View Full Version : RAW Results / Report - 14th Jul, 2014

07-17-2014, 03:42 AM
RAW Report / Results - 14th Jul, 2014
Location - Richmond, VA
Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole

We start off with John Cena making his way to the ring because he is the WWE World Champion.

We take a look at what happened at the end of Raw last week with Reigns and Cena together in the ring raising each other’s hand.

John tells everyone that the champ is here. John says that we have a feisty crowd. It is because we are six days away from Battleground. John says that he tells everyone to sign up for the free preview of the WWE Network. You should do it because of the WWE Title. John says that in six days, the champ might not be here.

He has been put in a Fatal Four Way match by the Authority to face Kane, Randy Orton, and Roman Reigns. John points out that he does not have to be pinned to lose the title.

Roman Reigns’ music plays and he makes his way through the crowd and to the ring.

John says that the people of Richmond are chanting his name so he introduces everyone to Roman Reigns. John says that Roman is his partner tonight, but they are opponents on Sunday. John thanks Roman for what he did last week because he was in a bad way. He liked the stunt that Roman pulled at the end. He is not to be ignored. It is every man for themselves on Sunday, but they have to get there.

Roman might not trust John, but it was the Authority.

Roman interrupts John and then John says that they should handle the Authority tonight and get them out of the way so on Sunday we can see if Roman is as good as he thinks he is.

Roman says that they should get rid of Orton and Kane so it can be the two of them on Sunday. We can see if John is as good as he thinks he is.

Dean Ambrose interrupts and he says that he understands the testosterone in the ring, but enough of the prettiest girl at the dance. They have to deal with the Authority. Dean has a Plan and it is Plan Screw the Authority and it happens when Roman and John get finished and they kick the Authority’s asses.

Dean looks around and sees Kane, Seth Rollins, and Randy Orton. Dean tries to fight off all three men, but it is too much. Dean goes after them again but Kane sends Ambrose into a metal door. Orton and Rollins send Ambrose into the door two times.

The Authority continues their attack on Ambrose and John Cena and Roman Reigns are nowhere to be found. Kane choke slams Ambrose onto a case.

Ambrose asks them if that is all they got.

Rollins hits Black Out on Ambrose.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Dean Ambrose being attacked by Kane, Seth Rollins, and Randy Orton while John Cena and Roman Reigns were nowhere to be found.

Michael mentions that Dean Ambrose is being checked out but he will be going to a medical facility for further evaluation.

Sheamus is in the Goldman Box and he says that the movie star is afraid to get hit in the face. Good thing Miz is facing him because he hates hitting people in the face. He will kick his head off his shoulders.

Miz says on Sunday, he will be in the Battle Royal and he will become the new Intercontinental Champion. It only makes sense that a movie star, someone who is adored all over the world becomes champion. Miz’ goal is to keep the Brogue Kick away from the WWE’s most important asset, the ‘MoneyMaker’. Miz says that for his legions of fans, the MoneyMaker will be on the TitanTron throughout the duration of this match.

Non Title Match
Miz vs Sheamus (c)

They lock up and Sheamus backs Miz into the corner and Miz goes into the ropes. Miz with a waist lock and Sheamus with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Sheamus blocks a hip toss but Miz avoids a clothesline. Miz goes to the floor and Sheamus follows after him.

Miz with kicks when they return to the ring. The referee warns Miz. Sheamus with punches but he misses and goes over the top rope to the floor. Sheamus pulls Miz to the floor and connects with a forearm to the back. Miz with an Irish whip that sends Sheamus into the ringside barrier. Miz goes up top and hits a double sledge for a near fall.

Sheamus rakes the eyes and Irish whips Miz and gets him on his shoulders for the Finlay Slam and he connects. Sheamus sets for a knee drop but Miz rolls to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus sends Miz back into the ring but Miz goes to the floor. Sheamus grabs Miz and they go to the steps and Miz punches Sheamus and sends him into the ring post shoulder first and then Miz kicks Sheamus off the apron. Miz gets a near fall. Miz with an ankle lock. Miz tries for a boot to the face but Sheamus blocks the kick. Sheamus sends Miz to the mat and then he hits the two running double sledges followed by a shoulder in the corner but Miz avoids the running knee lift.

Sheamus sends Miz to the apron and then kicks him before hitting the ten forearms across the chest, but Sheamus gives Miz 50% more. Sheamus brings Miz back into the ring and hits a power slam for a near fall. Miz with an elbow to Sheamus but Sheamus with a clothesline to the back of the head.

Sheamus with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and hits the turnbuckles. Sheamus with a kick to Miz and Sheamus goes up top but Miz pulls Sheamus off the turnbuckles and Miz with a DDT for a near fall. Miz with a knee to the hamstring and he tries for the figure four leg lock but Sheamus kicks Miz away and hits the uranage back breaker for a near fall.

Miz with a kick and he tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Sheamus pushes him away. Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick and gets caught in the corner. Miz with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Miz

Seth Rollins, Kane, and Randy Orton talk about what they did to Dean Ambrose. Randy says they did their job well tonight. If they do their job this well on Sunday, nothing will stop him from walking out with the titles. Kane says that maybe he will win on Sunday. Kane says that he has Orton’s back if Orton has his back.

Hunter tells Kane and Orton that they can both trust each other because he does. On Sunday, the WWE Championship will come back to the Authority where it can get some stability and control. Tonight, they need to take care of business. They will need to have trust. Hunter wants to know if he is clear.

Stephanie enters and she says that she trusts him and she loves the way that he handles himself in those situations. Stephanie says that she loves Hunter and she shows it with a kiss

Dolph Ziggler vs Fandango

They lock up and Fandango with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Ziggler with a hip toss but he misses a drop kick when Fandango holds the ropes. Fandango sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles and punches him. Fandango with a hard Irish whip and he gets a near fall. Fandango with a reverse chin lock.

Fandango sends Ziggler to the mat and then he connects with an elbow to the chest and returns to the reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a clothesline and then he misses a splash into the corner and Ziggler hits the ring post.

Fandango’s music plays and Summer and Layla appear on the announce table and dance.

Fandango punches Ziggler and then he is confused. Ziggler with a drop kick and Fandango with a rollup but Ziggler rolls through and hits the Fameasser for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match:
Summer and Layla enter the ring and they dance for Ziggler and then they kiss him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for a Sonic Promotional Deal on Raw and Damien Sandow is now a car hop for Sonic. Adam Rose and his Entourage interrupt. They fight over who gets to eat the food from Sonic.

Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs ...

While the Usos are on their way to the ring, Harper and Rowan attack the Usos. Rowan sends Jimmy into the ring post while Harper connects with a running boot that sends Jimmy into the crowd. Harper and Rowan attack Jey in the ring. Harper and Rowan with a double choke slam to Jey.

We go to the announce table where we are reminded that Ric Flair will be on Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Lana is in the ring behind a lectern while Rusev waves his Russian flag.

Michael Cole brings out Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger.

Michael says that this détente is to work towards the easing of tensions and hostilities between the two countries. Lana has said some things about the United States and Zeb has made a challenge on behalf of Jack Swagger for a match at Battleground.

Lana says for the people who speak the better language, she speaks in Russian. She then says that Mr. Colter and the USA are the same. You use violence to solve all of your problems. America wants to be the savior of the world, but they cannot save themselves. You are desperate and stupid. America is stupid.

Lana tells everyone to shut up while Jerry Lawler makes a Khrushchev reference that JBL wishes he would have made.

Lana says that when your country won its freedom from the British, you decided to fight each other in a Civil War like savages. Unlike Mother Russia, it has always been and always will be a peace loving country. She says that we can come to an understanding if you admit your mistakes and that the USA has made mistakes.

Zeb wants to make sure that he heard Lana correct. She wants him to apologize but Zeb wants to tell her and Bullwinkle that he fought in the muck and mire with bullets over his head. He took a vow to protect the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Zeb tells Lana Hell No.

Lana tells Zeb that his arrogance is why the USA is crumbling into pieces. There is one man who has the remedy to solve and help your nation’s disastrous situations and that is Vladimir Putin.

Zeb tells Loretta that is one ugly man and they have a leader and he is the President of the United States. They show a photo of Obama and Zeb says that whether you like him or not, you respect him.

Zeb wants an answer about the challenge made for Battleground and will he face Swagger?

Rusev says this is war.

Zeb says that he wants Lana to teach Rusev three words . . . WE THE PEOPLE

Lana slaps Zeb and then Swagger takes down Rusev. Lana pulls Swagger off Rusev and then Rusev sends Swagger into the lectern and then hits a splash in the corner. Swagger blocks the jumping thrust kick and he applies the ankle lock.

We see footage of Dean Ambrose being attacked at the start of Raw and the announcement that it is doubtful that he will come back for the main event.

Roman Reigns and John Cena are in the locker room and Cena says that it is just the two of them against the Authority. Cena wants Roman to stand up. He says that Roman wants to be WWE Champion, but he has to trust him. Neither of them will be champion if they do not stand together.

Roman says that he understands numbers games and since they took one out, they will have to take out all three of them.

We go to commercial.

Alberto Del Rio vs Rob Van Dam

Del Rio with a kick and snap mare followed by a kick and he gets a near fall. Del Rio backs Van Dam into the corner and Del Rio punches Van Dam. Van Dam with a clothesline that sends Del Rio over the top rope to the floor. Van Dam tries for a pescado but Van Dam gets caught in the ring skirt and then Del Rio with an enzuigiri to Van Dam followed by a kick to the head.

Del Rio with a near fall and then he applies a reverse chin lock. Van Dam with a sunset flip for a near fall. Del Rio with a kick and DDT. Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio mocks the thumbs deal and he hits a step up enzuigiri in the corner and he gets a near fall. Del Rio kicks Van Dam and he applies a rear chin lock.

Van Dam with elbows but Del Rio pulls Van Dam to the mat by the hair. Del Rio misses a super kick and Van Dam with clotheslines and then he flips over Del Rio’s back and Van Dam with a rana. Van Dam with a thrust kick to the face followed by Rolling Thunder and Van Dam gets a near fall.

Del Rio punches Van Dam and Van Dam with a kick but he misses the springboard thrust kick. Van Dam with a step over heel kick and then Van Dam goes up top for the Five Star Frog Splash but Del Rio gets his knees up and Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker and Van Dam taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

We see what will air on the WWE Network, but you can only see it if you subscribe.

They advertised Punk on WWE Network tomorrow night.

We go to commercial.

Stephanie McMahon comes out and she says that Nikki is all alone in the ring again. She must be getting used to it by now. Stephanie says that she almost feels sorry because Brie abandoned Nikki when she quit. Brie abandoned her career by marrying Daniel Bryan and she abandoned her flesh and blood. This match should be a tag match, but instead she will have to go it on her own. She tells Nikki not to blame her or the Authority because the person she needs to blame is her sister.

Nikki Bella vs Alicia Fox and Cameron

Nikki with a fireman’s carry on Alicia and an arm bar. Nikki with a La Magistral for a near fall. Cameron tags in and she kicks Nikki in the corner. Nikki with a facebuster and she gets a near fall. Nikki sends Cameron into Alicia but Alicia breaks up the cover on Cameron after an Alabama Slam.

Cameron sends Nikki into the corner and then they send Nikki to the mat. Cameron and Alicia send Nikki into the turnbuckles. Alicia with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Alicia with a knee to the back and then she tries to send Nikki through the ropes but Nikki with a cross body for a near fall. Nikki with a drop kick and back body drop but Alicia sends Nikki into the corner.

Nikki stops Cameron from interfering but Alicia pulls Nikki off the turnbuckles and Alicia with a leg based DDT for the three count.

Winners: Alicia Fox and Cameron

We are told by Michael Cole that if you pre-order WWE 2K15, you will be able to download Sting into the game.

We go to commercial.

Triple H is in the office and Randy Orton enters. Randy has to talk about Kane. He tells Hunter that nothing happened, but he has a bad vibe about Kane. Hunter says that Kane is a pawn. He is their pawn. The plan is for Orton to be the WWE Champion. Kane will stick to the plan. Orton says that there is no need for a Plan B.

Stardust talks about how Goldust’s face is an interstellar roadmap to the cosmos. Goldust asks if it is like the Yellow Brick Road. Goldust says that they are not in Kansas any more. They will need to go to the strangest place in the universe. Stardust blows dust in his brother’s face.

We are back and Sheamus will face Miz on Main Event.

Cesaro vs Big E (with Kofi Kingston)

Cesaro with a German suplex to Big E and then Cesaro runs into a uranage. Big E with a shoulder tackle that knocks Cesaro off the apron and into the ringside barrier. Cesaro tries to send Big E into the ringside barrier but Big E stops short. Cesaro hot shots Big E onto the ringside barrier.

Big E gets back into the ring in time but Cesaro with a double stomp. Big E with punches but Cesaro punches back. They continue the exchange but Big E presses Cesaro over his head but Cesaro gets to his feet and he connects with a clothesline to the back of the head followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock.

Cesaro with a Gibson Bomb for a near fall. Cesaro punches Big E. Cesaro with a punch and reverse chin lock. Big E backs Cesaro into the corner but Cesaro returns to the reverse chin lock. Big E with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Big E with a shoulder in the corner followed by a belly-to-belly suplex.

Cesaro with an Ultimate Warrior Splash and then the straps are down. Big E sets for the Big Ending but Cesaro goes to the floor. Cesaro drops Big E on the top rope. Cesaro grabs a chair and he throws it at Kofi. He brings another one into the ring and Kofi steals the chair from Cesaro. Big E with a Big Ending for the three count.

Winner: Big E

We see a graphic with the participants in the Battle Royal to determine the next Intercontinental Champion.

We see footage from Chris Jericho’s return to Raw and his interaction with the Wyatt Family.

Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

Chris welcomes everyone to Raw is Jericho. He says that it feels good to finally say that. He grew up in the WWE and this his home to him. He has been working here for 15 years and he has seen and done it all. He has seen Yerple the Clown, Naked Mideon, Three Minute Warning, 5 Second Poses. He has seen them all.

He wrestled John Cena in his first pay per match. He has been knocked out by Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, and Bob Barker. He also beat Steve Austin and the Rock in the same night to become the first Undisputed Champion EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

He thought he saw everything . . . until he saw Bray Wyatt. Wyatt is an anomaly. He is an ominous presence. He is a freak surrounded by freaks. Wyatt has set his sights on Chris Jericho and he does not know why. Why are you coming after him? At Battleground, Jericho versus Wyatt for the first time ever. Two opposites facing each other. Maybe they are more alike than we know. If you want to get crazy at Battleground, he will get crazy. If you want to get a little nuts at Battleground, we can get nuts.

Chris says that Wyatt might have the whole world in his hands, but he has the WWE Universe.

Bray appears on the TitanTron and he laughs. He asks Chris if he remembers what it was like to be a child and full of so much energy and hope. Running through the grass and skipping stones. No worries about the horrors that tomorrow will bring.

What changes people? Children have such frail little minds. When those minds are hit with the cold truth of life, it changes them. Where were you when we needed you Chris? You said you would save us. Bray says that he has done a lot of bad things. He has gone to war with powerful men. No matter how tough or mean they thought they were, they all scream.

Bray laughs again and he asks Chris if he is afraid of the dark. The lights go out and then we see Rowan and Harper in the ring with Chris Jericho.

Jericho tries to fight off Harper and Rowan but they work over Jericho for a moment but Jericho escapes the ring. Jericho goes up the ramp with his back to the stage and Wyatt hits Jericho from behind. Wyatt hits Sister Abigail on the stage.

Bray tells everyone to Follow the Buzzards and the lights go out.

Michael Cole tells us that John Cena told him that Dean Ambrose will not be back in time for the main event.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Paige is at ringside for the next match.

Non Title Match
AJ Lee (c) vs Eva Marie

They lock up and AJ with a wrist lock but Eva with a reversal. Eva sends AJ to the mat. AJ with a drop kick and she skips around while holding Eva by the hair. AJ tries to keep Eva in the ring but Eva falls to the floor. Eva kicks AJ into the apron. Eva rolls AJ back into the ring and gets a near fall. Eva with a surfboard.

Eva with a knee followed by an Irish whip and back breaker. Eva with another Irish whip. Eva tries for another back breaker but she takes too long and AJ counters with a Black Widow and Eva taps out.

Winner: AJ Lee

After the match:
AJ skips around the ring and then Paige applauds her performance.

AJ takes JBL’s headset and she sits on the announce table and says hello to Paige. Paige congratulates her on her victory. Paige says that she loves AJ’s hair. AJ says that Paige looks awesome.

AJ has had enough and she walks away.

Stephanie asks Hunter if he saw the article about Flo Rida.

Kane enters and he says that he does not trust or like Randy Orton. Stephanie says that is part of business. There are a lot of people who they work with that they do not like. Hunter says that what is best for business is the title going back to The Authority. He tells Kane to get it done and we go to commercial.

We are back and Bo Dallas is in the ring. Bo has a mic and he says last week he defeated El Torito, the biggest little man in the WWE. He might be tiny, but his heart is huge. He can only hope that his opponent has a heart as big as Torito.

Bo Dallas vs Great Khali

Bo with an elbow but Khali with a chop. Khali sends Bo into the corner and Khali with a chop. Khali with another chop. Khali with a third chop despite Bo’s protests. Bo chops Khali and then Khali throws Bo over the top rope to the floor. Khali goes to the floor after Bo and Bo with a drop kick that sends Khali into the ring steps and then Bo hits a BoDog off the steps. The referee gets to ten and Khali is counted out.

Winner: Bo Dallas

After the match:
Bo does half a victory lap and he tells his big buddy not to get down. He might have lost tonight . . .

Khali chops Bo and Bo goes down but he is able to finish his victory lap, but he does it gingerly.

Seth Rollins tells Hunter and Stephanie if Orton or Kane don’t win the title . . . he holds up his briefcase.

Paul Heyman enters and he says that he has been picking his spot and biding his time. He likes their Plan B, but if you need a foolproof can’t miss Plan C, he is the guy they need to talk to.

Stephanie asks Hunter if they can trust him.

Ric Flair walks in the back and we go to commercial.

Renee Young is in the ring and she brings out Ric Flair.

Ric says that they are live in Richmond, Virginia. He says that he has had some fun in this city. He tells everyone to ask their mothers and fathers. Flair says that Virginia is for Lovers. Flair struts around Renee and woooos.

Renee asks Ric who he thinks will win the Main Event at Battleground. Flair says that there is only one man who can strike like a viper. There is one man who can go through hellfire and brimstone. There is one man you can believe in. The man who will win at Battleground is his man . . . John Cena.

Roman Reigns comes through the crowd to get in the ring with Ric before his match with John Cena against Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, and Kane.

Roman and Ric shake hands and Flair leaves the ring.

Flair shakes Cena’s hand as he comes to the ring.

We go to commercial.

John Cena and Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins, Kane, and Randy Orton

Rollins and Cena start off and the crowd acknowledges the good and bad about Cena. Rollins with a side head lock and Cena with a shoulder tackle. Orton tags in and he puts Cena in a side head lock. Cena with a back elbow. Kane tags in Cena with a waist lock into a side head lock. Kane with a shoulder tackle and Cena backs into the corner.

Reigns tags himself in. Kane with a kick and uppercut followed by a punch but Reigns with punches. Kane with a knee and Reigns with a head butt and punch. Reigns climbs the turnbuckles and he punches Kane. Kane with an uppercut to a charging Reigns. Reigns drops Kane on the top rope and then Reigns goes to the turnbuckles and he punches Kane.

Reigns with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Orton is knocked off the apron and Kane with a shoulder and Rollins is tagged in.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane with a rear chin lock on Reigns. Reigns with punches when he gets back to his feet. Kane and Reigns exchange punches. Reigns with a flying clothesline and both men are dwon. Cena and Rollins tag in and Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena signals for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and he hits it. Cena gets Rollins up on his shoulders but he sees Kane trying to interfere. Rollins with a drop kick. Rollins backs Cena into the corner.

Orton tags in and he punches Cena. Orton gets a near fall. Orton with a reverse chin lock. Cena with a drop kick and both men are down. Cena knocks Rollins off the apron but Orton with a back breaker for a near fall. Kane tags in and he hits a leg drop. Kane gets a near fall.

Cena with punches and he tries to get Kane up on his shoulders but he collapses under Kane’s body weight. Kane gets a near fall. Rollins tags in and he punches Cena. Rollins with a kick to the chest and then he gets a near fall. Rollins with a sleeper and he gets on Cena’s back to add more pressure.

Cena with a snap mare but Rollins with a back heel kick and then Rollins with two rolling suplexes but Cena hits one to counter Seth’s attempt at a third one. Orton and Reigns tag in and Reigns with a clothesline and he punches Kane. Reigns with a flying clothesline followed by a clothesline and punch. Reigns with a broad jump drop kick to Orton hanging over the bottom rope.

Reigns sets for the Superman punch and he hits it on Kane. Reigns avoids Rollins coming off the top turnbuckle and Reigns clotheslines him to the floor. Reigns with a Samoan drop to Orton. Kane attacks Reigns from behind and Orton joins in.

The referee rings the bell while Orton and Kane work over Reigns.

Winners: John Cena and Roman Reigns (by disqualification)

Cena takes care of Kane but Cena back drops Orotn to the apron. Kane goes after Cena but Cena moves and Kane knocks Orton off the apron. Cena punches Kane and then he gets Kane on his shoulders and Kane gets to his feet. Orton avoids Reigns and Reigns spears Cena. Kane takes care of Reigns.

Orton hits an RKO on Kane.

Orton poses in the corner but he turns into a spear from Reigns.

We go to credits.