View Full Version : Superstars Results / Report - 231st Jul, 2014

08-01-2014, 12:58 PM
Superstars Results / Report
31st Jul, 2014
Location: Houston, Texas
Announcers: Renee Young and Tom Phillips

Alberto Del Rio versus Justin Gabriel

They lock up and Del Rio backs Gabriel into the corner and Del Rio with a kick and head butts. Gabriel floats over and connects with a back heel kick. Gabriel suplexes Del Rio back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Del Rio goes to the floor. Gabriel tries for a baseball slide but Del Rio moves. Del Rio with a clothesline to Gabriel on the floor and Justin is down.

Gabriel is rolled back into the ring and Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio with a reverse chin lock. Del Rio with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall. Gabriel with punches and a forearm in the corner. Del Rio with an Irish whip and step up enzuigiri for a near fall. Del Rio with a rear chin lock. Gabriel with an elbow but Del Rio with punches followed by a belly-to-back suplex attempt but Gabriel lands on his feet and Gabriel with a forearm and kicks followed by a chop and leg sweep.

Gabriel with a spinning back heel kick for a near fall. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and he runs into an elbow in the corner. Gabriel goes up top but Del Rio trips Gabriel and Justin gets caught in the turnbuckles. Del Rio goes up top for an inverted superplex and he hits it. Del Rio signals for the cross arm breaker and he floats over and Gabriel taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

We take a look back at the announcement of Brock Lesnar as John Cena’s opponent at SummerSlam.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the match between Cesaro and John Cena from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Alberto Del Rio being treated for the cut above his eye.

We see footage from earlier today when Heath Slater talked to Titus O’Neil about their match. Titus says that they are not a team. Titus says that he does not like Heath. Heath says that Titus is using reverse psychology. Slater says that he can lead Titus to gold while Titus says he won’t lead him anywhere. Heath can’t figure out where his locker room is and he walks past Titus and Titus hits Heath in the back with his jacket and Heath asks if they are doing love taps. Titus yells at Heath.

We take a look at Randy Orton’s attack on Roman Reigns on Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened with Stephanie McMahon and Brie Bella.

Titus O’Neil and Heath Slater versus Sin Cara and Zack Ryder

Slater and Cara start things off and they lock up. Slater with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Slater with some air guitar before Cara flips him across the ring. Ryder tags in and he hits a drop kick for a near fall. Titus makes the tag and he punches Ryder. Titus sends Ryder into the corner and he chops Ryder.

Titus with another chop. Ryder with chops and forearms to Titus. Ryder with a kick and he clotheslines Titus over the top rope to the floor. Slater charges at Ryder and Zack moves. Cara drops down and Slater goes to the floor. Cara with a suicide dive onto Slater while Ryder with a baseball slide to Titus.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Titus with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Ryder with forearms. Titus catches Ryder and Ryder gets away from Titus and he hits a drop kick. Cara and Slater tag in and Cara with a springboard forearm and clothesline. Cara with a springboard cross body followed by a handspring back elbow. Cara with a knee but Slater with a leg lariat. Titus tags in and he kicks Cara. Cara rolls to the apron and Titus with a chop and Cara falls to the floor.

Titus goes to the floor and he sends Cara back into the ring and Titus gets a near fall. Titus with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Cara with punches but Titus with a forearm to the back. Titus gets Cara on his shoulder for a back breaker and he drops down and gets a near fall. Slater tags in and he kicks Cara. Slater kicks Cara in the ribs and he chokes Cara.

Titus gets in a boot to the head while the referee is out of position and Slater gets a near fall. Slater with knees to the back of the head and he tags Titus back in. Titus with an Irish whip but he runs into boots from Cara. Ryder tags in and he punches Titus. Titus with an Irish whip but Ryder gets his knees up and he hits a missile drop kick. Ryder with an Irish whip and forearm in the corner. Ryder with the Broski Boot and he gets a near fall.

Slater breaks up the cover and Slater sends Cara to the floor. Ryder hits the Rough Ryder on Slater but Titus with Clash of the Titus for the three count.

Winners: Heath Slater and Titus O’Neil

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at how we get a McMahon versus Bella match at SummerSlam.

We go to credits.