View Full Version : Main Event Results / Report - 22nd Jul, 2014

07-24-2014, 09:39 AM
Main Event Results / Report
22nd Jul, 2014
Location: Orlando, Florida
Announcers: Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips.

We will take a look at what happened last night on Raw with Stephanie McMahon. We will also have a rematch from Battleground with Jack Swagger facing Rusev.

We see the footage from Battleground when Seth Rollins was attacked during his interview in the back by Dean Ambrose. We see the second part of the brawl in the arena. Then we go to part three when Dean emerged from the trunk of Seth’s car to attack him.

Match Number One: Seth Rollins versus Fandango

Rollins doesn’t know what to think about his opponent while the crowd chants ‘You Sold Out’. They lock up and Rollins with a hammer lock into a side head lock. Fandango with a drop kick and Rollins goes to the floor. Fandango does some dancing by himself while Rollins takes his time getting back into the ring.

Rollins with a kick and punch and then he backs Fandango into the corner and he kicks him and chokes Fandango. Fandango with punches to Rollins but Rollins with a flatline into the turnbuckles. Rollins with a punch and then he sends Fandango into the turnbuckles. Rollins kicks Fandango and chokes him.

Rollins with a snap mare and a reverse chin lock. Fandango backs Rollins into the corner but Rollins returns to the reverse chin lock. Fandango with a backslide for a near fall. Fandango with punches to Rollins but Rollisn with an Irish whip but Fandango floats over and gets a near fall with a sunset flip.

Rollins blocks an enzuigiri and Rollins with a buckle bomb followed by Black Out for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

We take a look at a very edited look at the final segment of Raw that set up the main event for SummerSlam.

The Usos are walking in the back because Jey Uso will be wrestling as we go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Jey Uso (with Jimmy Uso) versus Ryback (with Curtis Axel)

They lock up and Jey with a side head lock. Ryback pushes Jey and Jey pushes back. They lock up again and Jey with a waist lock. Jey with a side head lock and he backs Jey into the corner. Jey blocks a kick and Jey with a side head lock. Ryback with an Irish whip and Jey floats over and he does some dancing.

Jey with an uppercut and chops. Ryback with a chop of his own. Jey goes to the floor and Jimmy tries to give him some encouragement before Jey gets back onto the apron and he connects with a shoulder and he tries for a sunset flip but Ryback picks Jey up and Ryback with a back body drop.

Ryback kicks Jey while Curtis taunts Jey. Ryback send Jey face first into the mat for a near fall. Ryback with a reverse chin lock. Jey with punches but Ryback pushes him and Jey with a sunset flip for a near fall. Jey with a crucifix driver for a near fall. Jey lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Jey gets a near fall. Jey with punches but Ryback sends Jey into the turnbuckles. Jey with an elbow and Ryback catches Jey off the turnbuckles and Ryback with a spinebuster.

Ryback sets for the lariat but Jey with a Samoan drop and then he hits the running butt splash into the corner. Jimmy takes care of Curtis when he tries to interfere but Ryback with a lariat for the three count.

Winner: Ryback

Renee Young is with Heath Slater and Titus O’Neil. She asks them about their new team before they face Big E and Kofi Kingston. Slater says that things aligned for SlaterGator to unite. Titus says they are not a team. He tells Slater to shut up and follow his lead.

Slater says that Titus didn’t mean any of that. He is misunderstood and doesn’t believe in himself. They will win and Renee will interview the greatest tag team ever.

We go to commercial.

We are back and at this time, we will see Alberto Del Rio versus Roman Reigns on Smackdown.

Match Number Three: Heath Slater and Titus O’Neil versus Kofi Kingston and Big E (with Xavier Woods)

Titus and Kofi start things off and Titus backs Kofi into the corner. Kofi slaps Titus and they lock up again. Titus with a chop to Kofi in the corner. Titus misses a chop and Kofi with chops. Titus with a back breaker or two and then he tosses Kofi to the side. Titus barks.

Slater tags himself in and he kicks Kofi. Slater with kicks to Kofi and he applies a reverse chin lock. Kofi gets to his feet and he punches Slater but Slater backs Kofi into the corner and Slater punches Kofi. Kofi fights his way out of the corner but Slater pulls Kofi down by the hair. Titus tags himself in and they argue. Big E tags in and he connects with a clothesine before knocking Slater off the apron.

Big E with punches to Titus followed by an elbow to Slater. Kofi with Trouble in Paradise to Slater and Big E with a body block. Big E with a back breaker and Kofi tags in and hits a double stomp to the chest. Woods tells Kofi to go after Slater and Big E gives Slater a back breaker and Kofi with a double stomp to Slater. Big E puts Slater on top of Titus and Big E pins Titus.

Winners: Big E and Kofi Kingston

We take a look back at highlights from the match between Rusev and Jack Swagger from Battleground.

Renee Young is with Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter. She asks them about Swagger’s match. Zeb says that you can call him crazy or nuts, but Lana and Rusev did not pay attention to their history class. If Real Americans quit at the first sign of struggle, where would we be. The only good thing that Russia is good at making is vodka. He won at Battleground, but this is a new day. Don’t underestimate the motivation of a Real American. Zeb tells Renee to watch to see which flag will be waving after tonight’s match.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Renee is with Titus and Heath. Titus says he knew it would not work. This is one night only. He calls Heath ‘bad luck’. He says that he ain’t a rabbit’s foot or horseshoe. He is an albatross around his neck. He tells Heath that he is dead weight.

Slater says that Titus is just upset. He is a joker. They have chemistry. The people are chanting SLATERGATOR. This is something special.

It is time to talk about the latest between The Bellas and Stephanie McMahon, culminating in Stephanie’s arrest last night.

Tom says that Stephanie bonded out at 4:00 AM but she will have to return for a hearing on the charges.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dean Ambrose will face Cesaro on Smackdown in a No Disqualification Match.

Lana tells everyone to shut up. In your country, the white flag symbolizes surrender. You have surrendered a long time ago. You Americans simply don’t have what it takes to back up your words. You’re are a mere shell of what you used to be. Lana mentions that a flag of surrender was planted on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Lana chuckles and she says that Jack Swagger will surrender to Rusev. This is why they dedicate their victory to the most respected leader in the world, Vladimir Putin.

Match Number Four: Rusev (with Lana) versus Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

Swagger tries to go for the leg but Rusev avoids Swagger. Swagger grabs the good leg and Rusev gets to the ropes. Swagger blocks a kick and Swagger with a waist lock but Rusev with a back elbow. Rusev punches Swagger while Swagger talks strategy with Colter. Rusev with kicks and knees in the corner and then he sends Swagger into the turnbuckles. Rusev with punches to the head to try to do more damage.

Swagger moves and Rusev goes over the top rope to the floor and Rusev is visibly limping as he gets ready to get back into the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger with a shoulder in the corner but Rusev with a kick to the midsection followed by a kick to the head. Swagger holds his head and Rusev kicks Swagger in the back of the head. Rusev chokes Swagger followed by a head butt to do more damage to the injury Swagger suffered on Sunday. Rusev sends Swagger into the ringside barrier and then into the apron.

Rusev sends Swagger into the steps. Rusev rolls Swagger back into the ring. Swagger with punches to Rusev but Rusev with a knee. Rusev with another knee to the midsection. Rusev with a wrist lock and he puts his foot on the side of Swagger’s head. Rusev stomps on the head and then he applies a rear chin lock.

Swagger powers out of the hold and he gets a boot up to a charging Rusev. Swagger with punches followed by a clothesline and splash into the corner. Swagger with a belly-to-belly slam and then he sets for the Swagger Bomb but Rusev gets his feet up to stop Swagger, but Swagger grabs the leg and applies the ankle lock. Rusev gets to the ropes.

Rusev goes to the floor and Swagger follows and he hits Rusev from behind and Swagger applies an ankle lock on the floor. Rusev hits Swagger with the flag and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Jack Swagger (by disqualification)

After the match, Rusev brings the flag into the ring, but Colter takes it from Rusev. Swagger recovers and hits a running boot and Rusev is sent to the floor.

Swagger waves his flag in the ring while Rusev waves his flag on the ramp.

We go to credits.