View Full Version : Evan Bourne talks failed drug tests, marijuana & more; Plus WWE Network note

08-11-2014, 12:14 AM
Firstly a funny WWE Network note:

Former WWE star Evan Bourne revealed during a his recent live YouShoot that he got a free WWE Network subscription when he was released by WWE a few weeks ago.

Interview with Bourne:

Former WWE Superstar Evan Bourne (Matt Sydal) took part in a special live shoot interview with Kayfabe Commentaries over the weekend. He was asked about being suspended by WWE for failing a drug test and if he regrets it.

"Do I regret it? Duh. Basically I failed for that synthetic marijuana which I was smoking instead of normal marijuana for some ridiculous reason. I thought I could get away with it and I did for a while. Then I got caught and I was like, 'well I don't do that anymore.' Then lo and behold I ended up doing it again the night before a test, the second time, and that was that. That was that. Very Very much regret it, duh. What kind of question is that?"

Bourne was also asked what kind of synthetic marijuana he smoked.

"I smoked this garbage called Serenity Now, which in the beginning was a lot like weed except I could smoke it and not fail my test for weed, which had been a problem. I failed a couple tests for marijuana. I was trying to not do that because it stays in your system for a while. I was like, 'I can just try this stuff, it tastes good, it's fine.' What happened was, as it grew in popularity, the formulas changed and the stuff started getting really bad. But by then I was kind of hooked on smoking it all the time. I was buying way too much of it."

Bourne said he apologized to Kofi Kingston before the drug test results even came back. He said Kofi was supportive the whole time and does not smoke marijuana.

To watch a replay, click here (http://wwnlive.com/event-kc-ys-msydal.html) (cost: US $15.99).