View Full Version : LIVE notes from this weeks Smackdown in Ottawa

07-12-2014, 09:27 AM
*The Dark match was Sin Cara vs. "Leeroy" Dux (better known as Canadian indie stand-out, Tyson Dux). Dux looked great, and the match was actually given more time than one would expect, about 6-8 minutes.

*The Crowd was *maybe* 2500-3000. WWE rarely draws that well here, and historically, even during the height of the attitude era only was hitting 10K. The crowd that was in attendance was loud and into almost everything.

*The roster felt very thin (on account to most of the roster presumably heading to Japan yesterday). No Cena, no Ambrose, no Rollins, no Wyatts, no RVD.

*The hottest match on the show/tapings was the opener of Main Event between Sheamus and ADR.

*Rusev and Roman Reigns was fine, but went a little long and on the slow-side. This one should have been kept short and an intense brawl leading to the non-finish. Instead we got lots of Rusev working a nerve hold on Reigns, and keeping it slow.