View Full Version : RAW Results / Report - 30th Jun 2014

07-01-2014, 04:30 AM
RAW Report / Results - 30th Jun, 2014
Location - Hartford, CT at the XL Center
Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole

Tonight’s show starts off with a look back at the most important ladder match in the history of ladder matches in the history of the WWE from Money in the Bank. Who was the man who climbed the ladder to bring down the golden hanger holding the two WWE Title belts?

We are in Hartford, Connecticut and your announcers are John ‘Best’ Layfield, Jerry ‘for’ Lawler, and Michael ‘Business’ Cole.

Triple H makes his way to the ring and he is accompanied by his wife, a principal owner of the WWE.

Stephanie has the mic and she says that it is an amazing homecoming. She says that she was born in Hartford. Truthfully, they feel privileged to celebrate last night’s pay per view. They started the night with Daniel Bryan. Unfortunately, Daniel’s recovery will take longer than everyone had hoped.

Stephanie says that they are in the business of making history, not living in the past. They did that when Seth beat six competitors (five in the match) win the briefcase and guarantee that he will become the WWE Champion.

Hunter says that Seth is the future of the WWE.

Last night, for the first time ever, the WWE Championship was decided in an eight man ladder match. The man who won is an A+ player. This man became a 15 time champion.

Triple H brings out the brand new WWE Champion, John Cena.

John wears the titles around his neck like a Tallit.

John says that the crowd has something to say first. John mentions Daniel Bryan and that Daniel said that he would be back and better than ever. John tells Daniel that he will give him an opportunity to regain the championships that he never lost . . . Yes.

Stephanie asks how many people here are gamers because to celebrate his 15th title, he will be on the cover for WWE 2K15.

Stephanie says that they are proud of this and she congratulates John.

John thanks Stephanie and he says that it is an honor to be on the cover of the video game, but this is not right. They are being way too nice, way too soon. John says that he was there last night and he saw a different look on their faces. John shows the look of utter disdain on Stephanie and Hunter’s face.

Stephanie says that they were concerned about Randy. John says that Orton, Kane, and Rollins are in their back pockets. John says that they do not control him and the Champ is Here.

Hunter tells John to chill homey.

John tells Hunter he will kick his ass if he wants to.

Hunter says that they never had a problem with John. It is okay that he is on the cover of magazines and a big superstar making movies. It does not bother him that he is the champion . . . as long as John does it with respect. John knows as well as he does that this can go away . . . like that. You can do things the easy way . . . or the hard way.

John says that he will do it the hard way.

Hunter tells John, Hard Way it shall be. At Battleground, John will defend the title in a Fatal Four Way Match.

Stephanie explains the rules of a Fatal Four Way Match in case people don’t understand.

Hunter says two of the people in the match will be John’s opponents tonight. It will be Randy Orton and Kane. John will have a partner against Orton and Kane. His partner will be the fourth man in the match . . . Roman Reigns.

Hunter tells John to enjoy the moment because it will go fast.

John says that if he keeps the title at Battleground, he knows that he will have earned it. It is as bad as swimming in a pool of crap. It is as bad as being pushed into a pool of crap.

John leaves the ring and Hunter tells John at Battleground, he is in a Fatal Four Way and if he survives it . . . there is always a Plan B.

Seth Rollins’ music plays and he has the briefcase with him as he walks to the ring.

Seth Rollins vs Rob Van Dam

They lock up and Rollins with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Van Dam with a monkey flip and Rollins goes to the floor. Van Dam waits for Rollins to get back into the ring. Rollins with kicks to the leg and then Rollins with a single leg take down but Van Dam kicks Rollins away. Rollins goes to the floor.

Rollins with kicks to the leg but Van Dam kicks back. Van Dam with an enzuigiri to Rollins. Van Dam with forearms and the referee pulls Van Dam out of the corner. Van Dam with shoulders to the back. Van Dam with a spinning heel kick into the corner.

Van Dam with a standing moonsault and he gets a near fall. Van Dam with forearms and he kicks Rollins in the corner. Rollins with an Irish whip and Van Dam with a float over. Van Dam tries for a monkey flip but Rollins blocks it. Van Dam with an abdominal stretch into a rollup and Rollins gets to the ropes.

Rollins goes to the floor and Van Dam follows. Rollins with a clothesline to Van Dam.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins stands over Van Dam. Van Dam with a kick and punches. Rollins rolls through into a single leg crab. Van Dam gets to the ropes but Rollins pulls Van Dam into the center of the ring. Van Dam powers out of the hold. Van Dam has a kick blocked but Van Dam with a body scissors for a near fall.

Van Dam with two clotheslines and a kick to the head. Van Dam with Rolling Thunder to the back for a near fall. Van Dam with a back breaker and then he goes up top for a split legged moonsault to the back and then he gets a near fall with a jackknife cover. Van Dam ha a kick blocked and Rollins with a dragon screw leg whip. Rollins tries for the Buckle Bomb but he cannot keep Van Dam up because of the damage to the back.

Van Dam counters a Buckle Bomb attempt with a rana that sends Rollins into the turnbuckles. Van Dam goes up top and Rollins rolls to the floor but he moves towards the corner where Van Dam is perched and Rob hits a cross body onto Rollins.

Rollins has Van Dam’s leg while Van Dam is still on the apron and he hits another dragon screw leg whip. Rollins with Black Out and he gets the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

After the match:
Renee Young interviews Seth in the ring and Seth tells Toots to call him Mr. Money in the Bank. He says it ain’t arrogance when you can back it up. He says that y’all bitter that he was right and you were wrong. This is his golden ticket. It is a contract for a shot at the WWE Championship any time, anywhere.

Dean Ambrose appears on the TitanTron and he says from one scumbag to another, do you really think this is over? You didn’t win last night. Your Plan A failed miserably so you daddy’s Plan B had to come down and knock him off the ladder. Dean says that it might be more fun this way. Any time you think about cashing in the contract, he will be there. He will haunt you. Make all the plans you want. The briefcase is not filled with a contract, it is filled with TNT. Any time you try to cash it in, it will blow up in your face.

We are back and Lana says that Rusev’s last opponent was a failure. That is okay because the USA is accustomed to failure. In fact, it is woven in your culture. Lana tells the USA chants to stop. You teach your children it is not about winning and losing, it is about participating. You lie to your children when you say the US is the greatest country in the world. There is only one super power in the world. It is led by the greatest leader in the world, Vladimir Putin. No one can stop the onslaught of Russia. No one can stop the onslaught of Rusev.

Who will be America’s next failure to compete against Rusev.

Rusev gets on the mic and Rusev says Rusev crush.

Jack Swagger comes out and he is joined by Zeb Colter, who has a mic. Zeb says that he is sick and tired of hearing Lana come out week after week and slamming this country. Zeb tells Lana to shut the hell up. Zeb tells Lana . . . if that is your real name, that she is able to do that because of Freedom of Speech. That also means that he can say whatever he wants when he wants to.

He tells Boris and Natasha that they couldn’t come to their country and tell the pack of lies because of the freedoms we have here. Zeb tells Lana that she said something that was interesting. He knows something that can stop the Rusev Crush. A Real American can stop it. Zeb wants Rusev and Lana to listen to everyone say ‘We The People”.

Lana holds Rusev back and tells him to leave the ring.

Swagger with arm drags when Rusev’s retreat was just a trap.

The Usos and Sheamus are walking in the back as we go to commercial.

Sheamus, Jimmy Uso, and Jey Uso vs Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan

Jey and Rowan start things off and Jey with punches but Rowan with a knee and Jimmy makes the tag. They connect with punches to Rowan but Rowan pushes them away. They hit a double kick and then they clothesline Rowan over the top to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rowan works on Jimmy’s neck. Jimmy with punches but Rowan pulls him to the mat by the hair. Rowan rakes the face of Jimmy and then he tags in Wyatt. Rowan holds Jimmy in the corner for a splash from Wyatt. Wyatt with a boot to Jimmy’s chest and Harper tags in. Harper with palm thrusts to the chest. Harper sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles but he runs into an elbow and boot. Jimmy goes up top for a corkscrew moonsault and both men are down.

Sheamus and Rowan tag in and Sheamus with a double sledge followed by a shoulder in the corner and a knee lift. Sheamus sends Rowan to the apron and it is time for the forearms to the chest. Harper pulls Rowan out of danger. Sheamus goes up top and he hits a shoulder tackle on Harper and Rowan.

Sheamus sends Rowan back into the ring and Sheamus with a power slam. Sheamus looks around to do the Brogue Kick, but Wyatt distracts Sheamus and Rowan sends Sheamus over the top to the floor.

Harper tags in and Harper connects with a running boot to the head and Sheamus is down. Wyatt tags in and he hit a back senton and he gets a near fall. Wyatt with a boot to the back of the head. Rowan tags in and after an uppercut from Wyatt, Rowan with a slam and a splash for a near fall. Rowan with the double atomic noogie. Rowan gets a near fall. Sheamus tries to fight out of the corner but Wyatt tags in and he punches Sheamus.

Wyatt sends Sheamus into the turnbuckles and then he punches Sheamus. Wyatt runs into a boot from Sheamus and Sheamus goes up top, but Wyatt with an uppercut and Sheamus is down on the floor. Harper tags in and he chops Sheamus against the announce table. They exchange punches but Harper runs Sheamus into the apron and connects with a boot to the head.

Sheamus tries to get Harper on his shoulders but Harper with a super kick and he gets a near fall. Harper knocks Jimmy off the apron. Sheamus with a uranage back breaker and both men are down. Jey tags in and he hits a cross body and he follows with a super kick and drop kick that sends Harper to the floor. Jey with a plancha onto Harper.

Jey sends Harper back in and he goes up top and he leaps over Harper. Jey with a spinning heel kick followed by a super kick but Rowan breaks up the cover. Sheamus with a Brogue kick to Rowan and Jimmy with a plancha onto Rowan. Wyatt with a uranage to Sheamus. Wyatt avoids Jimmy’s super kick and Harper with a discus lariat for the three count.

Winners: Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan

Tom Phillips is in the interview area with Nikki Bella. Tom asks Nikki about Brie being asked to leave during Money in the Bank. Nikki says that Brie was her guest and she didn’t think she was making a mistake by bringing her sister.

Stephanie McMahon enters and she tells Nikki that her and Brie have a match against Cameron and Naomi. Stephanie reminds Nikki that Brie no longer works here so it is a handicap match.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bo Dallas is on the stage. He thanks everyone. He asks everyone to join him for sixty seconds of silence for two great superstars who are physically unable to compete these days. Bad News Barrett and Daniel Bryan.

Bo assumes the pose for the sixty seconds of silence while the crowd has as much trouble realizing that JBL was not in the six man tag match to understand the meaning of the word ‘Silence’.

The lights go back up. He says that he was the voice of inspiration for Daniel Bryan last night. He was also the bigger man.

We take a look at what happened during the Kickoff Show, which you can see on the WWE Network.

Bo tells us to not stop BOLIEVING.

Nikki Bella (and Brie Bella, if she was still in the WWE) vs Cameron and Naomi

Cameron pie faces Nikki and she sends Nikki to the mat by the hair. Cameron gets a near fall. Nikki with forearms but Cameron with an Irish whip. Cameron runs into an uppercut. Nikki with a face buster for a near fall. Nikki pulls Cameron from the ropes but Cameron kicks Nikki away.

Naomi tags in and she kicks Nikki in the head. Naomi with a cross body followed by the inverted DDT for the three count.

Winners: Cameron and Naomi

After the match:
Cameron and Naomi argue about winning the match. Cameron pushes Naomi and Naomi pushes back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we go back to Smackdown when Jack Swagger attacked Wade Barrett after his match against Dean Ambrose and Barrett suffered a separated shoulder.

Cole says that he will be out of action for a number of months. The Intercontinental Championship is vacated. There will be a battle royal to determine the new Intercontinental Champion.

Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring and he tells us who he is and the fact that he is the one behind the one in Twenty-One and One. Paul reminds us that his client BROCK LESNAR conquered the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. Paul says that he is the recipient of magnificent news that Wade Barrett is injured and needs to undergo surgery so the title is vacant.

That is great because he is the one behind the one who won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at Wrestlemania. Therefore, in the battle royal to determine the new Intercontinental Champion, his client is the number one seed. Therefore, he gives to you a Paul Heyman guy who is Battle Royalty.

We go to Kofi Kingston in the Goldman Box. He says that the Battle Royal at Battleground will be a great opportunity to become the Intercontinental Champion again.

Kofi Kingston vs Cesaro (with Paul Heyman)

Cesaro with a waist lock and Kofi with a reversal into a front face lock. Cesaro with a kick and punches followed by a slap. Cesaro with a European uppercut followed by an Irish whip. Kofi with a pendulum kick followed by a springboard cross body for a near fall. Kofi with a monkey flip that sends Cesaro to the floor. Kofi with a flip dive onto Cesaro.

Kofi gets a near fall. Kofi goes up top and Cesaro catches him and hits a back breaker. Cesaro with a boot to the back and then he works on the arm. Cesaro with punches followed by a butterfly suplex and cover for a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Kofi with punches but Cesaro with a clothesline for a near fall.

Cesaro with a double stomp to Kofi and then he kicks Kofi in the back of the head. Cesaro with a slam and then he signals for the swing. Cesaro picks up Kofi for the swing, but he defies the crowd’s wishes and he kicks Kofi in the back while Paul applauds Cesaro’s metaphorical middle finger to the crowd. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock.

Kofi with a rana for a near fall. Cesaro sends Kofi into the ropes and he connects with a European uppercut to the back of the neck and Kofi goes to the floor while we go to commercial.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

We are back and the match ended during the commercial break.

After the match:
Cesaro attacks Kingston and he sends Kofi over the top rope to the floor. Cesaro Irish whips Kofi at the steps but Kofi leaps over the steps and Cesaro with a European uppercut as he comes off the steps. Cesaro throws Kofi over the announce table and then back over the other side of the table.

Cesaro presses Kofi over his head and slams him into the crowd. Cesaro sends Kofi back into the ringside area. Cesaro pulls Kofi into the ring post numerous times. Cesaro with a short arm clothesline.

We see how Kofi won during the commercial break with a rollup.

Santino is at a picnic with his Cobra. Santino is disappointed that Emma didn’t even show up. Adam Rose is there and he tells Santino that he needs some Twisted Tea.

We return to the announce table and Jerry asks Cole how he is doing after being collateral damage during the attack by Cesaro after his loss to Kofi Kingston.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Vince McMahon, or Damien Sandow makes his way to the ring dressed like Vince McMahon doing the Vince Power Walk.

Damien welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw. He says that he is the creative genius and the genetic jackhammer. Vincent Kennedy McMandow. He has made this company a juggernaut. He recognizes great talent like Hulk Hogan, Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin . . . and the most talented man to set foot in this ring. A man too ignorant for you to appreciate . . . Damien Sandow.

With that being said, he is officially entering Damien Sandow into the battle royal at Battleground. If you have a problem with that . . . YOU’RE FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHRED.

Stephanie appears on the TitanTron wanting to know who Damien thinks he is to make fun of her father. Is he going to make fun of her father. Her father has built this company by toppling giants. He will face one of the other competitors in the Battleground pay per view.

Damien Sandow vs Great Khali

Khali with a chop and he gets the three count.

Winner: Great Khali

We go to the parking lot and we see the limo door open.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the return of a Former WWE Champion and Multimedia Star . . . The Miz.

Miz makes his way to the ring and he has a mic. Miz says that he’s back. He asks if you missed him. The former WWE Champion and multimedia entertainment superstar is none other than The Miz.

He says that he has been gone for four months filming The Marine 4 and he was tempted to stay in Hollywood. He was begged to stay in Hollywood and hone his craft. He was told that he was bigger than the WWE.

Why is he back? The answer is . . . all of you. Unlike Hollywood, that appreciates him, the WWE Universe does not see him as the A List Talent. You see him as a fluke. He main evented Wrestlemania only to stop main eventing. He says that you are all wrong.

You have always been wrong. He says that he is the A lister who can do everything. He will not leave until he main events Wrestlemania again and he gets the respect that he deserves. He will not leave until you get on your knees to beg him not to go.

Miz is interrupted by the man who makes shiny Lite Brite Jackets relevant . . . Chris Jericho.

Miz does not look impressed while Jericho makes his way to the ring.

Miz asks for the crowd to be quiet so Chris can say something. Is he going to give him a Lifetime Achievement Award? Is this 2012 Chris Jericho with the silent treatment for 3 weeks while wearing his Lite Brite Jacket.

Miz says that Chris has deprived the people of a moment to shine. He says that he is The Marine, a movie star, and a box office draw. Jericho gives Miz a Codebreaker.

Jericho says damn that felt good. He says that he has been waiting a long time to say these words. He tells everyone . . . WELCOME TO RAW . . . IS . . .

Interrupted by the Wyatt Family graphic.

The lights come back up and the Wyatts are in the ring with Jericho. Wyatt goes after Jericho but Jericho with a forearm. Harper and Rowan work over Jericho. Rowan with a splash and Harper with a clothesline. Wyatt looks at Jericho and then he gives Jericho Sister Abigail.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what the Wyatts did to the returning Chris Jericho, while doing absolutely nothing to the returning Miz.

Tomorrow on Main Event, Cesaro faces Dolph Ziggler.

Fandango (with Layla) vs Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler with a drop kick and Fandango with a punch and Fandango sends Ziggler shoulder first into the ring post. Fandango punches Ziggler and kicks him in the head. Fandango with a version of the Sexy Party but Ziggler with punches. Fandango sends Ziggler into the air and then face first to the mat.

Layla gets on the apron and she kisses Fandango. Ziggler with an uppercut and boot to the head. Ziggler with a flying clothesline and he leaps into the corner and he punches Fandango and follows with a neck breaker. Ziggler with a leaping elbow drop and Summer comes to the ring and enters.

Summer kisses Ziggler and Fandango does not know what to do. Ziggler kisses Summer and she likes it. Summer leaves the ring and Fandango falls victim to the Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to say goodbye to Vickie Guerrero with a look back at her final appearance on Raw.

Curtis Axel and Ryback vs Goldust and Stardust

Axel and Ryback attack the Dusts and they send Stardust to the floor. Axel with punches to Goldust and Goldust with a reverse atomic drop and uppercut. Goldust with punches but Ryback with a forearm to the back of the head after making a blind tag. Ryback with punches. Ryback with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Ryback with a reverse chin lock and he takes Goldust’s nose.

Ryback with a shoulder in the corner and he chops Goldust. Goldust punches back and Ryback with a shoulder tackle. Ryback catches Goldust on a cross body and hits a fallaway slam. Ryback sets for the running lariat and Goldust with a spinebuster. Axel and Stardust tag in.

Stardust with a flying clothesline and flying forearm followed by a drop down uppercut. Axel misses a splash into the corner and Stardust with a springboard elbow to the top of the head. Stardust with a wrist clutch DDT and then Stardust with a springboard clothesline to Ryback.

Axel sets for the Perfect Driver but Stardust counters and hits a Flatline for the three count.

Winners: Goldust and Stardust

Paige walks in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Paige makes her way to the ring.

Paige takes a mic and she says that she is a woman of few words. She lets her actions speak for her. She knows that there are a few people out there who don’t think she deserves to be champion and that she should go back to NXT. She has proven over the last three months that she belongs and she is here to stay.

AJ Lee makes her way to the ring.

AJ tells Paige that she wanted to come out here and says that she is right. This isn’t entirely easy to say. Paige did what no woman in almost a year couldn’t do. She proved her wrong. She proved everyone wrong. AJ says that she let success get to her head. She was the longest reigning Divas Champion of all time, but she shouldn’t have rubbed it in everyone’s face. She thought she was untouchable. Paige gave her the slap of reality that she needed.

AJ says that she wanted to return the favor and say thank you and congratulations.

Paige asks AJ how stupid does she think she is because AJ is doing everything that Paige did when she debuted. AJ is trying to get her rematch, but it is not going to happen. She will not make the same mistake that AJ did.

Paige says that no one wants to see her defend her championship tonight.

AJ tells Paige to let the people decide.

AJ asks if the people want to see a rematch right now.

Paige says that we are on.

Divas Championship Match
Paige (c) vs AJ Lee

AJ punches Paige but Paige with a kick to AJ. Paige with head butts to AJ. Paige with an Irish whip but AJ with boots. Paige with a clothesline and she gets a near fall. Paige slaps AJ in the head and she says that this is her house now. AJ with a slap and inside cradle for the three count.

Winner and new Divas champion: AJ Lee

After the match:
AJ Lee walks to the celebrating her win as Paige kneels in the ring staring on surprised.

We are back and there is a Sheamus Fourth of July US Title Challenge on Smackdown.

Triple H is at the announce table and he is here to watch the main event because he was not given a mic.

These Guys Will Be Wrestling Each Other at Battlegound Match
Kane and Randy Orton vs John Cena and Roman Reigns

Orton and Cena start things off and they lock up. Orton with a side head lock. Orton with a side head lock. Orton with a side head lock and he blocks a hip toss and gives Cena one of his own. Cena stares at Reigns and tags him in. Orton looks like he is going to lock up with Reigns, but he tags in Kane.

Kane and Reigns exchange punches with Reigns getting the advantage. Reigns sends Kane over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Orton with a reverse chin lock to Reigns. We see footage from the commercial break of an Orton drop kick to Reigns. Orton sends Reigns to the mat and then he hits a running knee drop. Orotn with a boot to Reigns and Kane gets a near fall. Kane with an uppercut and he punches Reigns. Orton tags back in and he applies a reverse chin lock. Reigns with a flying clothesline and then he hits a clothesline in the corner. Reigns with a punch and then he goes to the floor for the broad jump drop kick but Kane blocks Reigns. Reigns sends Kane into the ringside barrier and Orton with a clothesline.

Orton rolls Reigns back into the ring and Kane tags back in. Kane kicks Reigns. Kane with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Kane with a reverse chin lock. Kane with an Irish whip but Reigns with a clothesline and both men are down. Orton tags in and he stops Reigns from making the tag with a boot to the abdomen.

Orton with a boot to the midsection and a knee drop for a near fall. Kane tags in and he punches Reigns and gets a near fall. Kane with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Kane runs into a boot and Kane tries for a choke slam but Reigns with uppercuts and a Samoan drop.

Cena and Orton tag in and Cena with two flying shoulder tackles and then he hits the Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle and then he waits to get Orton up for the Attitude Adjustment but Orton escapes with elbows. Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb to Kane followed by the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Orton with an RKO to Cena but Reigns sends Orton to the floor. Reigns with a Superman punch to Kane.

Orton and Reigns fight to the back while stuff probably goes on in the ring.

Kane pulls Cena to the floor and he sends Cena into the ring steps. Kane moves the ring steps and he hits Cena with the steps and the referee calls for the bell.

Winners: John Cena and Roman Reigns (by disqualification)

After the match:
Kane brings Cena into the ring and he signals that it is over. Kane gets Cena up for the tombstone piledriver and he hits it.

Hunter tells Kane something and the referee wants a doctor to check on Cena. Hunter checks on Cena as well and he sees if Cena is okay. Hunter signals to the entrance and Seth Rollins comes to the ring.

Rollins wants to cash in but the referee is hesitant to ring the bell.

Before the referee can start the match, Dean Ambrose attacks Seth Rollins and he sends Rollins against the ringside barrier and then he clotheslines Rollins into the crowd. They fight through the crowd.

Kane grabs a chair and he brings it into the ring. Roman Reigns comes to the ring and he gives Kane a spear.

Hunter and Reigns stare each other down as we go to credits.