View Full Version : WWE creative team releases due to cutbacks

08-11-2014, 07:21 PM
As part of WWE's cutbacks in the last week, there was a creative purge.

Depending on who you ask, three or five writers were let go from the creative team.

Also gone from the company is Edward Feldmann, who held the position of Senior Vice President of Creative. Prior to working for WWE, Feldmann had worked on a number of series in writing and production roles, including Arli$$, The Dennis Miller Show, The Wanda Sykes Show, Law & Order and Married with Children. He had worked right under Triple H.

Big Evil
08-11-2014, 07:30 PM
If you ask me the more firings of sitcom writers the better. We don't need people who don't know and love wrestling in charge of creative. We need minds like Paul Heyman, whose time at the top of creative saw some quality wrestling writing and good ratings to go along with that. We need people who are in the industry, know it inside and out, and have good ideas to push the wrestling product forward. I don't understand what the WWE was ever thinking hiring people outside the business who don't have a clue what works and what doesn't. Not to mention they try to tell us what we like and we don't like being told what to do!

08-11-2014, 07:40 PM
If you ask me the more firings of sitcom writers the better. We don't need people who don't know and love wrestling in charge of creative. We need minds like Paul Heyman, whose time at the top of creative saw some quality wrestling writing and good ratings to go along with that. We need people who are in the industry, know it inside and out, and have good ideas to push the wrestling product forward. I don't understand what the WWE was ever thinking hiring people outside the business who don't have a clue what works and what doesn't. Not to mention they try to tell us what we like and we don't like being told what to do!

I had the same thoughts, I also like Triple H's wrestling mind also. He is helping creative with his input IMO and putting WWE in a good direction right now. These cutbacks can only be a good thing.

Big Evil
08-12-2014, 02:14 AM
You're exactly right. Triple H does have a great mind for the business, and he is improving NXT by having control over the direction it is going. The issue is that Vince McMahon doesn't want to relinquish any real amount of control and Triple H can't get his ideas across to the main shows. Once this happens, I think we will see the product improve. I hate to say that McMahon is out of touch, but that is probably the closest way to describe what is happening. What worked in the 80's and 90's isn't working with the crowd of today and he won't get on track with what works. We have been in a slow decline in terms of creative for a number of years and despite a spike now and then it hasn't changed much. Not to mention dropping feuds and pulling 180* turns at a moments notice when things don't go the way they plan. Hopefully Vinnie Mac goes into retirement soon but I get how hard it must be for him to say goodbye.

08-12-2014, 05:08 AM
Yeah, I could imagine how hard it would be for Vinnie to retire WWE is his baby, he has nurtured it to where it is over many decades. He does not need to retire, just get fresh input and go with it. IMO it is money that is driving Vinnie right now more than creative as such, look at Cena, in the 80s or 90s he would have been heel at least for a while a long time ago, instead he still hasn't after 12 long years lol I could be wrong it just about money for Vinnie now but he has his shareholders / stock to worry about now which he did not need to worry about in the past ... just ratings.