View Full Version : ROH TV Report / Results - 16th Aug, 2014

08-18-2014, 08:53 PM
Tonight is the end of Kevin Steen’s tenure in Ring of Honor. In his final match, he will wrestle Steve Corino. After Steen is done with this match, will he join his former tag team partner in Mexico to care for orphans?

Kevin Steen says that when he was 11 years old, his dad put in a VHS tape of a wrestling show and it changed his life. At that point, he wanted to be a wrestler. Ring of Honor has given him that opportunity for the last seven years. He is proud of everything that he has accomplished, but a big part of that dream is a man by the name of Steve Corino. Since they first met ten years ago, Steve has taken him under his wing.

There have been times when they have been on opposite sides of the ring, but Steve was helping him. Those matches shaped who Kevin is now. That is why he chose Steve to be his final opponent in Ring of Honor. He is honored, but don’t think that he will take it easy on Steve. He is going out with a win.

We are in Dearborn, Michigan and your announcers are Kevin ‘Farewell Mr. Steen’ Kelly and Nigel ‘Au Revoir Kevin’ McGuinness.

Match Number One: ACH versus Tadarius Thomas (with Adam Page and Jimmy Jacobs)

Instead of the Code of Honor being followed, Jacobs spits water in ACH’s face.

They lock up and Thomas with a side head lock but ACH with a take down and float over. Thomas and ACH with a series of reversals and ACH rolls away. Jacobs tries to distract and intimidate ACH. ACH with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. ACH with a handspring and back flip and then Thomas with a head scissors but ACH lands on his feet.

Thomas with a kick to the midsection followed by a forearm. Thomas with an Irish whip and a running back elbow in the corner. Thomas with more elbows in the corner. ACH blocks a hip toss but Thomas with an arm drag. ACH with an uppercut to Thomas. ACH goes for a flip clothesline but Thomas with a bridge into a crab walk position. Thomas with a head scissors that sends ACH to the floor.

Thomas sets for a dive to the floor but ACH moves and Thomas lands on the apron and poses for the crowd. ACH goes for Thomas on the apron but Thomas with a cartwheel to the floor. ACH goes to the apron and he hits a running kick to the chest and ACH poses for the crowd.

ACH goes to the floor and he chops Thomas against the apron. ACH with another chop while the referee continues his count. They return to the ring and he chops Thomas. Thomas with an Irish whip but Ach goes to the apron and ACH with a shoulder. ACH goes for a slingshot move but Thomas with a kick that sends ACH to the floor. Thomas tries for a baseball slide but ACH rolls back into the ring. ACH goes for a suicide dive but Thomas moves and he kicks ACH in the chest as ACH crashes and burns into the guardrails.

Thomas with a chop against the guardrails followed by a kick that sends ACH into the front row as we go to commercial.

We see highlights from Steen’s match against Nigel McGuinness at Northern Navigation in 2008.

We also see footage from Steen’s victory over Davey Richards at Border Wars 2012 to become the Ring of Honor World Champion.

We are back and Thomas with forearms to ACH. ACH with forearms of his own. Thomas with a knee and then he kicks Ach to show him no respect. Thomas with a kick that sends ACH to the mat one more time. Thomas kicks ACH into the corner. Thomas with elbows in the corner followed by an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. ACH with a flatline into the turnbuckles.

Thomas misses a punch and ACH with chops. ACH with punches and forearms followed by a loud chop. ACH with a kick to the chest, but he misses a round kick and an enzuigiri when Thomas ducks. Thomas with a nerve hold but ACH pushes him away. Thomas charges at ACH but ACH with a kick and the momentum sends ACH to the apron. ACH from the apron with a tornado DDT and he gets a near fall.

ACH tries for a Yakuza Kick in the corner but Thomas moves to the apron. Thomas with a round kick and then he comes back into the ring. ACH misses a series of kicks and then Thomas misses a kick, but Thomas does not miss with a forearm to the head. Thomas with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall.

Thomas with a waist lock to pick up ACH. Thomas goes for a half nelson German suplex but ACH backs him into the corner. ACH runs into a boot. Thomas with a back heel kick followed by a half nelson German suplex for a near fall. Thomas tries for a snap mare but ACH holds on to the ropes. Thomas with kicks to the chest and ACH goes down to the mat.

ACH blocks a slam attempt and ACH spits at Thomas. ACH wants Thomas to hit him and Thomas with punches and kicks to ACH. Thomas misses a round kick. ACH misses a round kick and an enzuigiri but he tries for a second enzuigiri and he connects. ACH gets a near fall. ACH spits out some blood. ACH goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Thomas counters with a sunset flip attempt but ACH refuses to go over. ACH sets for a double stomp but Thomas with another bridge.

Thomas avoids ACH but ACH with a kick to the head and a leaping double stomp for a near fall. ACH goes to the apron and then he climbs the turnbuckles. Jacobs throws a water bottle at ACH, and even though it missed its target, it distracts ACH long enough to allow Thomas to grab his leg.

Thomas climbs the turnbuckles and hits a swinging neck breaker from the top turnbuckle but he can only get a near fall. Thomas is told to break ACH’s jaw and ACH is put against the ring post. Thomas goes for a running boot into the corner but ACH moves and Thomas crotches himself in the turnbuckles. Thomas falls to the floor and ACH with a Fosbury Flop onto Thomas. ACH rolls Thomas back into the ring and he goes for a 450 splash but he misses, but he is able to roll through. Thomas with an elbow in the corner followed by a back heel kick. ACH with a leaping kick into the corner and then he goes up top again and hits the 450 splash for the three count.

Winner: ACH

After the match, Jacobs, Whitmer, and Page enter the ring while ACH goes to the floor. Whitmer says that Thomas is an embarrassment and then they slap Page for Thomas’ loss. Page stands up to Jacobs and Thomas stands up to Whitmer and then they are told to leave the ring and they comply with Jimmy and BJ’s orders.

We see a video package for Cedric Alexander showing his feud with Roderick Strong and his victory in the Golden Gauntlet to become the number one contender.

We will see Cedric’s match against Michael Elgin for the Ring of Honor Title in two weeks.

We see highlights from Kevin Steen versus El Generico at Final Battle 2012 and then we go to commercial.

We are back with a look at highlights of Kevin Steen and El Generico defeating the Age of the Fall at Driven 2008 to win the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Titles.

Kevin Steen makes his way to the ring and he is swallowed by a sea of streamers and he does snow angels in them (possibly to pay tribute to another former ROH Champion). Steen then lets the streamers cover him completely.

Steve Corino hands something to ring announcer Bobby Cruise.

Bobby says tonight we acknowledge the career of an ROH star who will venture into the great unknown. And like many before him, he will continue to carry the ROH spirit with him wherever he goes.

However, this man to my left is fighting a different battle and a different cause. One more day in the sun. Sixty Seven Championships . . . Four World Titles . . . Thirteen Countries . . . and no convictions. Fighting out of Emerald Isle, North Carolina. Weighing 253 pounds, the King of Old School, Steve Corino.

Match Number Two: Kevin Steen versus Steve Corino

Before the bell rings, both men follow the Code of Honor, but before the bell rings, Corino with a punch to Steen. Corino with another punch and Steen says something to Corino. Corino with a third punch and Steen with a forearm. They go back and forth with forearms and then they both connect with punches. Steen with a back elbow and Corino goes to the apron. Corino with a punch and Steen with a drop kick that sends Corino to the floor.

Corino moves when Steen sets for a dive so Steen goes to the apron and Corino with a leg sweep. Corino Irish whips Steen into the guardrails. Steen with a second Irish whip into the guardrails and he punches Steen. Steen and Corino with forearms. Steen sends Corino into the guardrails and he rolls into the ring to break the count.

Steen sees an El Generico match on a fan in the crowd and Steen asks for it and he puts it on. The crowd chants “Ole” and Steen with a Helluva Kick. Steen signals for one more and he connects. Steen sends Corino back into the ring and Corino with jabs to Steen and then he sets for the Bionic Elbow and then he dances like the American Dream. Corino sets for the Flying Asshole but Steen moves and Corino hits the corner and Steen with a chop.

Corino with an abdominal stretch and he looks like he is going to check the oil but Steen escapes and hits a Codebreaker. Steen hits the Flying Asshole and then he hits a cannonball in the corner for a near fall. Steen with a chop and Corino with an STO. Corino with forearms to Steen but he runs into a boot. Steen sends Corino to the floor and Corino pulls Steen to the floor.

Steen with a kick and then he goes for a power bomb on the apron but Steve escapes. They exchange forearms and they go for clotheslines and both men are down. The referee starts his count. Both men get up at nineteen and roll into the ring to break the count. We go to commercial.

We are back and Steen with a forearm but Corino fires back. They continue the exchange. Corino with a running forearm and a second forearm followed by a fisherman’s suplex for a nae fall. The straps come down for Corino. Corino goes up top and Steen stops Steve. Corino goes for a shoulder but Steen with a knee and a kick followed by an elevated DDT for a near fall. Steen goes up top and hits a swanton for a near fall.

Steen tries to get Corino up but Steen gets to his feet. Steen with a waist lock but Corino with an elbow and standing switch followed by Colby Shock for a near fall. Corino waits for Steen to get up and Steen blocks a clothesline and Steen with an enzuigiri followed by an F-Cinq but Corino kicks out. Steen tells Corino ‘I’m sorry’ as he picks Corino up for a package piledriver but Corino with a counter into a back body drop and super kick. Corino misses a clothesline with the right arm but he connects with the left.

Corino with a Sliding C lariat and he gets a near fall. Corino puts Steen on the turnbuckles and he punches Steen. Steen with head butts to stop Corino. Corino sets for a superplex but Steen counters with a Fisherman’s superplex but Corino kicks out at two. Corino counters the package piledriver again and he gets a near fall with a jackknife cover. Both men go for clotheslines and they both stay on their feet.

Corino with a super kick but Steen stays on his feet and Steen with a pop up power bomb and he rolls Corino through to set for the Package Piledriver and he connects and gets the three count.

Winner: Kevin Steen

After the match, streamers fill the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and Steen picks up Corino and he hugs him.

Jimmy Jacobs makes his way to the ring and it appears that we have a SCUM Reunion. Jacobs leaps into Steen’s arms and hugs him. Corino joins the hug and while Steen and Corino’s backs are to the entrance, Roderick Strong and BJ Whitmer make their way to the ring and they attack Steen and Corino.

Steen with a double clothesline to Strong and Whitmer and they go to the floor. ACH, Caprice Coleman, Cedric Alexander, Christopher Daniels, and Frankie Kazarian make their way to the ring to help Steen and Corino.

Jacobs says that he loves Steen, but he is walking out like everyone else.