uppercut and punches followed by a drop kick. Cassady stays on his feet and Cassady hits a high knee. Cassady spells for the crowd and then he hits a big boot. Cassady with the East River Crossing for the three count.

Winner: Colin Cassady

John Layfield is in the back and Bo Dallas stops John to talk about the Triple Threat Match. Bo says that he has something for John to see. It is letters from BOLIEVERS around the world demanding another title match. Bo says that he told them on his hotline that it wouldn’t be fair. If nothing is done, then John will be inundated with letters.

John says that they should give these letters to CJ Parker so they can be recycled. John says that if Bo can beat his next opponent he will get a title shot. John says that he loves competitors like Bo. He says that if Bo loses, he has to leave NXT for good. John says that is a match with some real stips.

Bo asks John who his opponent is and John says that he will give Bo FIVE guesses.

Bo guesses John Cena and John tells Michael Wallstreet he is wrong. He will be facing Big E. Bo reminds John that he beat Big E to win his title.

Bo thanks John and walks away.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Tyson Kidd versus Tyler Breeze versus Sami Zayn in a Number One Contender Match to determine the Number One Contender for the NXT Title at NXT Takeover

Each man waits to make the first move in the match as they circle each other. Zayn kicks Breeze and Kidd with kicks to Breeze and Zayn followed by a double drop kick to both men and he gets a near fall. Kidd with shoulders to Zayn but Breeze with a forearm to Kidd’s back and he sends him to the floor. Breeze punches Zayn and he kicks him in the corner. Breeze chokes Zayn in the corner.

Breeze punches Zayn but Zayn punches back. Breeze with a knee and he sends Zayn into the turnbuckles. Breeze with a back elbow into the corner but Kidd distracts Breeze to allow Zayn to hit a leg lariat. Zayn with a drop kick to Kidd but Breeze with a Beauty Shot to Zayn and Kidd breaks up the cover.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Breeze with boots to Kidd when Kidd charges into the corner. Zayn is down on the floor and Breeze with a knee drop to Kidd in the center of the ring for a near fall. Breeze with a sunset flip but Kidd rolls through and he tries for a Sharpshooter but Breeze gets to the ropes and the apron. Kidd tries for a suicide dive but Breeze with a forearm. Zayn with a flip dive onto Breeze and then Zayn with a cross body onto Kidd for a near fall.

Breeze returns to the ring and Zayn with a waist lock but Breeze with elbows. Zayn with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Zayn tries for the Helluva kick but Breeze gets a boot up. Zayn has Breeze set for an Exploder Suplex and Kidd comes from behind and hits a German suplex on Zayn. All three men are down.

Kidd and Zayn with forearms at the same time. Kidd with a double leg take down and he gets Zayn into a Sharpshooter. Kidd pulls Zayn into the center of the ring and Breeze with a super kick to Kidd and Breeze gets a near fall on Kidd. All three men are down again.

Breeze clotheslines Kidd over the top rope to the floor. Zayn with an Exploder into the turnbuckles on Breeze for a near fall. Zayn with a wrist lock and he thinks about going to the turnbuckles but Breeze pulls Zayn and Zayn hits the ropes awkwardly and Breeze gets a near fall. Kidd with an enzuigiri to Breeze from the apron.

Kidd goes up top but Breeze with a forearm to crotch Kidd. Zayn with a Helluva Kick on Breeze. Kidd sends Zayn to the floor and Kidd with an elbow drop from the turnbuckles for a three count.

Winner: Tyson Kidd (Faces Adrian Neville at NXT Takeover)

We go to credits.