View Full Version : *UPDATED* Mysterio on AAA iPPV; Del Rio bad mouths WWE and more

08-18-2014, 09:12 PM
Rey Mysterio, who is still under contract to WWE, appeared via video at the end of the Triplemania iPPV that aired last night. While wearing a sombrero, Mysterio said he wanted to celebrate AAA's anniversary and told the fans he would see them soon. The video faded out and a graphic that read "#FREEREY" then played. Mysterio is still under contract to WWE until the spring of 2015, according to one source. He and the company have been at odds for some time over his contract.

Alberto Del Rio opened the show cutting an anti-WWE promo and saying he had to deal with racism in the company before going into an angle where he and his father, Dos Caras, were interrupted by a group of heels who they then ran off. The "Alberto Del Rio" name (in a graphic) and theme music were both used.

Jeff Jarrett missed the show because of a travel day from hell. His flight from Nashville to Dallas was diverted due to storms and then flights to Mexico were canceled, preventing him from making it to the event. Jarrett noted on Twitter that it was the first time he had missed a booking due to weather.

King Ricochet also missed the show. As I noted in my House of Glory live report Saturday evening, he worked three matches en route to winning the tournament and then rushed to JFK airport (30 minutes from the venue) to catch a red eye flight to Mexico. Ricochet missed his flight by "five minutes" according to his Twitter, stranding him in NYC until he heads home and causing him to miss out on a pretty nice payday.

08-18-2014, 09:28 PM
Here is the English translation of the promo Alberto Del Rio cut at the open of AAA's Triplemania event:

"History will mark this day as the day that El Patron returned home. But the truth is, after listening to that grand reception, I don’t think El Patron ever left, because his heart belongs to you, it belongs to Mexico. A lot has been said about why I left, why I came back. Seven years ago I embarked on that dream, that adventure called America. And by suffering, blood, sweat and tears we showed North Americans and the entire world, that when you do things with heart, with passion, with love, and being humble under the eyes of God our Father, dreams do come true. Of course it wasn’t easy, and then came a day that the dream turned into a nightmare. Similar to many of you, or if not you, to family members of yours, who have gone to the other side looking for a better life for those that we love, I came across a monster, a monster called racism. Racism doesn’t distinguish sex, race, religion, color, it doesn’t care…if you have money, if you don’t have it. But this man that’s standing right here (points at his father Dos Caras), that has given me everything and has made me the person that I am, gave me the biggest gift a father can give his son – honesty and the spirit to triumph. He never lowered his head, so that I could learn to never lower it in front of anyone. I love you, Dad. In the U.S., they might be able to take my job, but they’ll never, ever take away my dignity and my pride. And on this night, my fellow Mexicans, I promise you and God that never again will someone come and disrespect my people, myself and all those that I love – because I am El Patron Alberto and I am Mexican ladies and gentlemen!"