View Full Version : Superstars Results / Report - 11th Jul, 2014

07-12-2014, 04:46 AM
Superstars Results / Report
11th Jul, 2014
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Announcers: Renee ‘Home Young and Tom Phillips.

Match Number One: Adam Rose versus Titus O’Neil

Rose offers his lollipop to Titus but Titus refuses. Titus misses a punch and Rose leaps into his arms and he gives Titus his lollipop. Rose with a waist lock and Titus with a standing switch. Rose enjoys having Titus behind him a little too much and Titus pushes him away. Titus catches Rose on a cross body attempt and Rose counters with a sleeper.

Titus with a snap mare to get out of the hold. Titus with a forearm to the chest and then he connects with a chop in the corner. Titus with another chop and then he kicks Rose. Titus with more kicks and the referee warns Titus. Titus with more punches and knees. Titus with a dog bark. Titus grabs Rose by the throat and he connects with a knee to the midsection. Titus sets for a back breaker on his shoulder and he drops down and gets a near fall.

Titus gets Rose up on his shoulders again for a back breaker and Rose with elbows to escape. Rose with an elbow and running forearms but Titus stays on his feet. Rose with jabs to Titus and then he connects with a right but Titus backs into the corner. Rose with a clothesline into the corner and then Rose with the Choo Choo. Rose sets for the Party Foul but Titus with punches. Titus runs into boots from Rose and Rose with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Adam Rose

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what Roman Reigns said at the start of Raw.

Roman Reigns will face Rusev on Smackdown tonight.

Curtis Axel is getting ready for his match and Ryback stops in the locker room. Ryback talks about Curtis’ match with Tyson Kidd. Curtis calls him a professional wrestler turned Total Diva. Ryback talks about his show Total Big Guys. Ryback tells Curtis to get ready for his match. Curtis says that he will go to Battleground to become the Intercontinental Champion. Ryback points out that Curtis is a former champion. Curtis points out that Ryback has an 0 for in main events.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the match between Randy Orton and Dean Ambrose on Raw.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Tyson Kidd (with Natalya) versus Curtis Axel (with Ryback)

They lock up and Axel with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Axel celebrates with Ryback over the success of the shoulder tackle. Kidd with a side head lock and rollup for a near fall. Kidd with a backslide for a near fall. Kidd with an inside cradle for a near fall. They lock up and Axel with a hammer lock. Kidd gets to the ropes and he comes back into the ring to tie Axel in the ropes and he kicks the ropes.

Kidd with an arm drag into an arm bar. Axel backs Kidd into the corner and Axel with a knee and punch in the corner. Axel with a kick followed by a hard Irish whip. Axel tries to send Kidd over the top rope to the floor but Kidd lands on the apron. Kidd with a body scissors to send Axel to the floor and then Kidd with a kick to the head as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kidd with an arm bar on Axel. Kidd with a kick to Axel and then he drop kicks Axel through the ropes and to the floor. Kidd goes for a suicide dive but Axel with a forearm to the head and Kidd is down in the ring. Axel sends Kidd into the corner and he kicks Kidd and punches him. Axel with a drop kick.

Axel with an elbow to the top of the head and then he applies a reverse chin lock. Kidd with elbows but Axel with a forearm to the back. Axel with an Irish whip but Kidd kicks Axel coming into the corner. Axel puts Kidd in the ropes and he connects with punches and then he connects with a clothesline to the back of the head of a defenseless Kidd. Axel gets a near fall.

Axel charges into the corner and Kidd with a drop toe hold that sends Axel into the turnbuckles. Kidd with a series of kicks and a corkscrew drop kick. Kidd with a drop kick to the temple. Kidd puts Axel in the tree of woe and Kidd with knees. Kidd with a hesitation drop kick into the corner and Kidd gets a near fall.

Axel with a Saito suplex and both men are down. Axel with a running knee to the head and he gets a near fall. Axel sets for the Axel Driver but Kidd rolls through and Axel gets to the ropes. Kidd with a slingshot into the middle rope followed by a slingshot leg drop by Kidd onto the apron. Kidd goes for a springboard elbow drop but Axel gets his knees up and Curtis hits the Axel Driver for the three count.

Winner: Curtis Axel

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the main event from Raw.

We go to credits.