View Full Version : Live notes from Money in the Bank PPV 2014

06-30-2014, 03:45 PM
During the briefcase match the crowd cheered for what face had the upper hand. Dean Ambrose is so over as is Ziggler, who was like a pinball.

The Divas match killed the crowd, as did the errors they made.

The biggest pop was Daniel Bryan's return.

The John Cena Title win got a huge pop. The crowd stayed long after the win.

Triple H was seen next to the doctor talking to him as Randy Orton was busted up.

Live, the crowd was into the show. I didn't hear any bitching on the way out. There were more then a few Cena chants after the show.


Big Evil
06-30-2014, 08:22 PM
Surprised Cena got such a huge pop. Perhaps the crowd is willing to see him back on top as long as Randy or the Authority aren't allowed to play their games so much. Not that they won't try with Cena as champion...

Props to Randy Orton for sticking it through and finishing the match. Isn't easy with blood pouring down your face, into your eyes, not to mention the bangin' headache he must have had.

Just wish WWE would have faith in their new talent and put the title on someone new for a change. I hope they know what they are doing.

06-30-2014, 09:48 PM
I agree, I do not seee how putting the belt on Cena will benefit the WWE Network at all. It is obvious that Reigns, Rollins or Ambrose are over with the crowd and not just the hardcore fans. I believe the IWC want a new breed to be at the top instead of what they are all use to.

I saw spoilers for the next PPV which is posted in WWE latest news and it seems they will be pushing the new breed but if they get the belt before Summerslam is another question to be answered.

I just think it is time to let the new breed to be pushed to the top and give them a chance to prove themselves. Only time will tell.

Big Evil
06-30-2014, 10:11 PM
Very true and if the rumors of Lesnar facing Cena for the title come to be true, we are looking at even more time wasted with potential stars squashed as the more reliable, established stars continue to hold the belts and take television time from the guys who need it more. I don't understand how the WWE can generate stars like Orton and Cena, then fail to follow that formula and continue to rely on guys like them over putting the title on 'riskier' prospects.

06-30-2014, 10:29 PM
With Cena, Orton and even Sheamus able to push the new breed and even if the WWE want, hold their hand while they are pushed as champion, I just do not see why they do not listen to the IWC. Maybe they are scared to do it ... I just don't know.

All I know is that subscriptions to the WWE Network are going to have to be renewed soon and if the company does not start thinking, they may just lose a lot of people. Of course the hardcore fans will always be there no matter what but it just seems to me that the non hardcore fans want new blood at the top.