View Full Version : *SPOILERS* Smackdown Results - 15th Aug, 2014

08-13-2014, 06:05 AM
After Main Event, Adam Rose came to the ring for a dark match with Xavier Woods before the Smackdown taping began. Rose dominated the early parts of the match, with the Rosebuds at ringside cheering him on. Xavier hit his flipping clothesline out of the corner to take control and applied a side headlock while the crowd started chanting faintly for Rose. It seems people are confused who to cheer since both seem to be playing the babyface.

Rose hits a bunch of elbow strikes in the corner, followed by a spinebuster to set up the corner clothesline and Faceplant finisher for the win and Rosebud celebration.

Smackdown kicks off with Miz TV, sporting the upside-down scratch logo above the ring. Roman Reigns is the guest, with Miz saying Roman may have a hard time rising to the occasion of being a Superstar and interrupting Roman whenever he attempts to talk. Miz says he knows he is a role model to Reigns as a Superstar who has been in movies. As Mix lists off his movies, Roman punches him in the face, knocking him out of the ring. Roman says a guy with great hair and a great smile just knocked the Miz on his ass. The Miz scampers to the back while the crowd chants "Roman," who says it's great to be in Seattle.

He says Orton has won championship after championship and he respects that. This gives Randy every reason to respect Roman when he beats him at SummerSlam.

First match on the show is Sean Ambrose vs. Cesaro. After a package recapping Dean attacking Seth Rollins on Raw, the match begins. It's back and forth early, then Ambrose sends Cesaro to the outside and hits him with a tope over the top.

Cesaro hits a double-underhook powerbomb and elbow off the second rope for two, then hits a European uppercut in the corner. Cesaro went for the outside to inside superplex but Ambrose countered with a bite to the face. After another exchange, Cesaro hits a reverse Death Valley Driver for 2, which gets the crowd chanting "this is awesome." Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds for the win

Seth Rollins interrupts and says he is the future of the WWE, he is better than Seth Ambrose, and SummerSlam will bring finality. He is better than a rabid hellcat who should be locked away. The lights go out before the next segment, and when they come back on, Sting is standing in the middle of the ring. Just kidding. As Miz tries to leave the building, Kane stops him and says he is giving the money-maker a little more airtime tonight in a match against Reigns.

The next match is Titus O'Neil vs Dolp Ziggler. After a game of cat and mouse, Ziggler hits a picture-perfect dropkick to start the action. Titus then takes over with a series of power moves until Dolph reverses one with the Zig Zag for the pin.

Mark Henry brings The Big Show to the ring with him for his match against Luke Harper. Big Sexual Chocolate chant.

Mark Henry brings The Big Show to the ring with him for his match against Luke Harper. Big Sexual Chocolate chant. It was a slow match that didn't get off to much of a start. A few rest holds and clotheslines, then Mark had Harper up for the Worlds Strongest Slam and Eric Rowan came in and interfered, causing the DW. Kane came out and restarted it as a tag match since that's what's best for business.

The match was restarted and was slow-going. Towards the end, Big Show hit a back suplex on Harper and both men tagged their partners. Henry hit a few clotheslines on Rowan and picked him up for the Worlds Strongest Slam. While holding him, Show nailed Rowan with the KO Punch and Henry slammed him for the pin.

After recapping Michael Cole's Wednesday interview with Steph where she talks about how embarrassed she is to be stepping in the ring with trash like Brie, AJ heads to the ring to take on Eva Marie in a rematch from Raw. A smattering of CM Punk chants to start it off. AJ pulled out a huge chunk of Eva Marie's hair on a takedown, which surprised AJ and the crowd. Paige interfered and began brawling with AJ, who got counted out, giving the win to Eva. This was the exact same finish that saw Heath Slater beat Dolph Ziggler last night on Raw. Afterwards, Paige beat down AJ.

It looks like AJ may have been legitimately hurt, as she is still down in the ring with a bunch of officials around her during the commercial break with the lights down. She is getting helped to the back by two officials. The crew was going to remove one of the canvases, but focused on AJ for a couple of minutes instead.

Up next, Jack Swagger vs Bo Dallas. In about as much time as it took me to write then sentence, Swagger applied the ankle lock and forced Bo to tap out. Rude and Lana then came out. Lana says they will dedicate their victory to Vladamir Putin.

During the break, Bo Dallas took the mic and said what happened was that he was trying to get to the rope and the "silly referee thought I was tapping out but I forgive him and everyone makes mistakes." He said he absolutely Bo-lieves that at SummerSlam, Rusev will crush Jack Swagger.

Roman Reigns and the Miz are up next. Good back and forth shots in the beginning, ending with Roman throwing Miz into the barricade a couple of times. Miz worked the leg and applied the figure four, which Roman escaped. Roman then hit his outside kick and Miz tried to leave. Dolph appeared, and Mix turned around into a Superman Punch on the outside. A spear back in the ring and it was over. Roman wins.

08-13-2014, 06:38 PM
After the show went off the air, the Wyatt Family music hit and the trio made their way to the ring. Then Seth Rollins music came on, and he was on his was down, followed by Kane. Dean Ambrose came in, followed by Sheamus. The babyfaces disposed of the heels, with Ambrose hitting a dive on Rollins, Sheamus hitting Brogue Kicks on Harper and Rowan, and Reigns hitting the Superman Punch and spear on Bray and Kane. That was it.

Literally no in-ring promos to hype SummerSlam. Just a bunch of seemingly thrown together, meaningless matches on the final show before the event.