View Full Version : RAW Results / Report - 4th Aug, 2014

08-10-2014, 09:08 AM
Last week, Roman Reigns was supposed to face Kane, but Randy Orton interrupted Reigns and Kane, but it mainly made the former Shield member irate.

RAW Results / Report - 4th Aug, 2014
Location: Austin, Texas
Announcers: Michael Cole, JBL and Jerry Lawler

Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Kane, Randy Orton, and Seth Rollins make their way to the ring.

We are reminded that it was announced that Randy Orton will face Roman Reigns at SummerSlam.

Triple H says that we are two weeks away from the biggest pay per view of the summer and you can see it all live on the WWE Network for $9.99. He says that he is not the type of guy who likes to pat himself on the back, but he is going to do that right now. This could be the biggest SummerSlam card in history.

At SummerSlam, you will see Bray Wyatt face Chris Jericho. You can see it on the WWE Network for just $9.99. Mr. Money in the Bank Seth Rollins will face the Unstable Dean Ambrose. You can see it on the WWE Network for just $9.99. Hunter says that Seth came to him with an idea. Tonight, there will be a Beat the Clock Challenge. Each man will try to beat their opponent and the one who does it in the shortest amount of time will get to announce the stipulation at SummerSlam. Dean Ambrose will face Alberto Del Rio. Seth will not have an easy opponent. Seth will face Rob Van Dam.

Stephanie McMahon says that she is happy to see the fans booing her too and she is wearing cowboy boots too. We will have the official contract signing tonight for her match against Brie Bella. You can see it on the WWE Network for just $9.99. If Brie gets out of line, she will slap Brie hard enough that she will end up in a hospital bed next to her husband, Daniel Bryan. Stephanie responds to the ‘Yes’ chants by saying yes she will.

Hunter says that in what could be the biggest fight of the summer, the Beast Incarnate will try to take the championship from the 15 time WWE Champion John Cena. You can see it on the WWE Network for just $9.99.

Hunter says that there is more and Randy Orton takes the mic. He says the best part of SummerSlam is his guarantee to them. He will continue to methodically decimate Roman Reigns. Roman took something dear from him. He took his chance to be the WWE Champoin. We see the remains from Reigns after what he did to him last week. Last week was only a taste . . .

Roman Reigns interrupts Randy with his music and he makes his way into the aisle.

Roman says that Randy claims the Viper is back. That means that Roman stood up to everything that the Viper gave and he is still here. Roman says that he will beat the Viper’s ass for free . . . tonight.

Hunter tells Randy that he has Roman Reigns, but he faces him at SummerSlam. Orton wants him right now. Tonight, Roman Reigns faces a demon. Hunter expects to see a demon . . . tonight. Roman will face Kane in a Last Man Standing Match.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Kane versus Roman Reigns in a Last Man Standing Match

Reigns with a kick and punches but Kane with a knee and uppercut. Kane with an Irish whip but Reigns with a clothesline out of the corner. Reigns with a punch but Kane with a DDT and the referee makes his first count. Kane with uppercuts and elbows followed by an Irish whip and clothesline in the corner. Kane runs into a boot and Reigns with a clothesline out of the corner.

Kane rolls to the floor and Reigns follows with a punch to the back of the head and then he sends Kane into the announce table and then over the ring steps. Once Kane gets up, Reigns with a clothesline off the ring steps. Reigns with a punch to the midsection and then he runs Kane into the ringside barrier. Kane Irish whips Reigns into the ring steps and the referee starts his count.

Kane sends Reigns into the ring post and then he sets up the steps on the ramp. Kane tries to send Reigns into the steps but Reigns stops him and Reigns with punches and head butts. Reigns sends Kane into the ringside barrier. Reigns with a shoulder to Kane but Kane sends Reigns into the ringside barrier and the referee makes his count.

Kane grabs a kendo stick and he hits Reigns in the back and then the chest before returning to the back for more kendo stick shots. Kane hits Reigns in the head with the steel ring steps. Kane is sent into Justin Roberts’ corner as we go to commercial.

We are back and Reigns hangs over the middle rope and Kane with an uppercut. Kane returns to the ring and he tries to send Reigns into the turnbuckles but Reigns reverses it and he sends Kane into the chair that was wedged into the turnbuckles and both men are down. The referee starts his count but both are up. Reigns with punches and a flying clothesline followed by a clothesline in the corner and uppercut. Reigns with a clothesline into the corner and an uppercut and Kane falls into the ropes for the Juggernaut Drop Kick.

Kane rolls to the floor and he punches Reigns. Reigns reverses an Irish whip into the ring steps on the ramp and Kane is sent shoulder first into them and the referee starts his count. Reigns sends Kane into the ringside barrier and Reigns gets a table and brings it into the ring. Kane hits Reigns from behind and they re-enter the ring. Kane sets up the table. Reigns with a Samoan Drop.

Reigns sets for the Superman Punch and Kane catches him and Kane choke slams Reigns through the table and the referee starts his count. Reigns starts to get up and he is up at Nine point Nine Nine. Kane punches Reigns and then he puts the chair in the center of the ring. Kane sets for a tombstone on the chair but Reigns escapes and counters with a DDT on the chair and the referee counts.

Kane gets up but Reigns with a Superman punch and Kane is down. For some reason the referee is not counting because that would mean that Reigns could not do the spear. Kane blocks the spear the first time, but not on the second attempt and Kane is down. The referee remembers to count. Kane tries to get up but he cannot prop himself up with the ropes before the ten count.

Winner: Roman Reigns

We go to commercial with a tease of a video feature for the Lesnar/Cena match.

We are back and it is time to focus on the WWE World Title Match with a video package about Brock and John. Paul Heyman says that bad things happen to good people when you step into the ring with Brock Lesnar. Brock says that he is an ass kicking son of a bitch and he does not care who he pisses off. He came back to be the champ. He does not give a f*** about who is in his way. He only wants that person to feel pain. If you want to wrap your head around his world, Brock likes to hurt people.

Everything that has been put in front of Brock Lesnar, he has conquered. He comes off his biggest win of his career. He just beat the Undertaker (four months ago). He knew he was going to beat the Undertaker. Everyone knew it, but they couldn’t accept it. Did they think Taker would win because he is a mythological god? Why can’t Brock Lesnar beat John Cena at SummerSlam?

John Cena says that he does not want to talk about his successes. He is fortunate to be where he is. He only looks forward. He sees what is in front of him. Brock Lesnar is the most difficult person he has been in the ring with. He is the toughest. The good news is that he has been in the ring with Brock and he knows what he is in store for.

Brock says that he will rip John Cena limb from limb and it is going to be ugly.

John says that it will be the toughest match of his life and Paul said that John will be in for the beating of a lifetime. John says that he knows how to beat Brock. John tells Brock to come get some.

John wants to be the one who beat the one.

Brock says that he left the company to make a name for himself. If he never left, there would be no John Cena. He would not be getting paid by Fruity Pebbles.

John says that if Brock did not leave, there would be no John Cena. Brock is a mercenary and hired gun who works for money and can fight every once in a while. John says that for twelve years, he has dedicated his life to this company.

Brock says that he will rip John Cena apart at SummerSlam and he will stand over him holding the WWE Championship with pride. He will leave John in a pile of blood, urine, and vomit.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Boomer Sooner plays and Damien Sandow comes out. He says that for those of you not familiar with the Red River Rivalry, throughout history, the Oklahoma Sooners have dominated the Texas Longhorns. At this year’s Red River Showdown, there will be absolutely no hooking of horns. The only thing that will be will be the Oklahoma Sooners standing victorious holding the trophy.

Match Number Two: Mark Henry versus Damien Sandow

Sandow puts the horns down and Henry shows him how to do it. Sandow with a kick but Henry with a punch and then he picks up Sandow for the World’s Strongest Slam and the three count.

Winner: Mark Henry

Adam Rose and his Rosebuds are in the back and he says that it is the Oculus mirror. It is inhabited by an evil spirit and those who look into it will see their evil spirit. Adam says that he does not believe it. The rosebuds tell him not to do it. Adam looks into the mirror and we get Halloween music and he isn’t a Lemon, he is a lawyer.

Adam says that he saw himself as a lemon and he tells them to go.

Match Number Three: Dean Ambrose versus Alberto Del Rio

They lock up and Del Rio backs Ambrose into the corner and Del Rio with a kick to the ribs followed by a snap mare and drop kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Ambrose punches Del Rio on the turnbuckles and then he snap mares Del Rio and gets a near fall. Ambrose with another near fall. Ambrose with a chop and he sends Del Rio into the turnbuckles. Del Rio with an Irish whip followed by an enzuigiri for a near fall. Del Rio punches Ambrose and hits a DDT.

Del Rio kicks Ambrose in the corner and chokes him. Ambrose with a double leg take down and punches. Del Rio goes to the floor but Ambrose follows. They go in and out of the ring. Del Rio Irish whips Ambrose into the ringside barrier. Del Rio sends Ambrose back into the ring and Del Rio goes up top for a forearm to the head and he gets a near fall.

Del Rio with a reverse chin lock. Del Rio punches Ambrose and Ambrose with an inside cradle for a near fall. Del Rio with a clothesline. Del Rio chokes Ambrose in the ropes. Del Rio wrings the arm in the corner and stretches the arm on the middle rope.

Del Rio pulls Ambrose to the floor and Ambrose Irish whips Del Rio into the ringside barrier. Ambrose with a suplex to Del Rio on the floor. Ambrose rolls Del Rio back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Ambrose goes into the ring post when Del Rio moves. Del Rio with a cross arm breaker while in the ropes and Del Rio releases the hold at four. Del Rio comes off the turnbuckles but Ambrose with a punch to the midsection. Ambrose with punches and then he connects with a shoulder tackle. Ambrose with a cross body and punches.

Ambrose with punches in the corner and he runs his forearm across the bridge of the nose. Ambrose with an elbow but Del Rio avoids a tornado DDT and he sends Ambrose to the mat. Del Rio with a super kick and Ambrose rolls to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio with a key lock on Ambrose. Ambrose gets to his feet and he punches Del Rio. Del Rio with a DDT and then he goes to the floor and he puts Ambrose’s head against the ring post and Del Rio misses a boot to the head and Ambrose with a suicide dive and Del Rio goes into the front row.

Ambrose sends Del Rio back into the ring and Dean goes up top and hits a missile drop kick. Ambrose with shoulders in the corner followed by punches. Del Rio with an Irish whip but he misses a step up enzuigiri. Ambrose with a tornado DDT and he gets a near fall. Ambrose tries to get some feeling back into his shoulder by slamming it into the mat before he sets for the Dean Driver. Del Rio sends Ambrose into the corner and Del Rio with a kick to the shoulder.

Del Rio puts Ambrose on the turnbuckles and he sets for an inverted superplex and he hits it but Ambrose kicks out at two. Ambrose counters the float over into the cross arm breaker with a rollup for a near fall. Ambrose with a rebound lariat for a near fall. Del Rio with an arm breaker and then he applies the cross arm breaker in the ropes and releases the hold at four. Del Rio slaps Ambrose and he tries for the float over but Dean hits the Dean Driver for the three count.

Winner: Dean Ambrose (Time to beat 15:42)

The announcers wonder if Rollins can beat the clock, but remember that there is a contract signing tonight. We go to last week’s Raw to remember why this match is happening at SummerSlam.

Match Number Four: Rusev (with Lana and the Russian Flag) versus Sin Cara

We see footage from the commercial break with the match being completed with Rusev applying the Accolade.

Winner: Rusev

Lana says that as you know, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia tweeted a photo of the presidents of the United States and Russia. We are not here to disparage your president of the United States. He does that enough himself. It is the president’s birthday today. He is going to sing Happy Birthday to Barack Obama in Russian.

Jack Swagger’s music plays and he comes out with Zeb Colter and his large American flag.

Colter tells Lana to shut up and he says that he is sick and tired of hearing that shrill voice of hers. No wonder Russian men drink so much vodka. Colter says that he is sick and tired of Lana’s ‘Vladimir Putin’ and ‘Mother Russia’. He is sick of hearing Rusev Crush. You two Bolshevik twitheads have no idea what they are fighting at SummerSlam. Jack Swagger is fighting for the 50 stars and 13 bars as well as every Real American around the world.

Zeb shows us who Jack Swagger is fighting for. He is fighting for Nick and Megan. He is also fighting for the men and women in uniform. He tells Natasha and the Dancing Bear. Colter says the last thing you two peg legs will see is Old Glory waving in the breeze. The only thing that is going to be crushed is Natasha’s ego.

Rusev hits Swagger in the midsection with the flag and then he continues the assault on Swagger while Lana says something to Colter. Rusev sends Swagger over the top rope with the flag. Rusev sees Zeb in the ring and Zeb is ready to take a swing at Rusev.

We are back and Miz is at the announce table for the next match.

Match Number Five: Dolph Ziggler versus Cesaro

Cesaro with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a dead lift side salto for a near fall. Cesaro kicks Ziggler. Cesaro punches Ziggler and then applies a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a drop kick and then he goes for the leap into the corner but Cesaro catches Ziggler and hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Ziggler tries for an inside cradle but Cesaro blocks it and tries to turn it into a delayed vertical suplex but Ziggler lands on his feet and he hits the Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Miz enters the ring during Dolph’s celebration. Miz holds the title belt over his head and Ziggler teases leaving the ring, but he then tries for a super kick but Miz drops to the mat to avoid it.

Michael Cole mentions the three matches that have been added to SummerSlam. Miz defends the Intercontinental Title against Dolph Ziggler. Randy Orton wrestles Roman Reigns. AJ defends her Divas Title against Paige.

Tom Phillips asks Paige about the footage we just saw. Paige says that she wishes AJ a speedy recovery. She says how much she admires AJ and she is looking forward to facing her idol at SummerSlam. She hopes that AJ gets well and she hopes to see her real soon. She misses AJ and we go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Goldust and Stardust versus Ryback and Curtis Axel

Goldust and Ryback start things off and they lock up. Ryback misses a punch and Goldust with a punch followed by two reverse atomic drops but Ryback avoids a third one. Goldust with an uppercut and side head lock. Axel tags in and he trips Goldust. Ryback and Axel attack Goldust in the corner.

Axel with a drop kick. Ryback tags in and he punches Goldust and then hits a suplex for a near fall. Goldust punches Ryback and Axel but Axel stops Goldust and Ryback punches him. Axel tags in and he connects with a knee lift and he gets a near fall.

Stardust tags in and he hits a flying clothesline and a drop down kick. Stardust with a hip toss and cartwheel followed by a drop kick. Stardust gets a near fall and Ryback breaks up the cover. Ryback is sent into the ring post. Stardust with Dark Matter for the three count.

Winners: Stardust and Goldust

Hunter and Stephanie are in their office and Kane enters. He bows his head in disgrace and he removes his mask and hands it to Stephanie.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Kane showing much shame by surrendering his mask to Stephanie McMahon.

Match Number Seven: Chris Jericho versus Luke Harper in an If Jericho wins, Harper is banned from ringside at SummerSlam for Jericho’s match against Bray Wyatt Match

Harper punches Jericho in the corner and the referee warns him. Harper with a European uppercut and he head butts Jericho. Harper with an uppercut to the throat and he chokes Jericho. Harper with an uppercut in the corner. Jericho with chops out of the corner but Harper with a clothesline. Harper with an elbow across the chest and he gets a near fall. Harper with a Gator Roll into a side head lock. Jericho with elbows and punches and a kick followed by chops.

Jericho with an enzuigiri for a near fall. Jericho with kicks to the chest. Harper catches Jericho and he hits a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Harper with an Irish whip and elbow in the corner. Harper puts Jericho on the turnbuckles and he connects with uppercuts and an elbow to the back of the head. Jericho pushes Harper off the turnbuckles. Jericho leaps over Harper but Harper with a boot to the chest. Harper sets for a power bomb and he connects for a near fall.

Harper with a European uppercut followed by an Irish whip but Jericho with an elbow and bulldog. Jericho drop kicks Rowan off the apron and then Harper misses a splash into the corner and hits the turnbuckles. Jericho with a rollup for a near fall. Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho and he gets Harper turned over.

The Wyatt graphic plays and the lights go out. Bray Wyatt appears at ringside and Jericho ignores Harper. Jericho gives Rowan a Codebreaker and then he gives one to Harper. Wyatt clotheslines Jericho and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Chris Jericho (by disqualification)

After the match, Wyatt picks up Jericho and he hits Sister Abigail. Bray tells us to Follow the Buzzards.

We go to commercial.

We are back and AJ Lee will be on Main Event.

Match Number Eight: Diego (with Summer Rae, Layla El, and El Torito) versus Fandango (with Horndango)

Fandango punches Diego and connects with a European uppercut and more punches. Diego with a drop kick and Horndango gets on the apron and Fandango knocks him off the apron when Diego moves. Diego with a lungblower for the three count.


After the match, Hornswoggle joins Summer and Layla in the ring with Torito and Diego. It appears that the hatchet has been buried since he joins in the Fandango Hat Dance. Fandango pushes Hornswoggle down and Diego punches Fandango. Torito with a seated splash on Fandango.

Renee Young is in the locker room with Randy Orton. She asks Randy about the Kane/Reigns match, but Orton has some footage of his own. We see what Orton did to Reigns last week on Raw.

Randy says that he doesn’t want to talk about Kane and Reigns. Kane is one of the most vicious superstars but he is nowhere near as sick, twisted, or sadistic as him. He will prove that he can strike any time and anywhere. He tells Reigns to have his head on a swivel because he might kick it off.

Match Number Nine: Bo Dallas versus R Truth

They lock up and Bo backs Truth into the corner but he misses a punch. The referee holds Truth back and Truth with a back body drop. Bo with punches but Truth with a back elbow and he punches Bo. Truth with a splash into the corner and he punches Bo. Bo with an elbow but he misses a clothesline and Truth with a drop kick. Truth misses a scissors kick and Bo with an O’Connor Roll and a handful of Truth’s pants for the three count.

Winner: Bo Dallas

After the match, Bo does a victory lap but Truth goes after Bo and he sends Bo into the ringside barrier and then against the apron. Truth punches Bo but Bo sends Truth into the ring steps. Bo with a BoDog off the apron. Bo does another victory lap.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bray Wyatt says that is a question that has plagued him. Why do they say what they say? Why do the sheep run from the hungry wolf? Bray says that he enters the threshold of battle without his brothers, but he is not alone. Her hand guides him. How can you save what is already dead. How can you forget what is already burned in his head? What is he? He is Bray Wyatt. He is the nightmare at the end of your dreams.

Bray sings.

We see the Brock Lesnar/John Cena video package again.

Paul Heyman says that bad things happen to good people when you step into the ring with Brock Lesnar. Brock says that he is an ass kicking son of a bitch and he does not care who he pisses off. He came back to be the champ. He does not give a f*** about who is in his way. He only wants that person to feel pain. If you want to wrap your head around his world, Brock likes to hurt people.

Everything that has been put in front of Brock Lesnar, he has conquered. He comes off his biggest win of his career. He just beat the Undertaker (four months ago). He knew he was going to beat the Undertaker. Everyone knew it, but they couldn’t accept it. Did they think Taker would win because he is a mythological god? Why can’t Brock Lesnar beat John Cena at SummerSlam?

John Cena says that he does not want to talk about his successes. He is fortunate to be where he is. He only looks forward. He sees what is in front of him. Brock Lesnar is the most difficult person he has been in the ring with. He is the toughest. The good news is that he has been in the ring with Brock and he knows what he is in store for.

Brock says that he will rip John Cena limb from limb and it is going to be ugly.

John says that it will be the toughest match of his life and Paul said that John will be in for the beating of a lifetime. John says that he knows how to beat Brock. John tells Brock to come get some.

John wants to be the one who beat the one.

Brock says that he left the company to make a name for himself. If he never left, there would be no John Cena. He would not be getting paid by Fruity Pebbles.

John says that if Brock did not leave, there would be no John Cena. Brock is a mercenary and hired gun who works for money and can fight every once in a while. John says that for twelve years, he has dedicated his life to this company.

Brock says that he will rip John Cena apart at SummerSlam and he will stand over him holding the WWE Championship with pride. He will leave John in a pile of blood, urine, and vomit.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Ten: Rob Van Dam versus Seth Rollins in a Beat the Clock Match (15:42 is the time to beat)

Justin Roberts announces that there is a no opponent for Seth Rollins.

Match Number Ten: Heath Slater versus Seth Rollins in a Beat the Clock Match (15:42 is the time to beat)

Rollins says something to Slater and offers for him to get counted out. Slater thinks about it and Slater punches Rollins. Rollins kicks and punches Slater. Rollins with kicks in the corner. Rollins kicks Slater and chokes him.

Dean Ambrose is at ringside and Rollins has something to say to him. Rollins misses a splash in the corner and Slater with a neck breaker for a near fall. Rollins punches Slater. Ambrose takes the briefcase and takes a look at it. Rollins with a knee and slam for a near fall as Ambrose opens the briefcase and looks at the contract. Ambrose rips up the contract.

Rollins yells at Ambrose and he turns around into a heel kick for a near fall. Dean takes a drink from a fan while Rollins gets a near fall. Dean pours the drink in the briefcase and Rollins with a knee to Slater. Dean takes some popcorn and it distracts Rollins. Rollins punches Slater and Slater punches back. Ambrose adds some popcorn to the soda in the briefcase.

Dean puts on John’s cowboy hat and he puts it in the briefcase before closing it. Dean holds the briefcase over his head while standing on the announce table and Slater gets a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Heath Slater

After the match, Rollins takes is briefcase and he yells at the announcers for what happened.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dean Ambrose will announce his stipulation for SummerSlam at Smackdown.

Stephanie McMahon and Triple H make their way to the ring where the official contract signing table, chairs, and carpet are set up. Nikki and Brie Bella make their way to the ring.

Triple H says that in two weeks at SummerSlam, which you can see on the WWE Network for $9.99, there will be a historic match between Brie Bella and Stephanie McMahon. When an icon steps out of retirement, it is his job to oversee such a thing. When the icon is his wife and the mother of his children, it presents a personal conflict. Hunter says that he has asked Michael Cole to officiate things. Hunter says that he is here as a loving, proud, and devoted husband.

Brie wants this done before everyone starts throwing up.

Stephanie says that Brie should understand about supportive husbands. She asks here Brie’s puny, hippie dippie husband is. Is he still recovering?

Brie says that Daniel is still recovering, but she asks if Stephanie has recovered from . . . We see Stephanie being arrested a few weeks ago on Raw.

Brie asks Steph if when she was made a jailbird, was it easier to trade in her power suit for an orange jumpsuit or was it easier for Stephanie to trade in Hunter for her cellmate, Beulah.

Brie says that she will not only embarrass Stephanie, it will happen in front of the WWE Universe. She will send a message that the great Stephanie McMahon is a fraud and failure. An embarrassment to the McMahon family. It is not just for her, Nikki, or Daniel. It is for Vickie Guerrero, the Big Show, the Rhodes Family, and for every other person the roster they have tortured week after week for their own amusement. Brie says that karma always comes around and it will come crashing down on her in ways that Stephanie cannot imagine.

Brie signs the contract and calls Stephanie a conniving petty piece of trash.

Stephanie says that she doesn’t know what to do after what Brie said. She says that all of those wrestling families enjoy being represented by Brie. Stephanie says that she is a fourth generation McMahon. Brie is a wannabe reality star who abandoned her husband and stole the spotlight from her sister for a match at SummerSlam. She calls Brie a shallow shell of a woman. Stephanie says that she is embarrassed to be in the same ring as Brie. She will put an end to Brie’s pathetic attempt to make history.

Stephanie says that she will tear Brie’s heart out at SummerSlam.

We get a staredown and then Stephanie throws the contract at Nikki and Hunter uses the table to keep Brie in the corner. Stephanie with a Pedigree to Nikki. Hunter and Stephanie do the Yes Chant and then Brie slaps Hunter. Stephanie slams Brie’s head into the contract signing table. Stephanie with a Pedigree to Brie.

We go to credits.