View Full Version : Mick Foley Says Batista Deserved Better

07-14-2014, 08:09 PM
- Mick Foley wrote the following on his Facebook this morning:

He was simply the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. Unfortunately for Dave Bautista (Batista), his return happened to be part of the perfect storm - the night WWE fans wanted Daniel Bryan - WWE Universe to walk out as the winner of the 2014 #RoyalRumble ...and would settle for nothing less. The initial reaction - the pop - was there when Dave made his Rumble entrance; the WWE Universe was excited to see him. They just didn't want anyone but Daniel Bryan to walk out of that match as the winner. Unfortunately, the fans directed their anger at Batista personally. And that's wrong.

Shouldn't we be happy for Batista? He left his bread and butter - the WWE - to pursue the bold new dream of acting. Now he's landed a dream role, in a major motion picture - Marvel's #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy and, yet. no one seems very happy for him.

Hey, I laughed too at #Bootista and #Bluetista. But Dave's a good guy, who worked hard to carve out a legacy inside WWE - and he deserved better than what he got.

Just one guy's opinion. Feel free to share yours.

Big Evil
07-14-2014, 08:24 PM
I agree with Mick. Unfortunately the WWE audience can be unforgiving when they don't get what they want. It wasn't right to blame Batista for Bryan not winning the Rumble. He wasn't even IN the damn thing! Kinda a prerequisite there, ya know? Batista came back to what brought him to the game, and he didn't act like a big movie star. He came back like a wrestler wanting to win it all. I know his attitude backstage might not have been the best, but he came back to wrestle and nobody cared because Daniel Bryan wasn't getting his way. Batista used to be a huge face and everyone cheered for him when he was World Heavyweight Champion. Now he gets booed and made fun of. Fans can be unrelenting, but smarks make things worse.

07-14-2014, 08:47 PM
I agree also. I have always been a Batista fan from the beginning, it is a shame the way this worked out.

the madscotsman
07-15-2014, 03:48 PM
I disagree with all three of you, I think Batista deserved what he got.

07-15-2014, 04:19 PM
Batista deserves a swift kick in the nards

07-18-2014, 05:09 PM
I too think that Batista's run with WWE was sad and unfortuante..could and should have been a lot better and more exciting