View Full Version : WWE House Show Results - 27th Jul, 2014 (Dallas, TX)

07-28-2014, 08:56 AM
Seth Rollins cut a backstage promo on Dean Ambrose.

Justin Roberts offered a refund to anyone in the first 20 minutes of the show because Cena won't be here. Odd to offer that since Cena was never once advertised for the show. This prompted Flair to come out & announce he's guest ref for the main event.

Dean Ambrose wins by DQ over Seth Rollins after taking the briefcase to the head. Really good match. Enjoyed seeing them go at it since they didn't at Battleground. Lot of good nearfalls.

Bo Dallas defeated Zack Ryder with the Bo Dog. Above average match considering you'd think it would be a squash match. Bo had promos before and after the match.

Sin Cara defeated Damien Sandow and then Great Khali defeated Damien Sandow. Sandow is trying to make lemonade out of his lemons but its still depressing to see him in this role. Sin Cara looked quite well actually, and got a nice reaction for it.

AJ Lee defeated Paige to retain the Divas Title with the Black Widow submission. Paige looks so much more natural as a heel. A surprisingly hard hitting matchup between these two. Would like to see what they come up with for SummerSlam.

Dolph Ziggler defeated Alberto Del Rio in a very good match. Back and forth with solid near falls. Dolph was able to hit the Zig Zag on his birthday for the win. Post match, Dolph did A LOT of celebrating with the fans as the titontrons had a Happy Birthday graphic up for him.

Adam Rose & Justin Gabriel had a Dance Off... sort of. Gabriel danced to MC Hammer & then attacked Rose when he went to Dance. Rose fought him off & hit the Party Foul. Not much reaction for Rose. The bunny was there for anyone wondering & it was not Zack Ryder.

Rusev defeated Jack Swagger with the Accolade submission. The crowd was quiet for most of the show but this match got them going. Great reaction for Swagger which was great to see. Very physical, enjoyable match.

Goldust & Stardust defeated Rybaxel after Goldust hit the Final Cut on Axel. Fans weren't sure what to make of Stardust at first but they loved him by the end of it. Cody just is doing a tremendous job in the role. Fun match highlighting him & his brother.

Main Event: Roman Reigns defeated Randy Orton in a Street fight after hitting the spear. I've read reports this weekend that this match hasn't been that great... so I dont know if they tried something different or what, but this was a very solid match & laid a nice foundation for what they can do at SummerSlam. There were kendo sticks, tables, microphones, stairs & chairs used in this match. Roman was by far the most over guy on the show. Crowd loved him. Flair showed his age trying to ref this match but luckily didn't take away from it.