View Full Version : *Official Jim Ross Blog Thread 2*

07-28-2014, 11:09 AM

In this thread you will find Jr's Blogs that he posts from time to time.

Click for:

*Official Jim Ross Blog Thread 1* (http://www.uowforums.com/showthread.php?t=215884)

07-28-2014, 11:11 AM
Saturday Blog, Mark Madden, ROH Wrestling, IMPACT/SPIKE TV, #UFCFightNight, AJ Podcast Rocks, Sting Podcast Drops Tues Night @ 9 eastern, New JR's Pkg @ WWEShop.com

Going to be 101 today here in Norman, Oklahoma...it might be too damn hot to sit by the pool and sweat Crisco. But it's never too hot to grill....

Lots of random and not all pro wrestling thoughts.....

Learned this yesterday, after getting off blood pressure meds my left eye has returned to 20/20 vision.

Working out three days a week with a personal trainer who has to be reminded I'm a young, 62.

I am NOT retired.

It's curious that Spike hasn't renewed Impact Wrestling as of yet for the new, fall season. That's not a great sign and I hope that they do renew their relationship. Spike doesn't have an over abundance of shows that draw a million viewers in prime time each week. That number could be escalated easily over time.

Former WCW broadcaster and current Pittsburgh media icon Mark Madden wrote an editorial piece that I enjoyed this week at WrestleZone. I'll take it a step farther and say that ROH and Impact should sit down and strategize on how they can make both brands healthier and that doesn't necessarily mean becoming partners. It might however, allow their talents to earn more money and get more exposure. What do they have to lose? Exactly. Not a damn thing.

For years, pro wrestling organizations have been reluctant to work together, and this goes back to the territory days, because of one reason....out of control egos by the alpha males in charge. These out of control egos and ignorance helped put many territories out of business.

If I were WWE, I'd buy all the ROH footage that features any WWE star past or present that worked in ROH. ROH creates new money and WWE gets new content for their network or DVD's.

Speaking of ROH, the ever present rumor mill says that they might be for sale. I can't verify such but it wouldn't surprise me. The 'new' wore off Sinclair Broadcasting buying their own pro wrestling company a long time ago. Too bad because there's money to be made with ROH if it was positioned better.

Bravo to Impact Wrestling for not starting off their Thursday show with yet ANOTHER long, in ring promo to start their show. Can't others see how predictable and mundane this has become? If I've worked all day and I sit down to watch wrestling the last thing that I want to hear is yet ANOTHER show starting, never ending promo that forces me to attempt to process more minutia and to remember the info that I hear.

I need to make inroads to two, Oklahoma companies @QuikTrip and @Sonicdrivein. If anyone has any corporate contacts with either company please hit me at Contact Us on the home page of this site.

WWEShop.com has a new combo pack of JR's BBQ Sauces for only $8.99.

We are working on dates for RINGSIDE w/ Jim Ross shows beginning in January 2015. Nickpampenella handles our routing so if you are in that business, please let Nick know if you are interested in booking a show. We've received amazing response on booking shows for next year.

Going to watch UFC Fight Night tonight from San Jose on @FoxSports1. Looks to be a good card if everyone made weight.

Daniel Cromier will fight Jon Jones this fall and the big question is how bad is @dc_mma knee? The former OSU Cowboy Wrestler like Jack and Jerry Brisco, Johny Hendricks, and Randy Couture among others has a chance to hit big money but beating Bones on one good leg won't be easy. Sic em DC!

My agent is working on a MMA broadcasting gig for me and the broadcast pairing, if the deal gets done, could be an eye opener. Stay tuned.

College football fans....pre season rankings mean little and do nothing positive for anyone's team unless they feel dissed. Lofty, pre season rankings can cause more harm than good IMO.

Because the NCAA is so archaic they make it difficult for guys like me to mentor athletes. I'd like to think that I have had some experience in that area from my previous life in pro wrestling where insecurities and paranoia are a daily occurrence but the NCAA doesn't see it that way. To have a player come to one's home to eat a home cooked meal and to discuss life is largely considered an "issue."

This is the same organization that feels that a bagel is a snack but a bagel with a topping IE cream cheese is a meal. I'm being serious.

I get countless tweets JrsBBQ from fans telling me who they want to be inducted into the WWE HOF as if I had any influence in the process.

Daniel Bryan has had a helluva, memorable year....main eventing WrestleMania, getting married, losing his Dad, undergoing neck surgery, subduing a home invader this week and now apparently needling an additional surgery to get him back in the ring. It's not beyond the realm of comprehension that it could be 201`5 until he's back in a WWE ring. Nonetheless it gives his body a chance to heal and for Bryan and his bride to enjoy life off the road to some degree. The glass can't always be looked upon as half empty even though DB will be missed by his fans.

OKC hosts WWE tonight with tickets starting at $15 and great seats are in abundance I am told. Hopefully they will change up the card from Tulsa last night to tonight's OKC card. I have friends who are going and will give me their 'update' at the gym tomorrow.

Our podcast numbers are growing at a significant rate each week and staying in the top ten of all iTunes Top 300 Sports Podcasts even though we only produce one show per week. I could see us doing another show in the future. I;d like to do a show with callers and/or questions via email or Twitter.

The AJ Styles interview this week has been dynamite and one that I really enjoyed doing because AJ and I really had no track record of working with each other. He's the top indy wrestler in the world IMO and a great addition to anyone's locker room.

This Tuesday night at 9 pm eastern time my first of a two part Sting interview debuts on podcastone.com and iTunes. If you subscribe to the Ross Report for FREE on iTunes you will never miss a show. Costs you na-da....nothing...zilch...zero.

For any wrestling promoter to consider that draws are obsolete just demonstrates how out of touch they really are when it comes to understanding the make up of the genre and how out of touch they really are regarding the fundamental aspects of the business.

Several weeks ago I mentioned on the Ross Report that if Cesaro, of who I am a HUGE fan, continued to do the fan favorite Giant Swing that he would be swimming upstream in order to be a TV Wrestling Villain. Apparently, WWE had finally instructed Cesaro to cease with the Giant Swing until he eventually turns fan favorite. Better late than never I suppose.

A significant shipment of JR's products are in route to the UK for americansoda.co.uk and beyondtheropes.co.uk and should be arriving soon. Sorry for the inconvenience but it's worth the wait like the Brisco Brothers Body Shop is worth the drive.

Just for the record, it pisses me off when some wrestling sites quote my Ross Report podcasts in WAY too much detail. I am grateful for any and all promotion but to actually quote large chunks of the show isn't professional.

The Lana & Rusev controversy is overblown in my view. They are fictional characters who are neither Russian. Could the writers have been smarter and more conservative in light of the recent tragedy? Absolutely. But is this a major travesty? Not even close. That's my take.

We're doing great biz at http://www.prowrestlingtees.com/jimross and are looking for your pics to be Tweeted to me JrsBBQ so that I can re-Tweet them.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget that Ask JR q&a's are updated here on the site.

Boomer Sooner!


07-31-2014, 09:07 AM

Crazy Monday on what could well be a unique week in the world of pro wrestling. Let's grill it.....

So, Sunday night TMZ reports that Spike TV isn't renewing their current TV rights fee arrangement with Impact Wrestling. I assume that to be true based on how TMZ presented the story but I'm on the outside (luckily) looking in. Today TNA/Impact says that negotiations are still on going with Spike while Spike says that they don't comment on "on going negotiations."

I knew the 'spin' on this matter would be prevalent once I heard the news Sunday night and whether or not this info is 'spin' or merely an update to settle things down, I don't know.

In the world of negotiations, Spike may simply be trying to pay a much lower rights fee to TNA than in the past and have made their position clear by saying that we are not renewing the deal at the current numbers.

Could Spike be thinking like TBS, Turner Broadcasting Systems, when Jim Crockett Promotions found themselves in financial trouble and TBS bought WCW and perhaps be looking to add a pro wrestling brand to their list of properties? Spike/Viacom recently bought out MMA company Bellator....which definitely needs a new name...BTW.

Those would be two fresh, first run programs that appeal to a primary male demo and that seems to be the Spike profile or so it seems to me based on their current programming more often than not.

Why would Spike want to get rid of one of the few shows on their network that garners over 1M viewers per week in prime time? That makes no sense to me but Spike negotiating to keep TNA at a lower dollar does.

Every once in a while many businesses have to hit the reset button and essentially start over with their infrastructure. Simply from what I hear it seems as if that is a timely thing to do for TNA and that process seemingly has already started. 'Crisis Management' was practiced daily by my department in WWE back in the day because we were always only a key injury, etc or two away from being in a dilemma.

Many of today's corporations are too fat and produce too much waste including having multiple people seemingly doing the same tasks. WWE has stated that they are reducing their overhead in a significant way much like we did in the mid 90's and that down sizing seemed to work out well for WWE over time.

Even though the news of TNA 'leaving' Spike is startling to many, especially those that take care of their families via the monies that they earn from TNA, I have a gut feeling that this is a matter that is still in play and that there well could be other cable networks who will have an interest in a TV show that 's first run and can bring a solid audience with them if they change networks.

The key to that last sentence is IF Impact changes networks.

Tomorrow night, Tuesday, at 9 pm eastern my first of a two part interview with Sting drops on podcastone.com and iTunes on our Ross Report Podcast. I recorded this with Sting a few weeks ago and it's a two parter with part 2 dropping next Tuesday evening.

Also tomorrow night I will be catching up with Vince Russo, whose name has been linked to the ills of the TNA/Spike relationship. I am looking forward to catching up with Vince and talking Attitude Era Wrestling and more including TNA for a future podcast.

Finally WWE has their scheduled financial conference call set for this Thursday which will likely include an update on the WWE Network which continues to be the top priority within WWE. That particular call is greatly anticipated and for WWE's sake I hope that the number of subscribers to the network are growing significantly.

Lastly, the wrestling business needs to catch a break and get it's feet squarely back under them. Producing better and more believable, quality, athletic entertainment is a good place to start as we are seeing the results of bad acting, never ending promos and short, meaningless wrestling matches that many fans are not enjoying with the passion that was once the order of the day. Attendance at live events is down in many instances and that was and will always be one of the prime indicators of how popular the specific brand is to their fan base.

I'm pulling for the 'boys'....all of them!

Boomer Sooner!


07-31-2014, 12:44 PM
Tuesday Blog, Sting on Ross Report Podcast Drops Tonight, JR Talks to Russo Today, Houston RAW Thoughts, Best Villains in WWE, Order JR's Deliciousness Online

Good day to all and thanks for stopping by on one of my busiest days of the week. Lots to cover so let's fire up the grill.....

The much anticipated Sting interview/conversation on the Ross Report podcast drops tonight at 9 pm eastern time on podcastone.com and perhaps just a little later on iTunes. It's a two parter and a superb conversation with Sting about his career and his future. I hope that you will download it for free and do as many have done and that is subscribe to the podcast for free at iTunes. Many of you will hear and experience a side of Sting that you have never had the opportunity to do.

Also, tonight I'm chatting with Vince Russo for a future Ross Report podcast in which should be an interesting conversation especially in light that Russo is being blamed for killing two, wrestling companies and even implicated in "murdering Owen Hart." That's some heavy stuff.

The list of my podcast guests and when their shows drop is listed on the home page of this site.

For UK, Ireland and European fans of JR's products, americansoda.co.uk and beyondtheropes.co.uk are due to be receiving their order of JR's products to restock their shelves any day now. Please bear with us and jump on them when they arrive. I'm sorry that both companies essentially sold out of product and it's especially frustrating for it to occur this time of the year.

On the other hand, http://www.wweshop.com is fully stocked with JR's products and are shipping orders daily throughout North America. JR's is on shelves in Oklahoma at the Crest Food Stores, the Norman Homeland Stores, Lawton Country Marts, J.Boties in Norman for our Jerky, the Wrestling Guy Store in Southern California, Belly Buster Subs in Toronto, and the Squared Circle Restaurant in Chicago.

Houston RAW Thoughts:

The show had some excellent moments without question and helped promote Summer Slam significantly. However, after a great start to the show that included the Heyman-Cena-Cesaro dealings the lack of in ring, bell to bell time was noticeable. It felt that the wrestling became an after thought after the hot start.

It seemed like RAW was on on the air a good 90 minutes and featured two wrestling matches.

Cena's serious promo was spot on as his WWE Title bout with Brock Lesnar is nothing to joke or to make light of whatsoever. Paul Heyman heymanHustle again cleared the bases with his promo work that seemed to motivate Cena to respond accordingly. Really good work by both men representing the main event at Summer Slam.

Great close to the show with Stephanie McMahon and Brie Bella doing their thing to enhance their match at Summer Slam of which I mentioned six weeks ago was a sleeper angle that would resonate if WWE kept the issue personal. They have and this pairing will add a great deal to the PPV heading to LA. Personal issues are still the heartbeat of a compelling pro wrestling storyline.

I had no problem philosophically whatsoever in the two ladies closing the show. None.

Mentioned this on Twitter that I felt like WWE's two hottest, heels were both non wrestlers in Stephanie and Heyman which is a tribute to their work but what does it say for the wrestlers who are cast in those roles?

Heyman and Steph seemingly don't play the role of a pro wrestling villian and they come across as natural and playing an expanded role on who they really are which is where the magic lies.

Any talent 'playing the role' of a villain more often than not comes off as disingenuous and shallow. Be real, enhance it, or go home.

Enjoyed the AJ-Paige business, I like their story and their chemistry but the talk went too long.

Nice to see Ziggler getting some positive attention. Let's hope that it goes somewhere. He's one guy who could quickly make the IC or US Title have much more equity than they currently have.

Miz is a significantly better heel than he is a fan favorite but he would be well served to amp up his aggression when it's his time to be a badass. The Hollywood gimmick fits him well but I need to know that he can be a tough guy when the opportunity arises.

If Lesnar wins the WWE Title at Summer Slam, then the IC and US Titles would be well served to mean more considering that Lesnar will not be on TV weekly of which I think is fine by the way.

I have no idea why Bo Dallas winning streak ended. Hopefully it leads to something and is a part of a longer arcing storyline. In time, Bo is going to become easy to jeer which is a great thing for a heel.

Enjoyed the snugness of Swagger-Rusev. I realize I'm a biased Okie but Swagger has been underutilized IMO for a good while. Even if the former Sooner ends up on the short end of the matter with the 'Russian' at least Swagger is involved in something tangible.

Lana needs to be doing heel manager things on the road at live events as she still looks somewhat uncomfortable at ringside on TV and she's got too much potential for WWE not to develop her skills 'off Broadway.'

Excellent promo by Chris Jericho interrupting HHH and Steph. Too many talented elements for this segment not to be memorable.

If strategically booked, I can easily see WWE getting two matches out of Steph vs. Brie especially if another element is added such as Nikki aligning herself with Steph and working into a tag at the September PPV.

Excellent start and a great close for the Houston RAW broadcast.

I'm going to spend about four days next week sequestered in a hotel room with my writing partner working on my book. New project, new adventure and something that I'm looking forward to a great deal. Hope to have it finished by early 2015.

Don't get how Chael Sonnen can get the hammer dropped on him while Vito Belfort seems to get a free pass. Feels like there's a double standard. Wrong is wrong and penalties should be consistent. I can't see how many UFC fighters embrace Belfort getting a big money fight after have multiple drug issues.

Check out all the designs of JR's tees now at http://www.prowrestlingtees.com/jimross and tweet me your photo in them JrsBBQ.

If TNA goes to another cable TV outlet IF they leave spikeTV, I'd seriously consider changing the name of the company and attempting to hit the reset button and get a fresh start. I'm still not convinced that Spike will rid themselves of TNA but instead re-up the brand for less money. Sources say that TNA is telling their talents that there are multiple suitors for their brand as it relates to finding another cable TV home. I hope that's accurate for their sake.

Speaking of Impact, I'm told that their TV show Thursday night is one of their better in ring shows in a good while.

Ask JR Q&A's are updated here. Check them out before you leave.

Boomer Sooner!


08-10-2014, 12:31 PM
Wednesday Blog..Sting Pt 2 now on Ross Report Podcast, Cowboy Bill Watts, Raw Feedback..Paul Heyman DVD..JR re: Boxing & MMA Commentary..WWEShop.com

Greetings all and thanks for stopping by our website. Another busy day for one who is allegedly "retired." It's grilling time....

It's going to be a busy day of working on my autobiography with my writing partner Scott Williams here in Norman. Looking at four, ten hour days this week with additional, multiple writing days ahead. We hope to get the book done by mid 2015 but there's a great deal of work to do before we even think of getting it published.
PODcastOne had some technical glitches on posting the Sting Part 2 conversation on the Ross Report but they have been resolved. Hit podcastone.com or iTunes to download this show for free and better yet subscribe for FREE at iTunes and you won't miss a show.

My conversation with my mentor Cowboy Bill Watts was sensational. He covered a multitude of topics that cover from the old days to the present and his take on such booker/owners as Vincent J McMahon, Vincent K McMahon, Eddie Graham, Verne Gagne, Roy Shire and so many more. This podcast will drop on September 16 and it's a dandy. Bill was in rare form and it was no holds barred as it related to today's product and his run in the biz that was launched by being a main event talent just three years in the business in the New York Territory thanks to being recommended by manager Wild Red Berry to Vincent J. McMahon.

Next week my Podcast guest will be Bubba Dudley aka Bully Ray while I also speak with Magnum TA for a future Ross Report.

RAW/Austin Thoughts:

Thought the show was noticeably short on bell to bell product which would indicate that I thought that there was too much talking. The volume to talk diminishes the promos that are essential for fans to listen to and retain the info that they hear. Too many meaningless talking segments w/ prelim acts feels like a waste of time especially this close to a major PPV....Summer Slam.

This is the second week in a row RAW has been short on wrestling within their three hour format.

The promotion and the card for Summer Slam is imperative to the continued build of the WWE Network and some segments on RAW came off as filler having zero to do with the PPV.

The Sandow/Mark Henry...OU vs. Texas bit in Austin, home of the Longhorns was neither entertaining nor did it have anything to do with Summer Slam. So why was it on the show? Was it a cheap shot at your's truly? Surely not. JBL knocking my family's BBQ products was a low blow but in the wrestling biz that it is called ribbing on the square and "all in good fun" which is a lame explanation. I did not see RAW live and watched it on our DVR but my twitter followers had alerted me of the announcers having fun at my expense or so they perceived. Perhaps some one actually thought the segment was entertaining and if that's true that explains many things regarding today's product.

The Lesnar-Cena video was very well done and helped enhance the perception of the main event at Summer Slam that I feel Lesnar will win. Good job by whoever produced and edited that video.

Time management at Summer Slam is important to the success of the show and having matches on a major event like Summer Slam that that don't have the time to tell a viable story is ill conceived.

The documentary aspect of the heymanHustle DVD is excellent....simply excellent. The video is now on sale and I can't recommend it enough. For me to be included, along with the departed from WWE CM Punk, was a nice surprise and I feel that we both were able to contribute some to the production. Paul is in the same conversation as a manager as is Bobby Heenan which is rarified air as far as I'm concerned.

My agent is working on a play by play gig for me for a MMA event and let's hope that gets done. I'm motivated and ready to stick my toe in the MMA waters and if I get the broadcast partner that I've requested then this broadcast could be a helluva lot of fun. Stay tuned.

We are also still interested in doing more boxing for Fox and Golden Boy promotions if all the details can be addressed. I had a blast doing boxing on Memorial day and wold love to get back into it and raise my game. I'm told that if you hit You Tube and Jim Ross Boxing that there is a short highlight video of my first outing. Check it out if you haven't see it.

Of course all this has to work around @Oklahoma_Football this fall.

TNA Impact is in NYC this week for three more days of tapings and let's hope that they continue to give the NYC fans plenty of action and physicality as that has certainly improved the feel of their Thursday night TV show.

Someone with WWE told me that WWE was considering going back to the Super Show TV Taping concept where they do RAW live on Monday night and also tape Smackdown the same evening. That's a load of work....more than a load....but it would save WWE tons of money by eliminating the Tuesday Tapings. Time will tell if this cost cutting move will actually happen but it's a giant undertaking nonetheless.

If it does occur then it might be a timely move to split the announce teams on the two shows so that the announcers can all prepare for one show plus it would make the shows sound differently as they all sound pretty much the same including the PPV's. michaelCole is carrying a mazing work load and it's inevitable that this much over exposure will burn him out sooner than later. WWE can ill afford for that to occur. I've said it before, few people at TV work harder than Cole who runs the show at the announce desk during the busiest and most unique time for a broadcaster ever in WWE with so many masters to serve and to promote while the matches are on going.

My story on the polarization of John Cena will be going up soon at FoxSports.com. I will keep you informed. It will run prior to Summer Slam.

The signed Thank You Cards that we featured with many JR's packages at wweshop.com have been signed and should be back on the http://www.wweshop.com website any time now. Thanks for supporting what my family is trying to build and know that we are truly grateful. The signed @RobSchamberger art is a $20 value that is FREE with the purchase of a JR's package from WWEshop.com.

Business has picked up as it relates to my touring schedule for 2015 with several interesting offers being presented to us.

Take a peek at http://www.prowrestlingtees.com/jimross and take a look at all the great designs available in all sizes and they can be shipped world wide at a new, reduced rate. If you get a tee please tweet me the photo JrsBBQ.

Ask JR has been updated and you're welcome to leave your questions before you leave here today if you choose.

Have a great day and come back and see us.

Boomer Sooner!


08-10-2014, 12:38 PM
Autobiography Update, Big, Ross Report Podcast News, WWE Summer Slam "leaked info", Amazing packages at WWEShop.com, American Soda & Beyond the Ropes Back in Stock, Get JR's Online Now, Cena/FoxSports.com Story this week

It's been a busy week here in Norman with Ross Report Podcast work on Monday and Tuesday and then working on my autobiography with Scott Williams Wednesday thru Saturday while basing out of the Sooner Legends Hotel and Suites at I-35 and Lindsey. Let's fire up the grill....

Scott, who's an author and attorney by trade along with being a former Marine who served in Desert Storm, and I got a great deal of work done but we have miles to travel before we make a viable dent in our project. I'm guessing we will be done if we are lucky by year's end and then the editing and business aspects of the process will begin which would hopefully make the book available by the summer of 2015.

I've kept TV formats, notes and various emails, text messages, etc from the Watts days through the WWE days so the book will be unique in that regard plus Scott will be interviewing between 75-100 people for it as well. Many of my yellow, legal pads that I took notes on over the years have some real nuggets on them that I had long forgotten.

Hopefully, no marriages or professional embarrassments will be adversely affected with the publishing of this book. (BTW...that was a joke. Sort of...)

This is a project that has been a long time coming and we have no deadline to complete it so we are going to take our time, do our research and write the best book that we can. The first book will take the reader through my days growing up in rural Oklahoma when I became a wrestling fan, how I backed into the business w/ Watts and McGuirk, navigating the wild and crazy days of the territories as a 20 something year old kid off the farm, the UWF sell out to JCP, WCW days and departure, and culminating with one of the most emotional moments of my career to that point.

The second book has been laid out and picks up the story in the mid 90's through my WWE exit in 2014.

In some Ross Report Podcast news, Sting Pt 2 is still going great guns. Next week's conversation will be with old friend and current TNA Impact star Bully Ray who I will always know as Bubba Ray Dudley. We talk about the future of Impact and Bubba's long career including his days in ECW and WWE.

Also, next week I will be visiting with Magnum TA, Terry Allen, for a future podcast of which I'm very excited about. Terry was a gifted talent in the ring and had a hall of fame career ahead of him when a car accident ended those dreams. Nonetheless he's had a rich, fulfilling life that I'm anxious to explore and to hear his take on today's pro wrestling business.

Looking at the iTunes Top 300 Sports Charts on Saturday night, our podcast was ranked #7 and was PODcastOne top podcast at that particular time. I am sincerely grateful for all those that download our podcast for free every week.

Not sure how this happens but the WWE Summer Slam card info and lineup of matches including the match times leaked out to the internet over the past several hours. This is a big card with 8 matches plus all the obligatory and often times 'fill' of backstage bits that allegedly add 'entertainment' content to the event which means that some of the matches on the show won't get the bell to bell time that some would want to see them have which will prevent the show from being as good as it could be. Nonetheless I'm anxious to watch the event on the WWE Network of which I am renewing.

I'm writing a feature piece for foxsports.com on the polarizing affect that John Cena has on the WWE fan base which I am certain that many will have a differing point of view than do I. This feature will be posted on http://www.foxsports.com this week prior to Summer Slam and I will keep you apprised here and via Twitter JrsBBQ.

Speaking of Summer Slam, the Ambrose vs. Rollins match which I think should start the PPV is a Lumberjack Match. Why? Does this match really need a stipulation? How about a stip to where the two, talented, hungry, young stars WRESTLE until someone wins? Plus, the 'leaked info' says that Miz vs. Ziggler for the IC Title is scheduled to have only 10 minutes to transact their business. That can't be correct, can it??

Again, I encourage you to obtain the heymanHustle DVD as it's a splendid production and the documentary aspect of it is simply spectatular....and they are real. Paul even says some nice things about yours truly of which I appreciate. This is the best DVD WWE has produced in a long, long time.

Ask JR here on the site has been updated.

http://www.wweshop.com has several new packages of JR's deliciousness awaiting you. All the signed memorabilia that are FREE premiums with these items are personally signed by me and are not some faux signature or stamp.

For our friends in the UK, Ireland and Europe http://www.americansoda.co.uk and http://www.beyondtheropes.co.uk are now back in stock with JR's so please check them out and order especially for the grilling season not to mention that our products are just as tasty in one's kitchen as they are on the grill.

We've got some great podcast guests scheduled in the next several weeks including Matt & Jeff Hardy together, JJ Dillon, former WWE Writer Alex Greenfield, former WCW Broadcaster and Pittsburgh radio "Super Genius" Mark Madden and the Wrestling Observer's Dave Meltzer. More info regarding their show dates will be posted on the home page of this site soon.

Gosh, I'm happy football season is here. I'm even watching NFL exhibition games and replays of @Oklahoma_Football games from last season. My lovely bride, who's a Pittsburgh girl, and I hope Steelers are improved this year as we hope to take in a game or two if schedules permit.

Thanks for stopping by and for supporting us in what we are doing especially with our family brand of JR's products. On a variety of fronts, interesting days certainly lie ahead and I hope that you will take the journey with us.

Boomer Sooner!


08-12-2014, 08:16 PM
Bubba Dudley on Ross Report Tonight at 9 Eastern, JR Talks to Magnum TA Later today, Portland RAW Thoughts, #SummerSlam, Cena Feature on FoxSports.com

Late night...lots of projects in the fire...here's a quick blog after watching RAW from Portland and the Cena-Lesnar special on the WWE Network, which by the way I subscribed on day one and will be renewing. The Lesnar-Cena special was well done. How about you? Late night grilling starts now....

Tonight at 9 eastern time on podcastone.com and iTunes the Ross Report brings you a new show with Bubba Dudley aka Bully Ray who's now competing in Impact Wrestling. Bubba, or Bully if you prefer, is not one to BS and I think that you will enjoy this podcast. You can download the Ross Reports for FREE and I invite you to subscribe for FREE at podcastone.com and iTunes.

Tonight I will also talk with Magnum TA Terry Allen for a future Ross Report and if you have any questions for Terry please tweet me JrsBBQ and use #Ask JR.

Portland RAW thoughts....

WWE is to be commended on their production values on such presentations like Hulk Hogan's 61st birthday party. It wasn't over done and had enough "dirty looks" from some of the great stars in the ring and potential angle alerts to make it fun.

Paul Heyman has become pure gold on the mic but that isn't a revelation or new news. The first segment with Heyman and Brock Lesnar was excellent. Lesnar has become Sasquatch. If Lesnar doesn't win the WWE World Title Sunday in LA at Summer Slam, I will be surprised. This championship should be a match dotted with physicality. Hey, who knows. perhaps WWE goes the surprise route because so many folks including me think that Lesnar should be the champion regardless of his schedule.

Speaking of Lesnar vs. John Cena on Sunday take a look at my feature on the 'Polarization of John Cena' on http://www.foxsports.com.

Heyman's value to WWE at this point in time is huge and may never mean more as he represents Lesnar who will not be a regular on RAW, etc even if he wins the title. Speaking of that match.....what if Cena wins Sunday and Lesnar wins on RAW? Hmm.

Reigns wins by disqualification which did not bother me as it was explained by the announcers and then the apparent next, "it" guy made his physical presence felt to both Ryback and Axel and the last thing people see is generally what they remember. Reigns rolled and that's what I remember. Reigns is an amazing prospect but needs more reps on the mic but the second generation wrestler is fully aware of how important mic skills are in the biz and especially in WWE. Reigns is a smart young man and I have every confidence that his mic skills will continue to evolve. I still say his time line is April 2015 at WM31.

Certainly looks like the WWE has big plans for Seth Rollins who seems to enjoy being a heel. I'm a Rollins fan and have been since NXT.

I'm not wild about the Lumberjack Stipulation for Summer Slam between Dean Ambrose and Rollins but I'm sure that the two will tear down the house if given the time to do so. I'd book them to open Summer Slam and challenge the rest of the card to "top this."

The Stephanie-Brie Bella story has been well done even though the segment with the physical therapist Monday night on RAW was a little long for my taste but I'm looking forward to watching them in the ring Sunday and expect some surprises. (Angle Alert!)

Loved the physicality between Swagger and Cesaro. Love the upside of both guys and, no, I'm not unbiased regarding either.

Enjoyed Jericho-Bray interview segment but for some reason it seems like it could have been better placed in the show. Small point and I might be splitting hairs. (Finer than frog hair split four ways.) I've got Wyatt winning Sunday.

AJ Lee is still the best all around Diva in WWE and she can tell an amazing story with her facial expressions. She could easily become one of WWE's best, all time, women grapplers if all the stars align.

Loved Cena's promo...especially the intensity. Made me want to see the main event Sunday even more. I've checked the weather and I will be pool side sitting on the patio at our home in Norman, Oklahoma. I'm sure I'll enjoy S'Slam much more than I did last year while in LA.

Hope Ziggler and Miz have some time to transact their business Sunday for the IC Title as they both could use a helluva outing and the title desperately needs a jump start.

Again, the birthday party for Hogan tied together well with Lesnar vs. Cena at Summer Slam. This should be a great show Sunday if the matches have the time to tell viable stories. However, when in LA the WWE generally goes "Hollywood" and I'd expect this Sunday to be much of the same. That's cool but give me my wrestling.

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Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned as we expect to make a few announcements of interest within a few days.

Boomer Sooner!