View Full Version : Warrior's Widow Asks Hogan to Stop Commenting

08-16-2014, 06:19 AM

- The widow of Ultimate Warrior, Dana Warrior, is upset with remarks Hulk Hogan made to Grantland concerning her deceased husband. In the video interview that we posted earlier today, Hogan recounted his final encounter with Warrior, their contentious relationship, and how he learned of his shocking death.

Dana issued a statement on Facebook and Twitter tonight requesting that he not comment on her ex-husband. Her statement reads:

"Statement from Dana Warrior

"I've been really quiet since the passing of my husband and the father of my girls. Someone sent me what Mr Bollea had to say in video interview with Grantland yesterday and I would just like to ask him to stop.

"He is the only person in the WWE Universe who did not give a call or send a card. My girls asked why he didn't check on us like everyone else and I explained simply there isn't a camera at our mailbox or in the house when we receive our calls.

"I would ask respectfully Mr Bollea, for you to understand my girls hurt and just let some time pass before you say anything more.

"Dana A Warrior."

Y0UR Messiah
08-17-2014, 09:56 PM
Hogan has always been a dick.

08-18-2014, 08:07 PM
I have been asking him to stop talking for twenty years, he doesn't seem to care when people want him to shut up.

08-18-2014, 09:03 PM
Hogan is not the only one who has bad commented on Warrior and probably still does.

08-19-2014, 07:18 PM
Hogan is not the only one who has bad commented on Warrior and probably still does.

Well lets not let death completely blind reality, Warrior was borderline psychotic and rambled on like a dick towards a lot of people and burned more bridges than a professional bridge burning brigade but hogan doesnt need to run his mouth about everything in the world just to try and get headlines.

08-20-2014, 09:15 PM
Well lets not let death completely blind reality, Warrior was borderline psychotic and rambled on like a dick towards a lot of people and burned more bridges than a professional bridge burning brigade but hogan doesnt need to run his mouth about everything in the world just to try and get headlines.

Warrior was giving his very unique opinion on many things and persons and did not think mayba twice or three times before making statements...but I have the impression that Hogan gives his two cents on EVERYTHING that's near a headline and tries to make himself more important than he is