View Full Version : *UPDATED* Backstage Talk On John Cena Possibly Leaving WWE For A Movie Career

07-23-2014, 11:28 PM
There has been a lot of talk within WWE lately about John Cena's movie career. PWInsider noted that some of the wrestlers have joked that Cena will start "bringing it via satellite" soon.

We noted that Cena will be missing several upcoming WWE events due to filming of The Nest and Trainwreck.
There have been people backstage speculating that if Cena's movie work takes off, given how banged up he is, he could be the next one to walk away from WWE for a Hollywood career in the next few years.


John Cena got his picture taken on the set of the movie he is filming today. The following was posted on Twitter tonight, where he is sporting fake tattoos for his role.


John Cena on the set of Tina Fey's new movie "The Nest
11:46 AM - 24 Jul 2014

07-24-2014, 03:43 AM
But then who will main event wrestlemania?!

07-24-2014, 04:02 AM
But then who will main event wrestlemania?!


Big Evil
07-24-2014, 04:23 AM
If it works out that the talent is used better and pushed to the main event with John gone, then perhaps it is best for business.

Would suck to see John go, always been a fan. However, unlike Rock, I wonder if he will regret leaving or maybe he won't be able to stay away as much. Success can change a person, but unlike Rock I don't know if Cena has the acting chops to do more than an action role in any movies he does. Time will tell.

07-24-2014, 04:26 AM
If it works out that the talent is used better and pushed to the main event with John gone, then perhaps it is best for business.

Would suck to see John go, always been a fan. However, unlike Rock, I wonder if he will regret leaving or maybe he won't be able to stay away as much. Success can change a person, but unlike Rock I don't know if Cena has the acting chops to do more than an action role in any movies he does. Time will tell.

Cena has more than won his share of titles, sold his share of tshirts, and gave his all for fans that take him for granted. For him to leave would be a godsend for him and the fans who boo him... a good 2 year hiatus would show people what they're missing. Besides, he's gone day in an day out for over 11 years now. He's torn muscles, broken his neck, and somehow still came back. The guy is pushing 40, let him rest.

07-24-2014, 04:38 AM

Why him?

07-24-2014, 05:19 AM
Why him?

1. Because he's Dwayne's cousin.

2. Because he's over 6 foot tall and over 240lbs

3. Putting the belt on Ambrose just makes too much sense.

07-24-2014, 05:22 AM
1. Because he's Dwayne's cousin.

2. Because he's over 6 foot tall and over 240lbs

3. Putting the belt on Ambrose just makes too much sense.

He reminds me of Khal Drogo.

07-24-2014, 05:24 AM
He reminds me of Khal Drogo.

Huh chicka what what?

07-24-2014, 05:28 AM


07-24-2014, 11:02 AM
John Cena got his picture taken on the set of the movie he is filming today. The following was posted on Twitter tonight, where he is sporting fake tattoos for his role.


John Cena on the set of Tina Fey's new movie "The Nest
11:46 AM - 24 Jul 2014