View Full Version : Backstage Talk On Triple H's Opinion Of Some Internet Fans

07-24-2014, 10:54 PM
- Regarding Triple H's sarcastic promo on Monday's RAW about venting on social media and threatening to stop watching with his friend "Mark," apparently that was him making fun of fans who weren't happy with the Battleground pay-per-view. The Wrestling Observer noted that tt's said within WWE it's pretty well known that even though Triple H has to embrace social media for business reasons, he hates fans on social media who comment about the product and hates fans who act like they understand wrestling when they don't have a clue.

07-25-2014, 11:26 AM
Kiss my ass Triple H, if you do not want us to complain do not show ads for Summerslam prmoting Cena vs Lesnar a week before Battleeground. lol Even during Battleground the ads for Summerslam had Cena with the titles and this was twice before the main event. So this pissed me off even though I knew the outcome weeks ago anyway lol

07-25-2014, 04:29 PM
Triple H is an ass. The fans he mocks on social media are the fans to actually buy the tickets to attend WWE shows, watch WWE shows, purchase WWE video games etc. If anyone doesn't have a clue its Triple H. Without the fans there would be no WWE and he would have to work a REAL job.

07-25-2014, 07:14 PM
There are "smart" people complaining everywhere. deal with it Mr. COO. You and your company are a public product and to survive you need people giving their hard earned money to you..so people HAVE the right to react and spread their opinion - DEAL WITH IT

Make a better product and less people are complaining...it's that easy, Paul Levesque - promised

07-27-2014, 09:20 PM
Why are you guys mad at HHH for saying this? He can say whatever he likes about marks, because they'll continue to buy tickets and ppvs and order that stupid network and watch his stupid show regardless of what he does. He could call your mother a whore and you'd still tune in next week.

07-29-2014, 06:36 AM
Why are you guys mad at HHH for saying this? He can say whatever he likes about marks, because they'll continue to buy tickets and ppvs and order that stupid network and watch his stupid show regardless of what he does. He could call your mother a whore and you'd still tune in next week.
